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mazingerz88's avatar

Adventurous jellies, if given one billion dollars for the sole purpose of discovering the truth about any old mystery, which mystery will you choose?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29382points) October 16th, 2011

How are you going to allocate and spend the money? Guys, are you going to dress up like Indiana Jones? Will you look for Bigfoot or the Loch Ness monster or aliens?

What’s left of the billion dollars is yours if like Indy Jones, you nail your quarry down.

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32 Answers

everephebe's avatar

Dunno, does cold fusion count?

Blackberry's avatar

I would employ the greatest minds on the planet to create a vessel that could withstand the pressure of the ocean and go all the way to the bottom of the deepest trenches.


I don’t know if any amount of money will help me find the answer to this age old mystery, but I’d love to find out where we go after we die (and don’t tell me we go in the ground or in the incinerator——lol!)

Strauss's avatar

I would explore the similarities of the Incan and Egyptian pyramids.

mazingerz88's avatar

@Blackberry Yeah! How come no one came diving back into that deep trench after those guys broke that record in the Trieste ( ? ) many years ago? Not sure of the name.

jrpowell's avatar

D. B. Cooper.

I just want to find him to buy him lunch and give him a hug.

mazingerz88's avatar

@johnpowell Just checked the link and concluded there is no way he might still be hanging on a tree somewhere between Portland and Seattle. I think.

Sunny2's avatar

With our aging population, I’d put it into early identification and then eradication of Alzheimer’s.It’s too late for my generation, but the next generation coming along may be able to be spared. On the the other hand, there’s the problem of over-population and the fact that we have to die of something. I may have to think again.

Jellie's avatar

I’d try and find out how many fancy cars and gorgeous shoes it takes before I say okay I’m done.

Jokes apart I’d want to try and build a time machine.

Blackberry's avatar

Oh, and I’d also invest more in this.

cookieman's avatar

@Jellie: Sooo, which one was the joke?? :^)
I kid, I kid

I would like to do something charitable with it to aid children, but you said an “old mystery”. Hmmmm… :: thinking ::

Okay, similar in vein to Bart Ehrman’s work exploring the historical Jesus, I’d want a comprehensive analysis of what we know about the life of Jesus Christ and a thorough comparison to his stories in the bible. I’d like a film documentary made from the research with voice-over work done by James Earl Jones and Morgan Freeman.

Kato's avatar

@johnpowell “Brad Meltzer’s Decoded” at tv show on the history channel did a episode on DB copper it’s worth a watch it you can find it. I don’t want to spoil it for you though.

Kato's avatar

I happen to love history, if money and gadgets were no issue I would make a time viewer and watch real history play out. I don’t want to mess with history, even the slightest change in the past could destroy the present as we know it, I just want to know the truth, the story they leave out of the text books.

talljasperman's avatar

I would like to keep the mystery confidential from fluther…people might think I’m a wacko…

gr8teful's avatar

If there is a Heaven or a Hell and if not why are people so afraid of death?

Scooby's avatar

I’d put all my efforts into finding the location & truth behind King Solomon’s mines, if not for the gold then just for historical accuracy :-/ who those people really were.

28lorelei's avatar

How about the theory of everything (if such a thing exists)?

ragingloli's avatar

Nuclear Fusion, Replicators, Zero point energy generators, antigravity, FTL travel…
Lots of things to discover.

Dog's avatar

I would put it into discovering how the cell wall of Tuberculosis is constructed and how it might be weakened so the disease can finally be eradicated.

Kayak8's avatar

Cure AIDS, find out what happened to Amelia Earhart.

smilingheart1's avatar

For one billion I would see if James Cameron would pool in with me to raise the Titanic, re-open the Earhart case, see if the Kennedy Assasins were really inside jobs, bribe the Vatican to open the sealed documents, and if there was spare change left over try to find out if Jimmy Hoffa is in cement somewhere.

Ayesha's avatar

Look for the Lochness monster! And and Big foot! And I would so dress up like Indiana Jones!!
I think I took up all your details…I got really excited..

Scooby's avatar

@Ayesha I got really excited too there for a moment, imagining you cracking that bull whip :-/ ooo-er

Mariah's avatar

I would totally go all Ellie Arroway and pour it all into SETI.

OpryLeigh's avatar

The Loch Ness monster. However, if I found the truth I wouldn’t want people to know because a: it seems to be a mystery very close to people’s hearts and I don’t want to spoil it for them if I find out that Nessy is just a myth and b: if I found that Nessy does exist, there would be too many people that would want to kill it in the name of science.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

I’m in agreement to explore the depths of the ocean, to be able to map in great detail and have it easily accessible to anyone just like we have googley maps for topography .

rebbel's avatar

If it is really true that suddenly coming in the possession of a considerate amount of money makes one feel not happier but rather unhappier.

Coloma's avatar

I would buy as much land all over the world as I possibly could and turn all of it into wildlife preserves. I was just reading about the pathetic status of the Indo-chinese Tiger. It just KILLS me seeing our planets most magnificent creatures decimated. :-(

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