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mazingerz88's avatar

Just for fun, what other jobs or roles in life can you pretend to play without being caught?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29376points) October 17th, 2011

And how long do you think before someone could catch your pretense? This is not a serious question, just probing your personalities a bit and sense of fun. Thanks.

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23 Answers

digitalimpression's avatar

[I could pretend to be: I’d last this long.]

A gas pump attendant : Years
A cashier : Probly ten minutes: Never been a cashier
A spy: Being that there would be no real missions I think I could last a fair bit of time
A screenwriter: Years

Gosh, there’s lots.

smilingheart1's avatar

A teacher
A day care worker
A drugstore/greeting card shop worker
A greeter (Walmart?)
An antique shop entrepreneur

CWOTUS's avatar

I could pretend to be a gigolo. Hell, maybe I will be one anyway.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@CWOTUS I’ll take the M,W,F shift if you cover T, Th, S, Su.

harple's avatar

I once spent a year pretending to be a classroom teacher… My pretence was discovered within hours… Now I pretend to be a classroom (style) teacher for up to 50 minutes at a time MAX with at least a week inbetween and seem to get away with it! ~

EDIT – Thought I better add, I am actually trained and qualified as a classroom teacher!!

CWOTUS's avatar


I don’t mind working Mondays, but I still need Sundays off to watch the Pats.

I think I could also be an NFL football referee. I look good in vertical stripes, and I’m used to carrying a handkerchief in my back pocket. (I like to nap during the third quarter, though.)

Ayesha's avatar

Stripper, I suppose.

Haleth's avatar

A tour guide, especially because I’ve been to the art museums around here so many times. I’ll just wear a colorful vest, walk up to a group of tourists who look lost, and start showing them around and making up stuff about the art.

A Greenpeace activist, petitioner, etc- same deal, just stand on the street corner with a clipboard and start collecting signatures.

Fortune teller- I’d go out with a pack of tarot cards and start cold-reading people.

stellamedusa's avatar

I think I could convincingly mimic mostly anything that relies on dialogue or interaction, most tasks that are based on simple grade-school logic (like working at a register), but probably zero tasks that involve hands-on technical skill (like, surgery or mechanics for instance.) And how long I’d last would probably depend more on the co-workers than the clients.

mazingerz88's avatar

@Ayesha I think that’s one job no one would think of checking out if you are pretending. Lol.

poisonedantidote's avatar

Seeing as I know so many languages, I could probably get away with teaching a language that I don’t actually know. In other words, I know enough about languages to make sounds that would impersonate any language quite well, thus allowing me to teach made up nonsense for maybe a month or so.

mazingerz88's avatar

@poisonedantidote Well then, I have a couple of friends who wish to learn some French for you. Can’t wait to see them try it out and get weird looks. Lol.

Ayesha's avatar

@mazingerz88 Neh, probably will get caught I suppose. I’ll think of something else.

Ayesha's avatar

Yep, I’m going with teaching dance. Ballroom lessons!

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

A perfect mother- but I could probably only keep that one up for a couple hours.

An Asian nail tech- I’ve got the quietly whispering and giggling about patrons, right in front of them, down to an art. But I’d screw the acrylic nails up… so maybe 1 hour?

A hairdresser- I could keep it up forever, as long as I only get customers who want a buzzcut or a shave.

A chef- I could keep it up indefinitely, unless you wanted breakfast… then I’m screwed.

wundayatta's avatar

I could pretend to be a professor.
I could pretend to be a novelist on tour (although not if I actually had to write the book).
I could pretend to be a jazz musician, especially if I had a good backup band.
I could pretend to be an advice columnist.
I could even pretend to be a blogger, I think.

Not sure I could pull this off, but I’d love to try to pretend to be a creativity teacher.

rebbel's avatar

An astronaut: probably would not be able to start the engines.
A wirter: ...............
An accountant: 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 6, 8, 9, 11

zensky's avatar

A former reality show participant.

CWOTUS's avatar

I could pretend to be an old man who fishes all day. I think I have a rod out in the garage, now I just have to do the “look old” part. Maybe someone could help me with the makeup.

wundayatta's avatar

I want to be a wirter, too!

wundayatta's avatar

@CWOTUS What? No sailing?

CWOTUS's avatar

I already can sail.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Is there such a thing as “Professional Bitch”? I’d never get caught for pretending!

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