Social Question

Blackberry's avatar

Can you show me some examples of irrational, crazy liberals?

Asked by Blackberry (34369points) October 17th, 2011

There’s been a lot of crazy conservatives in the media lately, but what about the crazy liberals? Can you show me something that will make me say “That liberal is not helping the cause….” Lol.

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61 Answers

KidCurtis's avatar

The members of the OWS movement asking for a $20 minimum wage, being completely against capitalism, wanting to destroy the monetary system, etc.

Judi's avatar

A lot of people might say Michael Moore. I like him but he is kind of an obnoxious slob.
Bill Maher is pretty offensive too.

SuperMouse's avatar

Back in 1989 that nutty liberal Martin Sheen was appointed honorary mayor of Malibu. At his acceptance speech he declared Malibu a nuclear free zone and a haven for the homeless. Several business owners suggested the honor be rescinded.

Back in the lat 80’s/early 90’s there was a radio talk show host by the name of Tom Leykis. Leykis hosted a show that was “not hosted by a right wing radical” and espoused libertarian and liberal policies. He was pretty out there and eventually decided to copy Howard Stern and turn into a sex crazed shock jock.

I can’t think of any obnoxious liberal hosts who are currently on the air.

HungryGuy's avatar

So true!

Extremists an any of the four corners of the political spectrum (and the political spectrum is a 2-dimensional square, not a 1-dimensional line), be they Liberals, Conservatives, Libertarians, and of course Authoritarians, are total whack-mobiles…

zenvelo's avatar

@SuperMouse He would have been mainstream in Berkeley, which has been nuclear free for over 25 years.

The progressive wing in San Francisco makes us liberals look like Rush Limbaugh. They oppose efforts to help the homeless because it interferes with people’s right to live on the streets.

The_Idler's avatar

Really the only one I can think of is David Icke.

@talljasperman Are you taking the piss?

FutureMemory's avatar

Are you taking the piss?

A lot of Americans (including myself) won’t know what this means.

Blackberry's avatar

@The_Idler Yeah, I don’t know what it means, either. :/ Help us out, Idler.

bkcunningham's avatar

Mocking, teasing or making fun = taking the piss.


The current Wall Street protesters!

cletrans2col's avatar

All liberals are crazy and irrational.

talljasperman's avatar

@The_Idler Just using my wit contrasted with what I learned in Grade school… Stalin was supposed to be a communist and it is meant to be a form left wing extremism. At least Glenn Beck said so when he was on CNN… I can’t think of any crazy liberals on the top of my head other than in Canada liberal leader and Prime minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau Flipped off an opposition party member in Parliament and swore (told him to F off) then told the media that he Just said Fuddleduddle. He did some other extreme things, like sending in the military after declaring martial law into Quebec during the FLQ crisis… and I belive he made the first energy tax and got hated by some members of Alberta’s energy sector, It was before my time…but I found he was a funny interesting man.

GladysMensch's avatar

I can’t find any who are anywhere near as irrational and crazy as the far right. And unlike the far right, crazy liberals are never serious contenders for the U.S. presidency.

dappled_leaves's avatar

I miss Trudeau. :(

talljasperman's avatar

@dappled_leaves I got to sign his condolence book in university…I miss him too.

cletrans2col's avatar

@GladysMensch no one considers Bachmann or Paul or Santorum serious

dappled_leaves's avatar

@talljasperman It’s interesting that you mention martial law in the context of his being a crazy liberal, though. That action was not a typically liberal thing to do, and it angered many liberals at the time. Thinking about it made me dig out this clip to watch again.

cletrans2col's avatar

@dappled_leaves the CBC is gay for blocking that

jerv's avatar

Define “Liberal”. Many consider Colin Powell and John McCain to be Liberals :/

talljasperman's avatar

@jerv It is easy in Canada we have the Liberal Party…

Blackberry's avatar

@jerv O.o Wow, really?

cletrans2col's avatar

@dappled_leaves can’t watch it in ‘merica

dappled_leaves's avatar

That’s weird, it’s a YouTube video… usually it’s the other way around. :P

dappled_leaves's avatar

Does the actual CBC link work in the US?

Brian1946's avatar


It does for me, but I don’t know about other US jellies.

Soupy's avatar

@talljasperman Please say you’re joking about the Stalin thing. Sometimes I have difficulty understanding if internet things are jokes or not. If you’re serious… please explain?

talljasperman's avatar

@Soupy Its both a joke and serious… Joesph Stalin killed many people a long time ago…and my school teachers in Canada taught us that Stalin was a communist and that communists are left wing and liberals are left wing. Most left winged people aren’t communist…Even on the CNN episodes of Glenn Beck the host kept talking about how Obama was a communist and Glenn even played the Russian national anthem while describing his policies while he was campaigning for office…I don’t belive much of what Glenn Beck says But I watched anyway, for Kicks. I’m just connecting the dots from what I hear on TV… might be right might be wrong… I just couldn’t think about any other politicians at that time from the top of my head to answer the question. I am not old enough to have met Stalin in person so all I have is what the TV says… like From The World at War Series that was on TV 20 years ago… I hope you don’t think I’m a nut case or anything I’m just piecing together what I was taught from Canadian social science from grade school the media and television. If I revived a bad education… I can’t just ask for my money back… I’ll just have to let it go and learn the best I can with what I have…I hope no one takes offence to me personaly if I am wrong. It was never my intent to shock or offend… I’m not anti-communist or anti-right wing or anti-liberal… I’m just trying to make sense of what I was taught… I am sorry to have caused you any distress.

Soupy's avatar

@talljasperman Oh gosh, don’t worry about offending at all. I was just curious :)

The left-right scale we use to teach politics is completely inadequate, and leads to misconceptions, such as liberals being tied with communists. This oversimplification of political ideology leads to much confusion.

Liberals by definition believe in the importance of liberty and individual rights. Liberalism supports things like capitalism, free trade, human rights, property rights, and fair elections.

Stalin held a funny sort of mix between Marxist and Leninist ideologies. Stalin supported a large centralized state, agricultural collectivization, and totalitarianism.

The two are apples and oranges. More different than they are similar. Yet they are often lumped together as “left-wing”. This is how it’s taught in schools, how it’s talked about on TV/radio… it’s obvious why people get confused.

So in short, Stalin was not a Liberal, and Glenn Beck is what one might call insane.

jerv's avatar

@Soupy So… you are saying the Tea Party is Liberal? I thought they were Libertarian :D

Also, Beck is a certain degree of insane that many (myself included) like to label “Completely fucking batshit”.

bkcunningham's avatar

Did you watch the John Lewis video, @Jaxk, from your link? What the hell is up with the group repeating every word the speakers say?

HungryGuy's avatar

@jerv – Here’s a quiz to help define what a Liberal, a Conservative, a Libertarian, and an Authoritarian are.

Now, be aware that the questions are biased to favor Libertarians, but it’s good enough to give you a general idea what defines each of the ideologies, IMO.

I fall a little below and to the left of the “ideal” libertarian :-p.

jerv's avatar

@HungryGuy I am well aware of that one, and it also labels me “Libertarian”. However, most of the people out and about who call themselves Libertarians want Corporate control over the marketplace (they claim they want it consumer-driven, but their actions speak otherwise), government control over sexuality and other morality, and are opposed to any freedom of expression other than their freedom to express themselves.

So, now that we’ve seen the difference between the ideal and the actual, I ask again; define “Liberal”... and realize that I will likely take your definition as an opinion :D

I scored 90/60, putting me right above the triple-point of Libertarian/Liberal/Centrist.

talljasperman's avatar

How about Anthony Weiner? is he a liberal? His sex scandal is not helping the cause.

Blackberry's avatar

@talljasperman He’s a democrat, but that wasn’t crazy at all. I was referring to Limbaugh-type crazy.

zenvelo's avatar

@bkcunningham The OWS General Assemblys are mostly set up without microphones, so those who can hear a speaker repeat each sentence so that all can hear. It’s actually a clever idea to make sure the whole group is informed.

saint's avatar

@zenvelo It is a good idea indeed. But why do it when there actually is a microphone? Isn’t that sort of like using ASL with somebody who can hear? Not harmful to be sure, but a little weird.

Jaxk's avatar


I thought that was pretty interesting myself. Kind of a group chant. Eerily, zombie like. Generally chanting like this is done to get the group all thinking the same thing. A mob tactic.

Judi's avatar

That reminds me of Monty Python’s version of the Sermon on the Mount in Live of Brian.

jerv's avatar

@Jaxk There is a big difference, actually. Now tell me this; how would would you convey a verbal message to a crowd if you could not use any form of amplification? No megaphones, no PA systems, just you, your mouth, and a crowd.

@bkcunningham Same question. How would you do it? Or would you break the law and whip out a megaphone anyways?

saint's avatar

…how would would you convey a verbal message to a crowd if you could not use any form of amplification?
Jesus, so they say, did it when he gave the Sermon on the Mount.
Abraham Lincoln did it at Gettysburg. How weird would it have been for people to repeat ‘Four score and seven years ago”- ‘Four score and seven years ago” “our fathers brought forth on this continent” – “our fathers brought forth on this continent” etc etc.
Come on. These people remind me of old videos I have seen of the Manson family chanting outside the courtroom. Why are people trying to put a nice face on this?

HungryGuy's avatar

@jerv – Right. In theory, corporate control of the marketplace is based on “mutual consent” between willing buyers and sellers. In practice, however, corporate control of the marketplace isn’t much different from dictatorial control.

Maybe a Libertarian “utopia” wouldn’t be so tyrannical if corporations didn’t exist, and all businesses had to be owned by actual people who are liable for their debts and accountable for their crimes. Corporations, after all, are a construct of government regulation. Maybe that’s the biggest fault with our economy. There’s nothing wrong with capitalism per se, it’s the corporations that are royally screwing everyone over!

jerv's avatar

@saint Let us stipulate that that sermon even happened as described I am certain that being the son of God (or any other omniscient, omnipotent being) entitles you to certain perks that us normal humans lack.

As for the Gettysburg address, I can see how they would remain quiet out of deference and good manners, but I assure you that a majority of the audience did not know what was actually said until later. There probably was a bit of a game of “telephone” going on there too, as people in the rear ask those in front of them what was going on. And notice that there are multiple different accounts of what Lincoln actually said anyways?

Now, let’s see if these chants ring a bell;
“Drill, baby, drill!”
“Where’s Jerry?”
“Where are the jobs?”

If you are freaked out by chanting, then you better be afraid of the GOP as well!

@HungryGuy Yep.

bkcunningham's avatar

He was using a form of amplification, @jerv. That is the point. That is what made the entire scene that much more bizarre. But, if I did need to speak to a large crowd, I’d select a place with good sound carriers. Like an amphitheater. Or a canyon. Or an auditorium.

But the video in question shows a man with an megaphone type of device, making his voice and the voices of the others in the group travel long distances. Anyway, that is my answer and I’m sticking to it.

jerv's avatar

@bkcunningham The difference between a protest and a convention is location. Streets typically are nothing like an ampitheatre. Therefore, you cannot rely on the acoustics of the location of a protest.
Now, if you want to hold a rally, your words may be heard by all present, but there will be a smaller audience; that kind of defeats the purpose of a protest.

Jaxk's avatar


For god’s sake in order for them, to repeat the chant they had to be able to hear it. And he was using a megaphone. This is group speak designed to eliminate individual thought. It is the Borg collective.

jerv's avatar

@Jaxk As are the Far Right. Your point?

jerv's avatar

Look, it’s politics. Therefore, it doesn’t matter which side is trying to spread their message; odd things happen, and the opposition will always belittle their tactics even when they are the same tactics they use themselves.

Always the pot calling the kettle black.

bkcunningham's avatar

Are the Occupy Atlanta protesters in the video at a convention, @jerv? LOL

Jaxk's avatar


IU know you’re not used to backing up what you say but maybe you could come up with at least one example of this group speak idiocy from conservatives. It’s a mob tactic that is the purview of liberals. saying everybody does it, is ridiculous.

jerv's avatar

@Jaxk If you don’t see it, you must be blind, probably selectively so. Besides, I already cited some examples of Conservative chants for the vision-impaired.
Or are you saying that WBC, the Tea Party, many of those who watch Fox News, and a whole lot of others of similar mindset/ideology are not Conservatives?

@bkcunningham You don’t get my point because you don’t want to.
I am going to pretend you already know where you went wrong with that last statement and drop it simply because I don’t feel like holding your hand and walking you through it either.

bkcunningham's avatar

I do get it, @jerv. Spontaneous protests. Yeah, yeah.

The_Idler's avatar

“Liberal” and “conservative” are not ideologies.
They are different positions which can be held on individual issues.

Also, they do not consistently align at any particular point on the (next-to-useless) political spectrum, and parties are generally not “one-or-the-other”.

Blackberry's avatar

@The_Idler I agree, but then this would have been a really confusing and detailed question lol.

bkcunningham's avatar

I think I may agree with you, @The_Idler.

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