General Question

digitalimpression's avatar

What sort of "headache" is this?

Asked by digitalimpression (9923points) October 17th, 2011

I sometimes get a mild pain that seems to originate (for lack of better abilities to describe) just underneath my hair toward the back of my head. It’s the strangest sort of “headache”... Is this normal? I can even feel the pain of it slightly when I rub my hand through my hair.

The pain is mild but every once in a while will “strike”.

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23 Answers

JLeslie's avatar

Do you mean it feels like it is pain on your scalp? Not in your head? Top of the head is usually caffeine withdrawal, sometimes stress, but not necessarily either. Scalp might be nerve related.

Judi's avatar

Probably tension. Peppermint oil on your forehead and temples will knock it out.

digitalimpression's avatar

@JLeslie Well.. I suppose it is under the scalp? Not sure really. That’s why I’ve been holding off on asking.. it is so difficult to describe. It is near the surface.. but not so far that it is scalp or above.. lol… strange indeed

@Judi Peppermint oil? That’s a new one on me. What is that supposed to do? Tingle?

Judi's avatar

It makes the headache go away! Better and faster than ibprophin.

JLeslie's avatar

Like a pounding? Does it hurt more when you move your head forward?

Is there any chance you skipped your caffeine today?

Jellie's avatar

Do you mean under your hair line or literally under your hair? It may be a migrane if it is the former. Hydrate yourself loads. Always helps.

perspicacious's avatar

That’s a question for your doctor. This is a helpful and on topic answer. I venture to say it is the most accurate answer that will be posted here.

jsc3791's avatar

In my experience as a migraine sufferer, it is always best to speak to your doctor about it. They may suggest an MRI or other test to ensure it isn’t something more serious. When it comes to your head/brain, you can’t be too careful.

AmWiser's avatar

Have you checked your blood pressure lately? Even so, if it continues a trip to the doctor is recommended. (IMO).

digitalimpression's avatar

@JLeslie It doesn’t pound at all.. more of a dull pain that every once in a while spikes and makes me cringe. I don’t know about the caffeine.. I only have caffeine every once in a while.. but this “headache” seems to happen maybe… at most.. once a year or something.

@Jellie I mean under my scalp.. not sure what part of my dome that is.. lol.. but it is in the back

@perspicacious I was hoping you were a doctor. XD

@jsc3791 You are right, of course, just wondering if anyone else had experienced it and if they had already figured it out.

@AmWiser I’m pretty sure I’ve never checked my blood pressure.. ever. xD Perhaps today? I’ve been healthy as a horse for the last 30 years so any kind of ache or pain is alien to me.

JLeslie's avatar

If you rarely drink caffeine, then when you do and then stop, it is the stop that can trigger a headache. Usually 18–24 hours after the last caffeinated drink.

Once a year is not very often, so probably nothng would show on an MRI or CAT scan, but of course probably a doctor should decide that.

I agree you should check your blood pressure.

Are you nauseas or want to be in the dark during the headache?

Judi's avatar

30 is probably the age to start keeping track of your BP, even if you are otherwise healthy. If you are overweight or sedentary, you probably should have started checking a long time ago.

silky1's avatar

Sounds like stress related. Is it noticed after some type of undesired or annoying event?

saint's avatar

Tension of Frontalis and Occipitalis, maybe Temporalis muscles. Pain of muscle fatigue, plus it puts pressure on the nerves that innervate your “scalp”. The classic “tension” headache. I am sure that is it, but see your doc anyway.

Ayesha's avatar

Sounds tension or stress related. Keep yourself well hydrated. I you like hot oils, massage your scalp or have it done. Breaks the tension as you relax.

filmfann's avatar

Sounds like stress. I recommend beer.

digitalimpression's avatar

@JLeslie I never tried to get to a dark place to see if it was optical but I should try that I suppose

@Judi I’m not 30, just have been healthy for the last 30. xD Perhaps I should keep track of it either way.

@silky1 Every day is stressful with my job, but some days are more stressful than others.

@saint You just said a bunch of words I don’t understand. I’ll look those up though. xD

wow.. “Occasionally the individual is aware of moderate pain at the back of the skull and as it progresses, refers into the suboccipital with severe, lancinating pain to the back of the eye. This creates concern that the individual may be having a stroke.”

Scary stuff!

@filmfann There’s no shortage of that in my diet.. lemme tell ya! =)

perspicacious's avatar

@digitalimpression No, I’m a J.D. rather than an M.D.

faye's avatar

Seems like worrying about a headache that happens once a year would be worse than the headache! I’d call it a stress or tension headache if it was a test.

digitalimpression's avatar

@faye Not worried.. more like curious as I’ve not run across anyone with the same type of headache yet. =)

JLeslie's avatar

Is it one one side? I think migraines are on oneside usually when they start, but I don’t know for sure. Or, I think shingles can cause a headache, and that would be on one side I think, and feel like nerve pain. Maybe just some firing of the nerves but not having a full outbreak or something.

ashley2011's avatar

A Headache is defined as a pain in the head or upper neck. It is one of the most common locations of pain in the body and has many causes.

digitalimpression's avatar

@JLeslie It is usually on the back right side if I remember correctly.

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