@mrrich724, to determine whether women really prefer assholes in bed, we correlated the extent to which the men were assholes (rated on a subjective 11 point scale) against the quality of the sex had with that person (also a subjective 11 point scale). We found that r(35)=0.08, p=0.62. This is not a statistically significant value, suggesting that being an asshole does not make you better in bed. Another way to interpret that is using the r^2 value, r^2=0.007, meaning that being an asshole accounts for less than 1% of the variance in the quality of sex.
To determine the effects of penis size on quality of sex, we used qualitative judgments on two different scales to categorize penis size. One was a six point scale that took into account both length and girth (e.g., 3 and 4 were both “medium” in length, but 4 would be girthier than 3) and the other was a simple three point scale (small, average, large).
Using the six point scale as a continuous numeric variable, we correlated pleasure vs. size, and found r(78)=0.41, p=0.0001.
Alternatively, using the three point scale to divide participants into nominal categories, a one-way ANOVA revealed a significant main effect of penis size, F(1,77)=12.33, p<0.0001.
So, it looks like size does matter.
@deni, we just thought it was fun. And I mean, not to go all nihilist on you, but what’s the point of anything, you know?
@worriedguy, for the most part, I do let them know ahead of time. Not all my closest friends use or view it, but we are all pretty open about discussing our sexual experiences with each other, and I think the men who choose to become intimate with me have a pretty good understanding of that. Likewise, I think it is a reasonable expectation that my partners will probably discuss some details of our sexual encounters with their friends.