Social Question

mazingerz88's avatar

Which fictional creatures or characters do you think would benefit our world if they come to life?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29383points) October 18th, 2011

As asked. : )

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23 Answers

amazingme's avatar


laineybug's avatar

That would be awesome @amazingme. I think that all of Max’s family from the Maximum Ride series would be at least somewhat beneficial.

ddude1116's avatar

Dr Manhattan. And Tolkienian elves.

linguaphile's avatar

Fairies, elves, and giants.

majorrich's avatar

Green Lantern for sure!


GORT from “The Day the Earth Stood Still” (1951). I think he’d make a great world policeman with his awesome ray gun eyes! He’d keep world peace and mess up anyone who tries to cause a fight.

blueiiznh's avatar

Reptilicus would help in the demolition phase of Extreme Home Makeover B Movie Edition


@blueiiznh Lol. Good one. Kind of reminds me of Godzilla.

smilingheart1's avatar

Definitely Planet of the Apes. We have much to learn from them yet.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Superman. The guy was able to reverse the spin of the Earth! Surely he could fix the atmosphere or stop a war or two.
We’d put him on salary and give him cash so he can skip the Clark Kent day job.

Oh, and somebody get him laid for crying our loud!

Prosb's avatar

I think if we grabbed all those remarkably similar sounding sons of (insert god(s) here), we could be better off. Who doesn’t want a variety pack of saviors walking around granting benevolent wishes and whatnot?

If any of them die, they’ve got an average re-spawn time of only 72 hours too.

cazzie's avatar

I would LOVE a babelfish because I never forget my towel and three pints of beer before hitch hiking sounds like a bad idea, but I think I would like it to be beneficial.

I think we would certainly benefit from a long living species like the Tolkien Elves. They would have a better sense of history and perspective on the world and could, perhaps, help stop our societies from repeating it’s typical pattern of ‘Fast Food’ political and social choices.

Berserker's avatar

King Arthur! Unless he was actually real…if so, then I choose…James Bond.

linguaphile's avatar

Forrest Gump.

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