First of all, you need to understand that this is the stupidest cliche known to man. Everyone who ever says these words should, in my opinion, be put up on a stake!
Why is it stupid?
The box does not exist. Unfortunately, it’s like the emperor’s clothes. Everyone believes it’s there because everyone talks about it, and they’ve been talking about it since you’ve been 1 year old. No, don’t put that in your mouth. No, people don’t eat grass. No, you can’t run over there. No, the doggy is not your friend. No, you can not play with the knife.
No. No. No. All your life you are made to follow rules that you don’t even know exist. So by now, you are absolutely convinced there is a box that doesn’t exist. You know it’s boundaries by heart. You know exactly what you can do and what you can’t and you have imprisoned yourself, apparently voluntarily within the bounds of this imaginary box that doesn’t exist.
You know how I can tell you are imprisoned in some box of your own devisement? You claim that you are always short of ideas. This is BULLSHIT!!! You have plenty of ideas. But what you also have is a big “No Momma” sitting inside your head telling you no to an idea before it even begins to be birthed.
You have to kill the no-Momma. Or maybe not kill her, but lock her up in a little corner so that you ideas can be born and you can see what they become. See, she’s afraid they won’t become much of anything, and she doesn’t believe you should have an idea unless it turns into something successful, and she says that this idea is stupid and that one won’t work and that you will look a fool if you say this and on and on. She needs a muzzle.
Brainstorming means throwing out every idea you have and not caring if they are good or bad. Sometimes—often the best ideas seem pretty stupid on the surface. You don’t have to be attached to your ideas. You don’t have to own them. You can just throw them out and see which ones survive. The ones that survive will surprise you.
So shut up the no-Momma. Then start throwing out ideas one after the other as fast as you can so your no-Momma can’t get a word in edgewise (because she is telepathic and it doesn’t matter that she is bound and gagged).
You worry about judging the ideas later. But the whole point is that you can’t think inside the box if there is no box, and there really is no box, once you get the No-Momma bound and gagged and you put a tinfoil hat on her so she can’t mess with your brainwaves.
There you go.
It’s so easy you’ll be amazed once you realize you’re the only one stopping yourself.