Social Question

mazingerz88's avatar

Very NSFW - Is there anything real special behind there?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29376points) October 19th, 2011

My friend, who is my namesake, just got his behind probed by a doctor’s chubby finger. It hurt. So the question is, what’s with all the anal sex on the internet? And does it happen a lot in the real world? Doesn’t it hurt?

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19 Answers

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

You have to understand that the situation is quite different for your anus when you’re instead with someone you like and are aroused rather than with a stranger in a glove (nothing makes your butt clench faster). Once you’re having anal sex and you’ve had it a bunch of times, it doesn’t hurt all that much or you like the pain.

Keep_on_running's avatar

A lot of people derive more pleasure from that spot. Like @Simone_De_Beauvoir says, it probably doesn’t hurt, or if it does it just adds to the fun. People like what they like for all different reasons. I don’t watch porn so I can’t speak for anal sex online, but it’s just become more popular because people are more open about it.

wundayatta's avatar

I think if you have an open attitude and prepare properly, you are much more likely to have a good experience. Being rough and aggressive is not a good way to start. For men, the prostate gland is supposed to do something that makes pleasure more likely. Women seem to do well enough without one.

It’s not to everyone’s taste, and if you don’t like the idea, you probably shouldn’t try it. In addition, it has a lot of social connotations that suggest it is something only really weak folks will do. No self-respecting person would ever do it is the conventional thinking on the subject, I believe.

If you can’t get past those kinds of idea, it won’t work for you.

Now as to the internet, I think there are certain tropes that have become standard. I think that anal implies that a woman is totally dominated especially when They show those gaping anal views as a demonstration of I know not what. I, personally, find those scenes very discomfiting.

In popular imagery, I think, anal is about power and dominance or submissiveness on the other side. It’s a kind of semi-forbidden thing, and I believe that a lot more guys want to do it with their girlfriends than the girlfriends want to do it with the guys. You have to be able to get past the social symbolism in order to even begin to give it a chance.

Since it is less common and has all these connotations, I think that some couples see it as being a very special thing. And, of course, many people enjoy giving their partners a good time and often they get off on their partner’s pleasure, whether that pleasure is physical or psychological.

Obviously, the anus is pretty tight and so this should give the man a more exciting experience, unless it makes him cum prematurely. So that is another attraction for men, anyway. I think some women like to use a dildo to do it to their partner, again, partly because of the forbiddenness of it, but also because of the symbolism of sharing the penetrating and receiving ends of the relationship. A man who is willing to do that for his partner is very desirable to some women, and if he learns to enjoy it, that can, probably, create a good experience for all.

This brings us to the realm of role play. Who is “man” and who is “woman.” Who penetrates and who is penetrated. Who is dominant and how they are dominant… or how they arrange some form of equality in the physical manifestation of the relations.

Hah! Bet you thought this was going to be much more prurient than it is. Sorry, Charlie.

Blackberry's avatar

Nothing feels better than pounding your loved one in the butt. It’s so romantic.

Hibernate's avatar

Depends now. If you know how to work yourself into doing it anal it’s okay. Remember no foreplay, no patience just sticking that finger…

AmWiser's avatar

Soooo, for you guys who like to give it, do you like to get it too? Are you willing to be on the receiving end?
Just curious:]

Jude's avatar

I’m not into receiving, but, I like giving.

ItalianPrincess1217's avatar

It’s all about relaxing. Having a doctor shove a finger in my butt would hurt, but it’s also a completely different situation than if I were with my partner and we were intimate. If you’re relaxed and open minded it’s going to feel a lot different.

Aethelflaed's avatar

To add on to the “context” part of this, remember that a vagina getting probed by a penis/finger/dildo in a hot, sexual context with a loving and trusted partner = hot, sexy, and tons of fun. A vagina getting probed by a cold, metal speculum in a doctor’s office? Usually, not so hot.

woodcutter's avatar

I have never seen a petite fingered female doctor doing prostate exams. Why is this? And if there is, where can I find her?

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir nailed it. Pun intended.
It feels completely different once you’re aroused and relaxed. In the doctor’s office, you’re tense, probably nervous… think about all of the things your doctor does to you, and try counting up how many of them feel good. I’m guessing it’s a very low number.

HungryGuy's avatar

There’s also the need for some people to submit to another person. In the BDSM world, many people crave being owned by another person…being a slave as much as is allowed by current custom. But being owned means that you must submit to your master’s will for his pleasure, even if it means doing things that are unpleasant or painful for you. The thrill and/or satisfaction of being owned outweighs the unpleasantness and pain of some of the things your master uses your body for.

jca's avatar

I think for men (some men? many men?) being poked in the butt by the doctor’s finger is humiliating, and so therefore, no fun at all.

As a woman, being with a man I like, in a romantic setting, foreplay, lube (LOL!), anal is great!

woodcutter's avatar

so therefore, no fun at all. No… no it’s not. Fun never even plays into it at all. Not even hoping for fun, just wish there was another way to do it, I mean we did land men on the moon…or did we?

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

As an aside, whenever I answer questions related to butt sex, they’re some of my most GA-laden ones and then, surely, they end up on the front of my page, woot! Psychoanalyze that.

mazingerz88's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir Your fluther account has found its niche? Lol.

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