The little Chinese girl run over twice & ignored by passers by, what's wrong with these people?
Asked by
ucme (
October 19th, 2011
Okay, i’m sure that a lot of you are aware of this incident already, but if you could just take a look at this horrific footage. Thanks in advance.
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38 Answers
Nope, not going to look. A sign of our tragic times. The self absorbed sociopathic bent our society is morphing into. Karmas a bitch, hope you can sleep at night.
It’s about time people remember that vehicles are deadly weapons.
I can’t look at things like this due to a photographic memory I’ll never shake the image but I agree with @Coloma. People are ridiculously self-absorbed.
I have a 4-way stop on my corner (right in front of my property). A good ⅓ of the people don’t stop or even pause. More than ½ are on their cell phones. Kids can be crossing the street and people won’t stop…or they will but will honk….And this is in a suburban village.
It’s not an excuse or justification but the Peng Yu case didn’t help anything. The link is actually about another incident but references it and discusses it. I just read a more recent one but couldn’t find it.
Whoa…..Don’t really know what to say…....I hope they get a chance to ask the passersby what they were thinking. They were close enough to see what it was, there shouldn’t be the excuse “I thought it was a package or animal”
@Coloma Yeah I don’t blame you for not wanting to watch, at least the more graphic images are thankfully left out. Just makes you weep, simple as.
@ucme. I did watch the footage and that is just, well words fail me. I don’t quite know what to say or how to describe that behaviour. I don’t know @ucme. I just don’t know. And I agree, it makes you weep.
@Bellatrix Yeah, as my topics suggest there’s just a feeling of numbness, can’t comprehend how that can happen. Not afraid to admit the wife & I shed a tear, a mixture of sadness & anger I guess.
What is even more disturbing is that the parents let her wander into the street, are nowhere to be found, don’t go looking for the child, and aren’t even the ones that eventually find her.
I can’t watch this yet, maybe tonight when I’m at home. It’s horrible to imagine how long she lay there and what she heard and wondered, if anything.
I have heard that it is in their culture that they don’t care much about daughters or little girls. They would probably reacted differently/positively if the victim was a little boy.
@njnyjobs OMG – I didn’t even think of that! What a horrible thought – I hope this wasn’t the case.
Apparently the driver of the first van offered the father compensation money, but said it would be cheaper for him had the girl died!?!?!?!?! It all just beggars belief.
This is called the Bystander Effect. That doesn’t make it any less horrifying, of course.
Honestly, that’s one of the more disturbing videos I’ve ever watched. I’ve seen a lot of things I’d rather not have after 23 years in the military but that video was very difficult to watch. I’m completely appalled that so many people could walk by and not one individual render any assistance or register any compassion whatsoever. It’s very sad and heartbreaking.
@Hobbes My understanding of the bystander effect is that the bigger the group of bystanders the less likely a member of the group is to help, but in this case it looked like individuals walking past.
Your video actually reminded me of this video: a man on a motorcycle crashes into and gets trapped underneath a car. Bystanders rally to lift the car off of him and pull him to safety.
I wonder what the difference is between people who do good and people who do nothing.
This is horrendous. I’m really not wanting to watch the video. In the Telegraph story, the rescuer is referred to… The woman said she had thought about the risk of malicious prosecution when she intervened to help Yueyue – the reason widely given in China why 18 others did not stop to help…
I’m not understanding what this means. Why is there a risk of malicious prosecution for helping accident victims? Can somebody help explain this for me?
@Blueroses there are no good samaritan laws to protect people who render aid in China. The most famous case (to my knowledge) was of Peng Yu who was successfully prosecuted and fined for aiding a woman under the unsubstantiated “logic” that he may have contributed to her accident (she accused him of this). In the end it was settled but the damage was done and people realized very quickly that helping others was essentially helping at your own risk.
Thank you @wonderingwhy. I saw you linked to that reference earlier. It wouldn’t load on my phone. I’ll read that when I have full access.
It sounds reminiscent of the case here when a rail company was successfully sued for maiming a drunk who fell asleep on the tracks.
Jeez..and then there’s people like me that pull over on dangerous roads flick on my flashers and rescue turtles in the middle of the road. Drive around for hours with stray dogs in my car trying to find their owners, and pick up hitch hiking river rafters.
Yeah, decent human beings had better start working quadruple time. Pffft!
I would wager it is the effect of increased anonymity that goes hand in hand with large metropoleis. People don’t know each other, thus do not form emotional connections which are required to compel someone to help.
“not my problem”
Fucking Fox News can kiss my ass. They are the only ones that reported this story on national TV. Do you honestly think for one moment they are showing any of you this because they care? Ugh, Fox news is horrible.
What a sad, sad, sad video. Humanity can be heartless sometimes although humanity can sure be rad sometimes too.
Simple, we all do it at sometime. ex. We hear about orphaned children in a 3rd world country and go “how terrible!” Then go right back to what we were doing. Or we just ignore it. When it was just blazing in front of our eyes that it only would take a $30.00 donation to take care of one of em for a month. We just simply don’t let it register. Then when someone else does something similar we look at them in disgust as if to say you could have done something! So could we.
Sure, we can all argue it’s “different” but it really isn’t.
The whole idea of a “Nanjing judge” is what caused something like this to happen (@wonderingwhy already posted in his first post which explained this). I can understand why people did what they did; why would you throw all your families money away into a court case that you did nothing wrong except try to hurt someone in? That being said, I do find it interesting that they are now trying to find the people who past by the girl without helping. Shows that in China, you are screwed if you help, and screwed if you don’t.
I learned about this incident from my friend in Hong Kong, and he linked me this site to tell the story. You can read some perspectives of the Chinese (the site is translated to English already) who saw this story, and you can see the conflicting viewpoints of those who would help and those who are looking out for their families well being as well.
Kitty Genovese Syndrome. The “let someone else do it” attitude; it isn’t necessarily a part of people being evil, as much as it’s a part of people thinking that someone else is going to take care of it. If this had happened on a lone country road and there had only been one passer-by, something tells me that one person would’ve helped the girl. But since it happened in a more populated area with other people around, everybody had the attitude that someone else would take care of the situation, and since they all thought that, nothing happened. Also, what @ragingloli said, everybody’s anonymous and doesn’t know each other; there’s no emotional connection between anybody.
(I also thought maybe it was because young girls are seen as worthless in China, but I thought that might sound racist. Certainly, however, I can’t rule that out as a contributing factor…)
Since something very similar happened in Hartford, CT (this doesn’t have the worst parts edited out) a couple of years ago, I’ve had time to think about this kind of behavior.
I don’t have any answers.
I like to think that if I had seen this happen in Hartford, and if I had time to react, then I’d stop, block traffic and at least get the man out of the street if he could be moved, or failing that, just block traffic in order to prevent potential future injury. But since I know that sometimes things happen too fast for “the right reaction” ... I just don’t know. I know what I would want to do, and I know that I’ve stopped and rendered aid for much less serious issues.
When we go overseas to jobsites and plants in China, Indonesia, India and other places where things are done “differently” than they are in the US and Europe we are given specific instructions: If we’re involved in an accident in which our vehicles (which we do not drive – we hire local drivers) can be driven after a collision, including a personal injury collision, then drive away. Settle the issue later with police, attorneys and diplomats as may be required. Our managers do not want us to risk our own lives – or possibly to become hostages – by attempting to help or render aid, which is a sad fact of our traveling lives. I’m glad that I’ve never witnessed anything like this in person, because I don’t think that I could follow that instruction. Some of my colleagues have been in cars driven by somewhat reckless drivers who have caused property damage, sideswiping parked cars, for example, and then continued on as if nothing had happened.
I had a 16 year old girl side swipe me and hit 3 other cars taking her freeway exit too fast, missing the light and blowing through the intersection a few years ago. Creamed my right front end, but I was okay. Grazed two other cars before coming to a stop in the middle of 4 lanes of traffic.
I was the ONLY one that got out and helped her. She was okay but in total shock, just sitting in the middle of the road and I had to help her turn off her car and get out.
I am NOT exagerating, NOBODY stopped, except the other two vehicles involved that pulled over, and even they did not come to our assistance!
Cars were WHIZZING beside us, people didn’t even SLOW down!
Poor kid, she was a mess.
Ok, I just watched the video and can’t believe not just adults but other children with adults walked calmly by. The video is blurry but it seems there is some visible gore, I just can’t get a grip why no one was shocked or ran in horror to find help. How fast are these vans going that the kid was run over by two of them? It’s sick.
Man, couldn’t one of those people at least have called the cops and give the location? Jesus. :(
What the hell is happening there?! Didn’t watch it because I still haven’t expunged from my brain those horrific video images my friend posted in Facebook two days ago. They skinned those animals alive, stomped on their heads. Sorry if you get upset. But what the fuck?! One dog was still moving and he was without skin from head to paws. Oh, hell.
Sorry but I wish PETA had a drone to drop bombs on those human-animals.
Just your description is making me cringe @mazingerz88. I am glad @CWOTUS posted the link to the other situation because this isn’t uniquely Chinese behaviour. It can happen anywhere. Also, regardless of the motivations behind the Fox News coverage, I think the story is important and especially if it makes us consider what we would do in such a situation and why people don’t act.
I find it beyond frightening that this is the picture of mans “evolution.”
The day I turn a blind eye to something like that is the day I’ll throw myself under a bus. :-(
Well, if you go and do that, don’t expect me to run out into traffic to stop the damn bus.
Unfortunately, I think @njnyjobs is right about the fact that people would have responded to help the child if the child had been male. China has a very long history of preferring male children (to the point that they have now upset the balance between male & female children). They are only allowed (in most cases) to have ONE child, & a great many couples use early fetal tests to determine the sex of the fetus & they abort the girls & try again to conceive a boy. It is predicted that this practice will cause tremendous societal problems for China in the future because there will not be enough women. China has resorted to bribing couples to not abort girl babies – but it will take more than bribes to change centuries of a male dominated culture.
Disgusting. The human race sickens me.
I just read on the internet that the little girl who was so badly injured in this incident, has died today as the result of her injuries.
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