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Jude's avatar

Anyone else had a Hysteroscopy? Anything that one could do beforehand, so that it won't hurt like a b*tch?

Asked by Jude (32210points) October 19th, 2011

I had one done a few years ago and the pain was something awful. No pains meds prior, no general anesthesic. My legs are clamped together just thinking about it.

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9 Answers

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Promise yourself a nice treat afterwards, have someone else drive you home so you can moan and squirm all you like. :(

JLeslie's avatar

Did you tell your doctor your concern? Can he/she give you some bensos and maybe some pain meds prior to? Or, even Diprovan? I see no need for you to suffer, that’s ridiculous. We have all sorts of ways to make procedures painless, I don’t see why doctors don’t care about patient suffering.

I have not had a hysteroscopy, I have had an HSG, which was not bad really, but the girl in the waiting room next to me was in a severe case of dread because she had one two years before by a different doctor and she said it was awful. Not sure if hers was awful because of technique? Or, because her body is different than mine? I know I have a very tight cervix. Doctors comment on it, I needed a not commonly used tube when I did IVF, and my pain for that procedure was not terrible, so I am thinking maybe someof it depends on the doctor. Are you having it done by the same doctor?

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Were you unable to get pain meds due to insurance reasons? How could this be done w/o anesthesia of some sort?

Jude's avatar

I was never offered pain meds (no insurance necessary = Canada). I wasn’t happy with this doctor. She had a terrible bedside manner. When I pulled my body up because of the pain, she told me to hold still. It was awful.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Wow, holy shit…that should not have happened…so sorry.

Jude's avatar

I refuse to go back to her. When I see my GP, Friday, I’ll ask for a referral to another gyno. I may have to travel an hour to see this new gyno, but, it will be worth it.

Jude's avatar

I have no qualms with putting her name up here. Not the best reviews from other patients.

Buttonstc's avatar

Is your GP aware of this previous horrible experience?

Is there any chance of asking him for appropriate pre and post-procedure meds to avoid a repeat ordeal?

I read some of the other reports on that Dr. I wouldn’t go to her unless she were the last surviving one on the face of the earth and my life depended upon it. And even then, I’d think twice about it.

How awful for you. Also, is there any way you could do a phone interview of the next Gyno to whom you’re referred prior to committing to have the procedure done there? Explaining the past problem should be sufficient one would think.

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