General Question

gondwanalon's avatar

Do healthy people need a home air purifier?

Asked by gondwanalon (23298points) October 19th, 2011

If your family does not suffer from any health or breathing issues like allergies or asthma you you still need to buy an air purifier for your home? Such an air purifier that will cut down airborne dust, pollen, bacteria, fungal spores, viruses, smoke, pet dander etc.

I’m thinking that healthy and strong people can naturally rid their body of particulate substances that float through the air with the cilia and mucus within their throat and lung passages. Watch this short video

Do you own a home air purifier? What make and model? Do you like it? Do you think that it helps?

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12 Answers

njnyjobs's avatar

If you have centralized airconditioning, by default, you have some level of air filtration through the airhandler’s filter system.

gondwanalon's avatar

The filters on the centralized air conditioning units that I have seen will not remove that amounts of particulate matter that an air purifier will. Air purifiers usually have hepa filters that will trap viruses.

Nullo's avatar

If you live in a city, there’s a degree of air pollution to consider.

jaytkay's avatar

If we needed air purifiers to exist…

..we would not exist.

People lived thousands of years before “air purifiers” were created.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

We have one in the baby’s room, it’s helped lower how often my youngest gets bronchitis, actually. Don’t remember the model, it was pretty expensive, it’s an ionizer as well.

njnyjobs's avatar

@gondwanalon .. I use 3M brand filters that works like an air purifier, except it cleans the whole house. But instead of replacing the filter every 3 months, I replace every 6–8 weeks to avoid choking the return duct. Available at home improvement stores. I get mine from Wal-Mart.

SamIAm's avatar

I am healthy but happen to be very allergic to my cats. I recently purchased a nearly $400 Idyllis air purifier from Lowe’s and am not seeing much of a difference with my allergies. I do, however, like the crispness in the air. I’m finding that this crispness isn’t as good as it was when I first got the machine about a month ago.

DominicX's avatar

I tend to agree with @jaytkay on this one that isn’t really necessary, at least not unless anyone in the house has lung issues that may require one. I actually have one, but that’s because it was a typically expensive one (Ionic Breeze) that I was able to buy for next to nothing at a flea market. I never use it, though…

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

I have allergies and asthma, and I have never owned an air purifier in my life. Very few people need them, but they sure have their perks.

Male's avatar

It’s not really necessary to the common person, but for a health nut it makes more sense. I can’t see it harming you, and if you strive to be healthy, why not?

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flurtherfurther's avatar

I am generally a healthy one but I believe that the human body was made to make its own antibodies and for that process you must be exposed to some germs. To be healthy is one thing but to be completely germ free all the time does not help your anti bodies.

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