Meta Question

mazingerz88's avatar

NSFW - In a state of extreme euphoria, what question do you think you would post in Fluther?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29344points) October 20th, 2011

Not just when you’re naturally high ( or unnaturally ) but also when well, during an orgasm(?) : )

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28 Answers

smilingheart1's avatar

Is Fluther all it is cracked up to be?

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

Do you think she knows I am imagining Xena?

rebbel's avatar

Can my ejaculate shoot a man from his motorbike who is driving by at a 10 feet distance?

mazingerz88's avatar

@rebbel As long as you have a laser targeting device on your scrotum, well, yes.

Blackberry's avatar

What is the meaning of life?!

HungryGuy's avatar

@BlackberryEverybody knows the answer to that! The answer is: 42.

thorninmud's avatar

Is there an oh God?

LuckyGuy's avatar

How can I make all this last ?
When can we do it again?

SpatzieLover's avatar

[NSFW] How many orgasms have you had during one session?

KateTheGreat's avatar

What’s that thing in my vagina that feels like a nose?

Oh wait, someone already asked that.

Berserker's avatar

@KateTheGreat Alternate answer; my nose.

blueiiznh's avatar

What’s that thing on my nose that feels like a vagina.

mazingerz88's avatar

I wonder which female jelly gives the best head?

Michael_Huntington's avatar

“I love you Tim (Part Deux: Electric Boogaloo)”

Sunny2's avatar

Sorry. Fluther would not be in my mind. I like to concentrate on the moment and it’s none of fluther’s business!

wundayatta's avatar

In a state of extreme euphoria, I would be kind being with the experience of the moment. I would not be thinking about asking a fluther question. I would not worry who gives the best head. I would be enjoying the head I was being given. Or I would be enjoying giving oral attention to my lover. Fluther, as wonderful as it is, would not be on my mind.

Jellie's avatar

“Why am I on fluther instead of enjoying my orgasm?”

Coloma's avatar

When I’m in perfect bliss I’m nowhere near fluther.
Kinda cancels the trance. lol

mazingerz88's avatar

@augustlan If you are as good as moderating as giving it, ohh yeah. LOL. : )

wundayatta's avatar

@augustlan Didn’t we have this discussion before? I’m afraid that we really can’t just take your word for it. I have already volunteered to be on a panel of judges that will evaluate who has the best skills. Of course, the panel will be as large as is necessary to make a proper evaluations of skills and to award the crown to the most deserving woman. It is only fair, after all.

erichw1504's avatar

Wwho else ficKing LoVesssssssssSS fLuther?!!?11

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Who unh unh UNH wants some oh my god! right there of oh fuuuuuuuuuck yeah yeah unh unh YEAH YES OH MY GOD! my chocolate?

@augustlan I beg to differ. That would be me.

mazingerz88's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate There’s another board that’s perfect for describing proof of this contentious statement with @augustlan. Lol.

blueiiznh's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate I’ll have some of that.

Blueroses's avatar

Is @mazingerz88 the official sponsor of Fluther orgies?

KateTheGreat's avatar

@Blueroses I’m quite sure. Does he ever stop?! Hahaha.

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