ditto to TheHaight. Adding to that, have you considered what authorities have access to what you are considering doing? If you go into any issues that would hold up to defamation, you could find yourself in hot water, and don’t think that you can’t be traced. Future employers and academic endeavors (if you have any) can also discover that you were the perpetrator and lock doors for you when you have matured a bit.
What you don’t is seem to realize is that, good or bad experience, college is meant to be a learning experience for life. In life you will run into people who will challenge you in many ways and your success depends on whether you have the integrity to meet that. There are many reasons that you may find your prof a looser, some being on your shoulders, others hers, but even if she has absolutely NO redeeming values, you can learn from that and it will help you deal with the outside world in a better way for both you and those around you. Has it even dawned on you that there are enough sad, hateful things in this world that you might not want to add to it personally? Try being a little selfless instead and go at things in a more positive way, like others such as richardhenry have suggested? It may or may not help the individual situation, but if you don’t give it a chance, how will you know or how will the administration know?
Besides, it will help you vent and to the right people, that’s good as well. Just be prepared and specific as to why you think she is so rotten and maybe suggest what you think she might do to improve how she is instructing.
I have a very wise older brother who was a VP of a major company before he retired. When I was first starting out and complained to him about a boss, he gave me some very sage advice. Part of what he said I have included above, but the most valuable thing he told me was that if you are powerless to change something, make a note of what bothered you so much and file it away. Think of how it felt and promise yourself that you will never, ever do the same thing to someone who you have power over making some other human that miserable.
Yet another thing to consider is you have no idea what is going on in that person’s personal life. Sure, theoretically it’s not supposed to make a difference in her professional life, but sometimes things are so tough it’s very difficult Perhaps she’s lost someone in her life recently or is dealing with an ongoing situation that takes her time off her work, like a parent with Alzheimers (like I had). That can change how you do your job and are able to cope.
If you still think your plan is a good idea, then turn to yourself and about ruining your own life. For one, the authorities (ie police, especially around college campuses) have the ability to follow your myspace or facebook account. If the account you set up is considered threatening or defaming they can track you down if a complaint is filed and will. More and more employers and colleges are also checking out these accounts and anything else online about you before they hire or admit. Lastly, if you think two weeks before the end of the term is too late to change your grade, think again. Consider all this carefully before you decide to get your revenge by, as you so elegantly put it “p*** her off. Most people I know don’t boast about being immature and laugh about it.