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mazingerz88's avatar

Very [ NSFW ] - How does one get or give a good polishing?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29375points) October 21st, 2011

I know it differs from one person to another, their preferences on how to get it and how to give it. How much pressure is involved, when to apply it and where, how fast and slow the strokes, the amount of saliva lubrication through dripping or spitting, the use of the hands, the fingers, the swipe, the slap, the strangling and the ultimate release response, smile, swallow, spit or jizz lathering the phallus and repeat?

I knew a woman once who during ejaculation, doubles, no, triples the pleasure by squeezing the base, blows and sucks the head rapidly or something like that, ( jeez, we should have videotaped that ) anyway so, what do you think?

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29 Answers

Ayesha's avatar

Now that’s what I call Details. Wow..

Jude's avatar

@mazingerz88 You need to get out of your parent’s basement and go out and get some fresh air. ;)

blueiiznh's avatar

Is there a question in there? Seems more like a statement to me.

Waxing the dolphin techniques vary from dolphin to dolphin.

poisonedantidote's avatar

I have a saying… If I don’t see a tear in your eye, it means you don’t love me.

ragingloli's avatar

I am afraid I forgot the eqations for that.

blueiiznh's avatar

1 oz Vodka
1 oz Tequila
1 oz Banana Liqueur
1 oz Irish Cream
Shake all ingredients in a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass, and serve. swallow or spit is an option

oooops, recipe for a different kind of HandJob but still wanted to share.

zenvelo's avatar

Tickling the prostate is a nice accessory.

Blueroses's avatar

There are always some nice little surprises to add… sucking on an Altoid mint, an ice cube melting slowly in the mouth, some bubbly champagne to enhance swallowing reflex…
I could go on but damn! I need to go buy champagne.

mazingerz88's avatar

@Blueroses Champagne, wow. : )

LuckyGuy's avatar

@zenvelo In my case, that would be hard to do as my prostate is in a bio-hazard waste bucket someplace.

Since most of you have not had the “pleasure” of having yours removed nor have been with a guy who has, you are probably not aware that the removal process often affords the user with certain ‘advantages’.

Women should never overlook the guys without one. I hear they make very thoughtful and appreciative lovers. Match that with the ability to have multiple orgasms, no mess, and a boy toy that lasts up to 4 hours, it’s no wonder their partners are always left breathless and smiling. (Or so I’ve been told.)

Thank goodness for medical science and the daVinci robot.

chyna's avatar

^Um, what?

LuckyGuy's avatar

Hey. I thought I’d take advantage of a teachable moment. Ask a guy without a prostate. They’ll tell you.

It’s like being 19 again – only without the stupid!

Ela's avatar

I don’t kiss and tell but I will say… Oodles of practice ; )
As with anything… the more you practice something the better you will become at it.
@Blueroses Wait for me?! I need to go buy some champagne,too!

mazingerz88's avatar

@EnchantingEla That’s what I thought. Hmm.

@worriedguy Wait, not having a prostate is like being on Viagra without the Viagra? Oh, wait, I think I get it, no premature release!

LuckyGuy's avatar

There you go! When you do release, it pumps and pulsates and feels just like before, except there is no payload. There’s no need to withdraw – from anywhere..
Also, and here is the best part, you don’t have to wait for it to reset to go again. You are ready to go in a minute.

Frankly I don’t understand why women don’t insist all guys do this. ;-)

Ela's avatar

<takes notes>

blueiiznh's avatar

<a bottle of Dom always on hand>

Ela's avatar

<takes more notes> I may need more paper ; )

blueiiznh's avatar

<who needs paper>

mazingerz88's avatar

Drip catching paper?

jonsblond's avatar

@Blueroses Speaking of nice surprises. I once gave a performance after handling jalapenos and forgetting to wash my hands. It was a pleasant, and shocking, surprise for both of us. :D

Blueroses's avatar

Wowza! @jonsblond that’s hardcore!
I thought I was pushing the edge with fresh ginger but you win!

LuckyGuy's avatar

@EnchantingEla Ever see a guy in his mid fifties in the ER with an exhausted and concerned look on his face and holding an icepack on his groin? You can pretty much guess what he’s been doing for the previous 3 hours. He is now panicking that he can’t get it back down.

Fortunately, I have never had the need for an ER visit but I know three! guys who have. I guess sometimes ‘the stupid’ does leak in.

jonsblond's avatar

@Blueroses Not trying to win. Just sharing. ;)

blueiiznh's avatar

wakes up

sees empty bottles of champagne, empty tin of altoids, empty ice bucket, peacock feathers, and some pamplet about prostate surgery strewn all over my bedroom.

going back to bed now

creative1's avatar

@jonsblond I have experienced the effects of jalapenos but on the other side after a boyfriend had touched and eaten some. The oils seem to remain even after you wash and ooooh do they make you hot even down there ;) I can imagine what they can do to the guy..

Coloma's avatar

LOL….hilarious you guys.

I could tell the story of having to clean the sheath of my horses penis. Of course, that’s only one story form the archives, but alas, let’s just say having to medically swab a horses dong is quite an experience, I think we bonded over it. haha

mazingerz88's avatar

@Coloma In case you missed it, let me direct you to this post of mine. It’s the last entry on the board. Here.

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