Social Question

filmfann's avatar

Do people in Missouri refer to the city as Saint Louis?

Asked by filmfann (52598points) October 21st, 2011

This answer to another question shows St. Louis, yet refers to it as Saint Louis. Is the latter ever used?
I know people in San Francisco can be a little snitty when others call it “Frisco”.

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14 Answers

SpatzieLover's avatar

We have family in St. Loius. They all refer to it as Saint Louis. I’ve never heard it called anything else.

filmfann's avatar

They write “Saint”?

SpatzieLover's avatar

No, St. But I have always heard them pronounce the “Saint” clearly with no nickname used.

dappled_leaves's avatar

<confused> What would be the nickname for Saint? Are you saying that St. would be pronounced differently?

SpatzieLover's avatar

@dappled_leaves San Franscico is refered to as “Frisco”. Los Angeles is called L.A.

St. Louis MO & St. Louis KS are both commonly called St. Louis by their residents.

@filmfann I haven’t even heard locals call it “Louie”, but I have heard sports casters call it that.

everephebe's avatar

STL or St. Louis are used… Saint Louis not so much in my experience.

filmfann's avatar

This isn’t about pronunskiation, it’s about whether anyone actually writes Saint Louis.
I was surprised to see that on the link above.

dappled_leaves's avatar

I think you may have put the wrong link in your question. :/

Brian1946's avatar

The developer of the page linked in your question wrote “Saint Louis”, to provide clarification for those who might think that “St. Louis” stood for Street Louis. ;-)

Sunny2's avatar

SAN FRANCISCO is NOT referred to as Frisco anywhere within a 100 mile radius! ! ! Only auslanders would say that! And people in the navy.

Jeruba's avatar

Echoing for emphasis:

San Francisco is NOT referred to as Frisco.

Is there a St. Louis in Kansas, @SpatzieLover? I can’t find it in Google Maps. Or are you thinking of Kansas City, Kansas, and Kansas City, Missouri?

filmfann's avatar

@Brian1946 That might be the right answer! Thanks!

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

I call it Home.

And when I’m away, I long for The Lou.

Many Saint Louisans refer to it as The Lou.

everephebe's avatar

Saint Lou I’ve heard.^ Not too many folks I know call it The Lou. Maybe I’m not gangsta enough…
However many folks I know do hang out in the Loop.

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