General Question

simone54's avatar

Can you ID this hawk-like bird?

Asked by simone54 (7642points) October 21st, 2011

I have tried using and all but I can find what he (or she) is. I don’t see any hawks with a white head.

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9 Answers

thorninmud's avatar

It’s an osprey

thorninmud's avatar

Nice picture. Did you take it?

Coloma's avatar

I saw an Osprey at Silver Lake in the Sierras a few years ago dive from about 100 feet over the lake and nail a huge Trout! It was a premiere life moment! :-D

simone54's avatar

I did take it.

gailcalled's avatar

@simone54: Was it hanging around a fresh water lake? That is their usual habitat. And they have nests at the top of very tall trees; they usually return year after year. They drop like an elevator and rake up a fish swimming near the surface of the lake. It is a dramatic moment.

simone54's avatar

Yep. It’s on a little pond at my house. I thought they were usually near salt water. I got to see it catch as fish today. Good stuff.

downtide's avatar

That’s a really good photo.

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