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Dutchess_III's avatar

What are some things that seem logical on the face of it but actually defy common sense?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47126points) October 21st, 2011

Some of you know about my saga of two days without running water. My husband just got it up and running about 30 minutes ago. He had to change out quite a bit of the plumbing to the tub, as well as the bath tub fixtures, including the shower head. But he finally got it done. So, I excitedly got ready to take a shower. The pressure out of the faucet was good…but when I diverted the water to the shower head, the pressure wasn’t half of what it used to be. I asked my husband what was up with that. He said it has a “limiter” or “restrictor” or something in it….it’s supposed to save water.
Needless to say, it took me twice as long to take a shower than it used to.
How is that saving water??

He said he’ll take the restrictor out. : ) BAD husband! YAY!!

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8 Answers

HungryGuy's avatar

Yeah. I always take those restrictors out when I buy a new shower head. Bad me…

CurLyFriiGal's avatar

I Don’t think that DOES save water… In anyway. Lol but, question, why is you husband “bad”?? I’m just a teensy bit confused there..

john65pennington's avatar

Hope you had a good shower and restrictors are for the birds.

Thank your hubby.

Seek's avatar

Yeah. Lose the restrictor, get a shower head with a shut off “lather switch”. Those rock.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, who ever came up with the dumb idea would say he was bad for taking it out.
Yes, I’m thanking him. I’ll clean up after his messes tomorrow and Sunday (over and above the plumbing mess,) and then he’s on his own again!

What is a shut off lather switch @Seek_Kolinahr?

Seek's avatar

My shower head has a button that turns the water to a light trickle, so the shower isn’t running full blast for the 3 minutes of deep conditioning, or the 5 minutes of shaving my legs. Keeps you from having to shut the water off, then run it to get the right temperature again to rinse off.

rebbel's avatar

I once measured it.
Filled a bucket to the rim and timed it, first with the water saving shower head attached to the hose and then with the shower head off of it.
No difference.
Could be I bought an inferior shower head being Dutch it most probably was a cheap one or there could be something that I am missing in my investigation?
Or my stopwatch was a cheap one…

filmfann's avatar

Trying to save water by buying a smaller tank toilet often results on having to flush twice.
It’s crazy.

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