I'm excited! What are you excited about?
Today (Oct. 22, 2011) at 2:00 p.m., I will start auditions for a Christmas play that I’m directing. It’s my directorial debut, so I’m nervous and joyful at the same time.
What’s got you excited today? Is it the weather? Are you meeting a lover? Are you getting a monetary windfall?
What’s going on in your world that is making your heart race in a good way?
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38 Answers
What play is it? I wish you a wonderful occasion!
I’m excited for my trip on Tuesday. My significant other and I are flying out to Virginia to meet a few friends at the Blackfriars Conference. It is just the “vacation” I needed from all the stress of fall quarter. Midterm season probably isn’t the best time, though.. I have been looking forward to it all summer. The plays should be terrific and I hear the weather is lovely :) If you like rain, which I do.
@muppetish : I’m directing Jacob Marley’s Christmas Carol by Tom Mula. Here is some information about the play.
I’m excited about the next 6 months at work. I am hoping to see some positive changes.
The weather is beautiful!! I love it!
A friend had his first born. ^^ [no he did not gave birth but his wife did].
Today was my last day after having worked 5 full days straight (that’s a lot for a lazy old broad!) now 3 weeks on holiday. I am so excited!!! Real beach, here I come, a beach where you can actually get in the water (no crocs or stingers), just don’t go in too deep because of the sharks!
I’m excited ‘cause I’m visiting my joy in London and we are very happy. minus the j-lo video
My mom is coming to visit next weekend! (I haven’t seen her in like a year).
I get to babysit tommorrow and earn $60, completing my fund to buy a laptop! My family’s old desktop can’t run several good website such as YouTube and Fluther (It runs real slow) and my mother’s laptop has absolutly no memory space left. I get to enjoy further the internet!
I found a nearby Mennonite or Amish farmer’s market, and I am going to go to it today.
The Washington Huskies are playing Stanford tonight and even though they are supposed to lose, we are going to go watch the game at a sports bar (only place that’s carrying it).
Well, it’s cloudy, cold, and generally icky out but we’ve got a fire going, will be doing a little experimental cooking, we get to look forward to going out to a new place for dinner, and we’ll be wandering for window shopping after so all in all the promise of a day of exploration’s got me excited!
I am excited for you, @Hawaii_Jake, good news! You will do well! Enjoying Saturday and joy of being on the country roads today. Have a great day everybody; may goodness follow you today.
In a little more than a month, I am taking my grandson to Disneyland for the first time!
I’m excited because I have decided to buy a new car, but, also stressed. The usual mixed bag. haha
I am all over the map with what I might want, from a Jeep to an Audi. Hows that for clarity. lol
Hawaii Jake I am excited for YOU!!!!! lol…That is so great. I wish you lots of luck.
Not too much exciting going on around my house today. I don’t think making soup sounds too exciting but I am sure I will enjoy it.
I am excited because I rekindled old relationships last night. Best feeling ever.
I’m giddy with anticipation because this weekend I’m going to put some rounds through a Serb SKS that has never been used before. This time it isn’t going to 100 plus degrees at the range.
I’m excited because I just got my Halloween costume on Wednesday and my dress for homecoming on Thursday! I can’t wait for both occasions to come along! :-)
First of all let me say Congratulations on your directorial debut!!! That sounds like so much fun. I hope that you can find some way to document your progress from beginning to end, either in a journal or by being video taped or by being photographed, or some combination of both. That would be so cool : )
For me, it’s something pretty simple. I’m taking a day trip with my family to the mountains and then continuing on to the desert. We’ll probably have lunch at a malt shop. I haven’t been able to experience any “nature” lately, so I’m long overdue for some clouds and some trees and some family time.
Congratulations :D
I’m excited to be only weeks away from getting married again. My co workers keep teasing and asking me if I’ve got cold feet yet, they like to give me a daily countdown of days but I’ve had near two years to be sure and all in for this. It’s pretty cool, almost like being young again but without the uncertainty.
Congrats @Neizvestnaya, I hope your wedding is beautiful and wonderful! :D
I am excited for today. I get to see my bestie and buy myself a pair of steampunk googles! :D
Neizvestnaya Good luck to you! I am so happy for you. ..so close to 20k, hmmm, she could have the reception at the Fluther mansion…
Yesterday I managed to get tickets for The Stone Roses reunion gig at first I realised we couldn’t go because it clashed with my friends wedding but then the first 2 nights sold out so quick they put on a third on the Sunday so I grabbed a couple tickets for that, it also happens to be my birthday.
I was meant to see them in ‘95 at Glastonbury Festival but the guitarist John Squire broke his collar bone a couple weeks before and they pulled out. Because of the fall out between Squire and Brown I thought I would never get to see them. They are without a doubt my favourite band of all time and I’m very excited about this gig.
@Hawaii_Jake Congratulation on your directorial debut!
@Neizvestnaya Best wishes on your upcoming nuptials!
And, to everybody else who feels good about something, enjoy.
For me, it’s a concert day. I get to sing the lovely Faure Requiem and a number of smaller pieces by French composers. It’s always an exhilarating experience. And tomorrow I get to do it again!
I just got my laptop fixed. :)
And…. My best friend is coming back in six months… :D:D:D
I can’t think of anything ‘exciting’ that is happening in my life right now but I am excited for you @Hawaii_Jake. I hope you will post a YouTube video of at least a little of your play. I would love to see it.
I’m excited for my kids… the oldest is applying to colleges, my middle girl is having a great junior year, and the youngest is really enjoying being in marching band during her first year in high school. Big changes afoot, and all good!
I’m super excited for you, @Hawaii_Jake and you, @Neizvestnaya! Congratulations to you both!
I’m excited about the progress that I’m making with my severely injured hamstring muscles in my right leg. My orthopedic surgeon told me that I will never regain my lost strength. I never accepted that and soon I will prove him wrong. This injury occurred nearly 3 years ago and I have been relentless with daily workouts targeted at regaining my lost strength. Gains have been coming so slow but so steady. Now I’m so close to reaching my goal and I’m so excited about this.
Excited for your play! Congratulations!
I’m not particularly excited about anything right now, except that the weather has been pretty nice for the past few days.
I am excited that I finished the rotten paper I have been working on for months and sent it to my colleague for a bit of a peer review. Now I know she will send it back with heaps of suggestions for how I could improve it, but it is a huge step finished and it makes me feel happy.
Yay, congrats, @Hawaii_Jake!!
I am excited because I got to cross something off my bucket list last night! I’ve always wanted to learn how to make dichroic glass jewelry but the kilns are expensive and I assumed it wouldn’t happen for many years. But Hobby Lobby sells a much cheaper kiln that goes in your microwave and while it’s obviously not as good as the real deal, it’s a great “gateway” tool. I tried it for the first time last night and made a pendant and I didn’t screw up the firing and break it or anything. Soooo excited.
@Mariah Can you post a photo of your pendant?
I love your term “gateway” tool. Watch out Missy, next thing you know, you’re gonna want to move to Denmark to work in one of those glass blowing factories!
I saw a documentary about Danish glass blowing factories that was amazing
@Kardamom, here is a photo of my second pendant. Just gotta glue a backing onto it now. The first one isn’t nearly as pretty as I made some rookie errors, but I’m quite happy with the second! :D
That documentary sounds right up my alley. What was it called?
@Mariah that’s really cool, might even put an order in as a gift for my wife! AiROW business woman of the year!
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