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john65pennington's avatar

What's on your Christmas List for Santa this year?

Asked by john65pennington (29278points) October 22nd, 2011

The stores already have Christmas decorations in place, so I thought I would also ask an early Christmas question. Pretend I am Santa Claus and give me your most sincere wish for this Christmas. I cannot promise you will receive your wishes, but I will try to deliver what I think you deserve on December 25th! Question: have you been a good boy or girl this year? If so, tell Santa all about it.

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21 Answers

jonsblond's avatar

I would really like a Denver Broncos hoodie.

now can I tug at your beard?

King_Pariah's avatar

Knowing how I’ve been this year… You’ll be giving me a frozen turd (not realizing just how bad of an idea that is).

ucme's avatar

Woah, in my house I come a distant fourth behind my kids & the wife when it comes to crimbo pressies. Which is fine, I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Having said that santa, a new set of golf clubs would make me happy.

john65pennington's avatar

jonsblond, looking over the year for you, I see you have been a good person and I consider your hoodie. After all, we have to keep you warm. S.

john65pennington's avatar

ucme, how about a new putter, instead? S.

john65pennington's avatar

King Pariah, by your own admission, you could have been better, so how about ribbon to tie onto your finger, to remind you that I will be watching you next year? S.

King_Pariah's avatar

Nahhhh… being bad is just too good to let go. :P

ucme's avatar

Just a putter!! Recession biting hard in Lapland is it?

john65pennington's avatar

King Pariah, we’ll start with the putter and add more as the year progresses and I can put your name in the good boy book. S

ucme's avatar

You got your usernames mixed up you silly boy ;¬}

Scooby's avatar

I could do with a new power drill :-/
I’ve been eying up the Dewalt DC727KLV 18V Nano Li-ion 13mm 2 Speed Compact Hammer Drill/Driver, that’ll come in right handy when I start to fit my new kitchen just after the new year….. Oh yea & the Dewalt DW626 2300W ½in Variable Speed Plunge Router too…. That should just about cover me…. I’ve been a very good boy, honest ( snigger ) :-/

john65pennington's avatar

Scooby, the first part of this year was really good for you. I see you have continued to be in the good boy book, so I will write down those wishes and hold your breath that they arrive under your Christmas tree this year. S

Scooby's avatar

Sorted ;-)
Thanks Santa…. holding breath :-/

KateTheGreat's avatar

A new violin. I’m in desperate need of a new one.

Foolaholic's avatar

A nice sturdy teapot. It’s the only thing my new apartment lacks.

Keep_on_running's avatar

A job. I need to earn some money. :/

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Coloma's avatar

I’m shopping for a new car, sooo, Merry Christmas to me!
Now, depending on how much I end up spending, everyone elses Xmas might be a little thin. lol

Hey, Christmas is not about stuff, it’s about celebration with loved ones. ;-)

geeky_mama's avatar

The only (material) thing I want for Christmas is a new Kindle Fire. (The new iPad-like device from Amazon that has the super-fast Silk browser embedded).

However, since I am “Santa” for all of my nuclear and extended family..I’m not likely to get this because my money will go elsewhere getting gifts for everyone else. That’s OK. Maybe I’ll get it early next year and it’ll be Merry Christmas to me.. in late January.

TheIntern55's avatar

I don’t need anything. Everything I say I want for Christmas I always earn up for before the holiday comes. So, why don’t you just give me a $100 Barnes and Noble gift card? I could always find use for those.

Blondesjon's avatar

I’ll tell you after Thanksgiving, you gun jumping fuck. :P

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