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ucme's avatar

Describe your laugh the best way you can?

Asked by ucme (50052points) October 22nd, 2011

I may have asked this before, but it was probably in the dim & distant past so we press on.
For best results we’re talking belly laughs here, none of your namby pamby giggles or chuckles. A full on laugh is what’s required.

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32 Answers

creative1's avatar

I have different laughs, some describe one as dirty, and another as evil and another that cracks people up and makes them laugh too.

TheIntern55's avatar

Short choppy and awkward.

beccagolling's avatar

I do not know how quite to describe my laugh. But others say it is very strange and weird. Sometimes even evil. ;)

Mantralantis's avatar

My laugh is like one of those volume-ascending ringtones, only it quickly descends and fades as if it never happened.

It’s a sad story really. Oh, well.

Keep_on_running's avatar

Loud, repetitive and annoying.

Scooby's avatar

It’s a cross between Muttley a donkey & a car struggling to start on a winters morning…… :-/

Coloma's avatar

Hearty and genuine. I am blessed with a great sense of humor and love to play stand up comedian and satirist. ;-D

Mantralantis's avatar

@Coloma – So where do stand up, comedian?

Coloma's avatar


What? Your sentence makes no sense. Clarify?

Mantralantis's avatar

@Coloma – Are you kidding Me?! Very well, it means where are you usually at, when you have your sense of humor come out with others. Is it just here, at fluther? Or is it at home in front of the T.V. or outside throwing up… leaves?

Ela's avatar

Explosive and genuine. I rarely laugh unless I find something truly funny. I smile a lot.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Kid-under-the-stairs giggle.

KateTheGreat's avatar

Extremely goofy!

King_Pariah's avatar

Recently the most common ones have been the ones that sound forced or hollow.

Coloma's avatar


It’s all the time, everywhere, I’m a naturally humorous and cheerful personality.

rebbel's avatar


Luiveton's avatar

Very, very weird. It’s just like a child’s. You know, with the loud intakes of breath at the end and all… A bit loud too.
Sometimes it’s dirty.. Not intentionally, obviously >___>

jonsblond's avatar

I totally have the Jeff Spicoli laugh.

Prosb's avatar

It sounds like a rapid series of LOUD, hearty chuckles. If I can’t stop laughing, it apparently turns into an over the top, out of control, villain-esque cackling.

ucme's avatar

Hey good stuff folks, laugh it up!
I’ve been told on many occasions I sound a lot like this in full flow.
Of course I deny the whole thing….yeah right.

Blackberry's avatar

Sometimes it’s high pitched but still manly, kind of like a mischievous teenager, but most of the time, it’s like a straight-laced dad laugh lol. You know…...picture an older dad making a lame joke at a dinner table that only he laughs at.

tranquilsea's avatar

Mine’s kind of one the low side.

BeccaBoo's avatar

I cackle like a witch…...pretty much why I am happiest at Halloween, I can laugh so loud and get away with it.

Male's avatar


filmfann's avatar

It’s kind of quiet, like Peter Sellers in the end of Being There.


poisonedantidote's avatar

I have 3 kinds. The fist is the chuckle, a almost forced “hehehe”. The next one is my regular laugh, a kind of delerious elderley evil scientist kind of sound, if that makes any sense. Then there is my big laugh, that is reserved for specially funny things, and that is the Klingon belly laugh.

Blondesjon's avatar

Very endearing unless it is aimed at you, then the sound of it makes you want to punch me in the face.

Jude's avatar

Jon, you have the best laugh.


I have a low but naturally soft voice. When I laugh, it sounds rather “sneaky”, like “heh-heh-heh”. If something is really funny, my laugh sounds like a low sneaky groan, like awwwghhharhaahgh….!

martianspringtime's avatar

Too loud with occasional snorts
which is funny because I typically talk pretty quietly

ucme's avatar

Just to round things off nicely, I thought i’d post footage of the MIL laughing!
Awww, bless ;¬}

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