Social Question

6rant6's avatar

NSFW What portion of the population will never get any again?

Asked by 6rant6 (13710points) October 22nd, 2011

There are people whose physical condition precludes ever having sex again. Some people have chosen celibacy. Still others think of themselves as sexually active, but will die before their next chance “comes up”.

What fraction of the people walking the earth do you think will never have sex again?

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6 Answers

poisonedantidote's avatar

I have no idea how I would even go about calculating such a thing. I find my self seriously thinking about it, because believe it or not, it’s not the potential economic downfall, plague, and nuclear war fears that keep me awake at night, its questions like this.

After thinking about it for a while, taking in to consideration all of the sick shit I have seen people do on the internet, I find my self being able to rule out people who have had their genitals destroyed some how.

I think the key question here is, how bad would you have to get before prostitutes start saying no to you?

Lets see…

- Men with permanently disfunctional genitals
– Men with visually obvious herpes
– People who are in bad health from extreme age
– People who are destined to die before they get laid again

So… with all that taken in to consideration, I think I would go with 20% or so.


what about prostitutes and rape?

CWOTUS's avatar

I am not sitting here alone on a Saturday night and answering this. Not. gonna. happen.

“Answering the question”, I mean. That’s what’s not gonna happen.

wundayatta's avatar

I was reading about a study on this put out by International Sex Institute. They said 11.86% I’m very surprised that @rebbel didn’t provide a citation for his number. Very.~

Londongirl's avatar

I guess when people are very depressed or have serious health problems also wouldn’t think about sex too…

6rant6's avatar

I did some research, and there are actually groups for “involuntary celibacy.” And 16% of married couples haven’t had sex in the last year, according to one study done in the US.

In countries with an excess of men over women where extramarital sex, prostitution, and homosexuality are illegal, there is a class of men who may never have a chance.

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