Social Question

Jude's avatar

How do you deal with difficult people, people who you don't like, for whatever reason?

Asked by Jude (32210points) October 22nd, 2011

People who are controlling; people who you work for; your neighbor; or your family member. Basically, people who you can’t avoid. How do you not let your blood pressure go through the roof and veins burst out of your head?

This question is from my girlfriend.

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9 Answers

Prosb's avatar

I usually try to be overly polite to them, to show they’re doing something to provoke that attitude from me. If they are really making me angry, they’re also generally stupid, at least regarding whatever topic they’re talking about, so I will direct comments at them insulting their intelligence on such matters, and possibly in general.

The exception is if it’s your boss. That you just have to deal with unless you’re about to quit.

Yanaba's avatar

I have noticed there is a type of human, often female, who is unnaturally cheerful all the time and often comes off (to me) as not being very bright. I pretend to be one of these people, who is so cheerfully optimistic and super busy that I “just can’t stay” and am annoying to be around for the other person as well. Not for any reason they can really complain about, because what are they going to say? But for being so positive. It’s tiring but it works really well, especially if someday you need something from the individual, like a reference letter….

Yanaba's avatar

Think Flanders from the Simpsons

Berserker's avatar

If I don’t have a choice but to be with them, like working/studying with them for example…well, I’ll do what I have to do with them or around them, but it will be completely defined by necessity. I ignore and avoid them as much as I can otherwise, without saying a word or doing anything more than needed when it comes to interaction. When they approach me, if I don’t need to, I don’t engage, or dismiss them very quickly. Doing it in a cold way can do wonders.
If it’s at work, well there are work norms if say, they’re a superior taking advantage of you. I know it’s easier said than done…but the laws are there, nonetheless. If it’s a bully, again, you can see the higher ups and try to get something done, strike back, or let it roll.

What I do is ignore them as much as I can, within the limits barred up in front of me. I’m using a work/school example, because that’s the closest experience I have, besides my roommate who I speak of below. (not someone I dislike, but she fits this question pretty good…)
As to how I keep my temper in check, well that really depends on the type of disturbance the person is causing within me…I picture Valhalla, and hope to get there. It’s just fantasy, but it works. I don’t take it much differently than how I do with other stuff that pisses me off. Look forward to my beer and fuck the rest lol.

If a person is controlling, you know they’re controlling if you recognize it. Half the battle is won. When you see them raise their sword, don’t fall for it. I have that going on with my roommate. She’s one of em emotionally controlling ego freaks. Like, everything is always my fault, I should apologize, and I should bring it all to her on a silver platter. She has moments where she lays out the battle ground by not talking to me for hours or constantly criticizing me (from what the apartment is like to how I play my fuckin video games), slamming doors and being all moody. But I have the patience of a saint, and I know she’ll get tired of it. I just don’t react and do my shit. When she’s all fine and dandy again, she can come talk to me.
Likewise, if she gets sick of my lack of responding and confronts me, I may be a wuss most of the time, but I fuckin live here, and I’ll defend my private space if it’s attacked. She’s learned haha. I’m not boasting though. I hate and fear getting in fights with her. It’s not pleasant and very stressful. But I do know that she expects me to make a first move, and so she’s already on the losing end if she has to do it. I wait for her mood swing to be over, or her confrontation to happen. I keep Zen, I make paper flowers in my head, but I still keep doing my shit. There is not a single person on this fucking planet who will stall me.
of course I had to learn, but so did she. She never confronts me about anything anymore. (unless it’s valid, in which she takes a very different and, much more mature approach)
She still plays her guilt trips at least three times a week, but because I stood up for myself, I don’t have half to deal with as I did a year ago.

I hope that helps at least a little. I mean it’s a hard question to answer without me giving personal examples, since such things contain so many different factors. Environment, the people, the reasons, the situations…

As I say, for me, besides making a stand, I got a lot of drinking and fantasy shit going on…prolly not the best method lol. But many times, it works for me. Sad but true.

mazingerz88's avatar

Sooner or later, to avoid literally jumping off a cliff myself, I just have to find something good about this unliked person, hoping it would balance my detesting of him or her.

Berserker's avatar

@mazingerz88 I love your attitude. :)

Brian1946's avatar

I might be way off base by posting this, but I think Jeruba’s favorite method is defenestration. ;-)

jca's avatar

If I can avoid them, I do. If I have to be with them (like if it’s a boss) I try to chat with them and try to find something that I like about them, to make it more pleasant, and also to try to get to know them better. There are not many people that I really can’t stand at present. I have had bosses I hated, but luckily, not now.

Ela's avatar

I have a very expressive face so I can’t hide my feelings very well at all…
So I just shut down. I do my job or what ever needs to be done and get away from them as soon as I can.
Probably not a great approach, but usually these people are nothing to me and I refuse to let them become something. (Even if it’s a bad something. I don’t want to waste my time/thoughts on them.)

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