Are you this Jelly? The Jelly below me_Part 29?
Asked by
snowberry (
October 22nd, 2011
The game rules are:
Respond to the question/statement from the poster above.
Ex: I might make the statement:
The Jelly below me drinks 10 cups of coffee daily
The response might be:
False! I hate coffee or,
Then they might state:
The Jelly below me has blond hair.
There are no right or wrong answers, so be as creative as your heart desires.
Happily, this is becoming the Never Ending TJBM Game. Hopefully most all Jellies will join in.
Observing members:
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498 Answers
TJBM is the second jelly to answer this new TJBM question.
TJBM’s favorite number is 3.
I really don’t care.
TJBM likes their spices in identical labeled glass jars.
French toast yes, other kinds of toast, not so much.
TJBM would feel comfortable singing out loud in a public place.
Yes, but only because I can’t sing at all and know it.
TJBM can’t fight the groove when certain songs come on in public places.
I never even try to “Fight the groove”. If I want to sing, I’m gonna sing. I don’t sound bad anyways!
TJBM is a good singer.
The people who’ve heard me sing say I am, but I’m not sure. They say I sound a bit like Roger Whittaker, because my voice is on the low and soft side. lol
TJBM knows who Roger Whittaker is.
Mmmmh, the name sounds familiar. I think I do…
TJBM also knows who Roger Whittaker is.
Not really tall, but not short either. 5 feet 11 inches tall.
TJBM is taller than his/her parents.
Nope. I’m about the same height as my mother.
TJBM is spending time with a friend tonight.
If you are my friend @AshLeigh, then yups! : )
tjbm is spending time with a lover tonight
I am your friend! :)
True. ;) If Henna counts….
TJBM is joking! :)
No, I’m not. Oh wait, that was a joke, so I guess I am . . . (So confused)
TJBM is hungry, but not hungry enough go cook something up.
True. Haha. I’m lazy!
TJBM is being silly.
Yep! haw-haw-egads-mee-maa-mow—oops——blah—snoot———lol-giggle-giggle——hee-hee!!
TJBM has been yawning tonight.
False, but now I’ve started, haha.
TJBM knows that just thinking about yawning has a 1 in 2 chance of making you yawn.
I yawned…. Haha.
TJBM is sleepy.
Not tonight for some reason.
TJBM can relax tommorow.
Nope. I have church, then play practice, then play performance! D:
TJBM can relax tomorrow!
Half true. While I still have work, movie night is tomorrow night as well, and that’s always a good finisher to a weekend.
TJBM is going to watch something with friends tomorrow.
True… what time should I be there @Prosb ; p
False. I rarely watch tv and when I do it’s usually football.
tjbm is sooooo tired but can’t sleep… like moi : (
I’m sooooo tired, but I haven’t tried to sleep. I’m kickin’ it with Henna. :)
TJBM is kickin’ it with someone.
True. I’m kickin the sandman! hitting the sheets, hopin for sleeps…
tjbm is hitting the sheets
TJBM loves oxymoron’s.
Yes, not only do I love oxymorons, I am an oxymoron.
TJBM loves creating neologisms.
Not really. I have when I have to explain them to others because takes to much time.
The Jelly Below Me is smiling.
True. I’m watching Spongebob!
TJBM is a Spongebob fanatic. like me
False. I detest SpingeBob with every fiber of my being.
TJBM also had a cartoon character that they detest with every fiber if their being.
Nah, very few things I detest and a cartoon wouldn’t be one
TJBM has seen zombies for reals….
Dude, I was in the thriller video.
TJBM was in the video with me too!
false unfortunatly not, that doesn’t mean to say I haven’t acted out some of the moves ont he dance floor way back in the day!!!
The jelly below me drinks several cups of coffee a day and then regrets the caffine rush when they still awake at 2 in the morning!
Yes to many cups of coffee per day. No to the rush as I can drink it up to an hour prior to jammie time without issue.
the jelly below me had jelly toast today
false…just butter on my toast this morning :)
The jelly below me is very excited about something
I’m not particularly excited at the moment but there are a few things I am looking forward too in the near future.
TJBM enjoys watching Top Gear.
I do and I watch it whenever I can. Unfortunately, I’ve been missing a few seasons.
TJBM is missing her favorite shows.
My Little Pony? Heck yes.
TJBM loves kid shows. XD
True, some kids’ shows are a delight, and I watch it with my kids (yeah, right you say——lol). Mr. Roger’s Neighbourhood, The Tick, Spiderman, etc. love those.
TJBM once bought something from watching an “info-mercial”.
TJBM has a little baby kitten in their house right now! :-)
I wish I did. Baby kittens are so cute. I used to have one way back, and she lived to 19 years old. A cute little tabby.
TJBM lives near a wooded area.
True just about a 5 min walk away….fabulous for walking the dog!
The jelly below me watches reality shows like x factor etc…
Kinda false. I watch the food-based reality shows on Food Network (Iron Chef America, Diners Drive-Ins & Dives, Cupcake Wars, etc.).
I also like House Hunters.
TJBM has very small feet.
I think they’re normal.
TJBM has big feet.
[̲̅F̲̅][̲̅a̲̅][̲̅l̲̅][̲̅s̲̅][̲̅e̲̅].... at least I don’t think I do : (
tjbm is an amazon woman!
i finded a funky new toy, see ↑ LOL
very false.
TJBM wants @sakura or coloma to face a swan.
Um..only if they want to?
TJBM bought oodles of pumpkins and squash today.
TJBM is going to close their bank account with The Stank of America.
[̲̅T̲̅][̲̅r̲̅][̲̅u̲̅][̲̅e̲̅] already done as a matter of fact : )
CU all the way, baby!
tjbm banks at their local CU
yessum….I got one of those
TjBm has been to the top of the Statue of Liberty
[̲̲̅̅F̲̲̅̅a̲̲̅̅l̲̲̅̅s̲̲̅̅e̲̲̅̅] but some day I will : ) I have been to Niagara Falls, though ; )
tjbm either had their honeymoon or mooned their honey at Niagara Falls heehee
i’ve done neither btw LOL
Never been to Niagara Falls. Would love to go though. I haven’t actually had a honeymoon either.
TJBM loves to walk on the beach and paddle in the surf.
@Bellatrix me either on the honeymoon…. wanna catch a flight together? <winks>
Walk on the beach – Yes
Paddle in the surf – No
TJBM is easily aroused.
Not really.
TJBM has a white cat sitting next to them!
Oh yes @EnchantingEla. Let’s do it!
I will let AshLeigh answer the next one.
Psht. I don’t yell. I’ve rarely yelled at anyone on Fluther. I kindly remind, or suggest. :P
ˋˏFˎˊˋˏaˎˊˋˏlˎˊˋˏsˎˊˋˏeˎˊ.... I don’t have a cat : )
tjbm has a cat in the hat
I wish!
TJBM has a piggy bank.
True! But I don’t keep money in it.
TJBM has a real pig.
False. i was gonna say i divorced him but that wouldn’t be very nice : ( so i’ll just say false
tjbm knows who Arnold is and what he did “iinheritate”
Who is he?
TJBM thinks mice are cute.
@snowberry he is the pig from Green Acres. LOL They are testing his blood in the “do-whacker blood comparer” to see if his is Herman’s legal heir of 20 mil
Never used it.
tjbm loves skype : )
PSHT! it has it’s place i suppose. I prefer the phone
TJBM gets the hiccccccuppps often
Not too often, unless I eat dry food. Then look out!
TJBM hates video games, or at least can’t play them.
I really love video games. I can’t live without them! Lol.
TJBM loves The Full Monty :P
Not sure if that is a movie or book and I’m too lazy atm to google it so… I’m gonna have to go False on that one : )
tjbm likes to shower in the dark
I like to see, even if I do have soap in my eyes.
TJBM is an avid gardener.
True, I love my hands in the dirt
TJBM loves mile high apple pie
TJBM is going to watch Sleepy Hollow soon, like me! :)
False. The one with hotty Johnny Depp? nom nom nom I’m on my way over!
tjbm wants to watch Sleepy Hallow with @AshLeigh like me!
I own the dvd and will watch it on halloween so nope
TJBM goes trick or treating or wishes someone would give them free candy
Yes, the one with johnny Depp!!! Is there any other one worth watching!?!?! Alright, come on over. ;)
Nope. I hate Halloween. I believe every day living is scary enough.
TJBM loves Batman!
True, he’s one of the best, if not the best Superhero.
TJBM likes the comic book superhero “The Tick”.
Never really got into comic book heroes. Perhaps I should check them out.
TJBM is super organised.
Nope. Organized somewhat, but not really.
TJBM gets a sore back or shoulders from fluthering at the computer sometimes.
Haha. sometimes! But then I just move around, and it’s fine.(:
TJBM is fluthering from their bed! :)
No. I’m doing it at my home office desk. No one is around me at the moment.
TJBM can hear the wind outside blowing at this very moment.
TJBM is hanging out with a furry little creature! :)
Not true.
The Jelly Below Me has a lot of friends.
Nope. I have only a few very good friends.
TJBM once jumped into a very cold lake in swimming attire.
Several times.
TJBM doesn’t learn their lesson the first time!
TJBM wants some Schweddy Balls.
I’d like to try the ice cream ^^
The Jelly Below Me has a wedding coming soon. [be it his/her own , a family, a relative, a friend etc]
TJBM saw someone they weren’t expecting to see today.
TJBM needs a neck rub.
TJBM loves hot chocolate.
TJBM is a big baby.
Sometimes. Haha.
TJBM is cold.
False. Although it is getting chilly in my area, a small bedroom with a computer and adult male giving off heat is plenty to stay toasty. (The rest of the house is fairly cold though)
TJBM has yet again, a lot of chocolate in their house. (And it’s not for trick-or-treaters)
No. I don’t have any and when I have I only buy it because I want to give it to others.
The Jelly Below Me loves God.
Yes I do! My father’s a preacher, so I sorta have to.
TJBM has seen every episode of I Love Lucy.
I have only seen a few episodes.
TJBM loves Broadway Musicals.
Yes! I have old tastes for a 14 year old.
TJBM is an oddball.
Sure am.
The Jelly Below Me wants to grow stronger.
In terms of physical strength, I’m comfortable with where I’m at. I’m nowhere near done gaining mental strength, and probably never will be done. My spiritual strength has no need to grow.
TJBM has a inquisitive mind.
Sure, why not.
TJBM is a nerd. specifically my favorite nerd
I don’t think I’m your favorite nerd. But I am one.
TJBM is one of my favorite Jellies? :)
True. :D
TJBM is happy to see me. :D:D
—You don’t count. You’re my sister, you’re one of my favorite people, so you’re automatically one of my favorite Jellies. :P
I am happy to see you!
TJBM is also happy to see my sister! :D:D:D
True :) Hello @AshLeigh ‘s sister!
The jelly below me wants to know what to face a swan means!
True. What does facing a swan mean?
TJBM knows the famous person who likes to say these things on her show “Um is not an answer!,” “Take your hands out of your pockets!,” “If it doesn’t make sense, it’s not true!”
Is it JJ?
TJBM had a great workout at the gym today
@blueiiznh BING! You’re correct!!
True! How did you know? I just came back from doing weights and laps at the community pool. Feel great.
TJBM used to play mumbly peg as a kid.
False. I’ll have to hand the song to my brother-in-law——he’s German. lol
TJBM once punched the wall while dreaming, waking him/her up.
True. D:
TJBM is watching Hannibal Lecter! :)
Yes, I saw that movie before. Yikes.
TJBM was bitten by a hamster once.
True. :-(
TJBM is tossing the brownies.
ummm…. false? What’s tossing the brownies mean? Ralphing?
tjbm is frostin the brownies ; )
Very true.
TJBM plays at least 10 hours of games a week.
Even more.
The Jelly Below Me doesn’t like video games.
True. I don’t like them.
TJBM woke up in the dark today and it was cold.
TJBM has a Christmas jingle in their head right now. (and even if they didn’t, they do now after reading this.)
nope. sorry, you can’t mess with my mind as easy as you think.
TJBM has 43 meetings today.
Yikes. No. It’s a “light” meeting day. Thankfully.
TJBM was/is a Girl Scout/Boy Scout (or Girl Guide)
Never, wasn’t too big on spending time outdoors.
TJBM wants to buy the world a Pepsi.
@blueiiznh “Last Christmas, I gave you my heart but the very next day, you gave it away this year to save me from tears I’ll give it to someone special”
TJBM has a Halloween song stuck in their head right now.
TJBM has really long fingernails. :)
False, just cut them.
TJBM does The Robot often.
True. ;)
TJBM can break dance.
TJBM can dance break.
Possibly. I’m not sure what that means though.
TJBM is my new best friend. :D
Ummm, sure! I lurve new friends.
Tjbm is glad that dr offices have 4 year old magazines just in case you missed it.
False. I got lost, missed part 29, sheesh, I thought you guys had all died or something. lol
TJBM is loving having all their warm, fluffy blankets and comforters on the bed again
TJBM missed @Coloma while she was lost! :O
@Coloma are you still lost? :D But she was missed.
The Jelly Below Me knows how to shoot with a gun.
Nope. I hate hunting. Animal rights!
TJBM is creeped out by @Coloma‘s avatar.
Yay! A posse in the process!
Flase on @Coloma‘s avatar… just close one eye and squint with the other….
LOL j/k! her is a lovely duck woman!
tjbm is a starvin marvin! like moi ; )
Dinner is almost ready, if what I think that phrase means is correct.
TJBM is eating pasta tonight.
False. I don’t know what I’ll have yet. Haha, so my duck mask creeps you guys out ey? lol
TJBM can’t believe how fast the day has gone by
True : ( And it’s getting dark too soon
tjbm misses the long summer days
yessssssssss I love the warm summer evenings!
TJBM can’t wait for winter to start
NOOOO! I spent 3 hours everytime we got a hard snow last year shoveling my driveway.
TJBM lives in a warm place.
Alaska…. Oh yeah, warm. ;)
TJBM is sarcastic.
Sarcastic? Me? Never!
TJBM has to pee.
Nope, I’m good, but thanks for checking.
TJBM has seen an elf for real.
I see them everytime I go pick up my children at their elementary school…the little people in kindergarten and grade 1. Lol.
TJBM once bopped a stranger’s kid on the head.
Look, he deserved it, okay?
TJBM misses elementry school.
Nope. I hated elementary school. I hated school period.
TJBM has kids in elementary school.
TJBM is in secondary school.
TJBM once shot a pumpkin out of a cannon.
No, but I did once see a pumpkin get shot out of a catapult.
TJBM thinks that, though he is an idiot, Charlie Sheen is still funny.
True. In small doses.
TJBM loves Helena Bonham Carter just as much as I do.
Hint: The answer to that is always “False.”
It’s a close second, but I know the extent of your obsession, since you’re my sister, and all.
TJBM is really bored, like me. D:
True. I’m looking up kitten breeds. That’s how bored I am.
TJBM wants a kitty.
VERY, VERY TRUE. Unfortunately, everyone but me is allergic to cats. (And some to dogs too.)
TJBM sometimes goes to friend’s house just to play with their cats.
False, I have a darling Tortie point Siamese named Mia, she’s my baby. ;-)
TJBM likes tootsie roll pops Mmmm, Orange is good!
Yes(: Yummmm.
TJBM thinks @LezboPirate is weird. :)
I think so. ;)
Sure, if you say so.
TJBM has webbed toes.
And why would you say that, Ash-Leigh? It’s not weird to want to know a thing or two about a thing or two.
TJBM likes learning.
Pffffft. No.
TJBM is from Canada? :D
False. Alaska.
TJBM has blue eyes.
Erikah, because I’m aloud to think so![=
False, I have brown eyes.
TJBM has green eyes.
TJBM is vegan.
Oh, and welcome to Fluther @Bryar![=
TJBM has a song stuck in their head and will share it with us.
Yes I do. It is called, “Big-Ass Rock” And it is from The Full Monty Musical. Lol. xD
TJBM is excited for Friday.
False. Nothing big happening on Friday for me
TJBM likes Blackberry pie
I’m actually not sure..
TJBM is dancing.
And you wouldn’t think so if you saw how cute these kitties are! @AshLeigh
False. I was earlier though! xD
TJBM Believes that a zombie apocalypse can actually happen.
Psht. Duh!
TJBM is blow drying their hair, while Fluthering, like me! :)
False, my hair dries quickly enough that I never blow dry it.
TJBM is bored.
Very bored. :/
TJBM Went to San Deigo Comic-Con. xD
False. But I think I would like to. :D
TJBM Want to come with me.
Nope because you’ll take me somewhere where I don’t want to go.
The Jelly Below Me uses honey instead of sugar.
on certain things yes, yes, yes
TJBM loves whipped cream on their hot chocolate
TJBM wants hot chocolate now!
TJBM just ate something healthy. :-)
A cabbage. Does it count?
The Jelly Below Me needs a new friend.
Thank you @AshLeigh!
I could always go for new friends. =]
TJBM is drinking water.
Yarrrr, how’d you know. ?
TJBM is getting really sick of their weekly routine.
Never. I prefer routine and things I am familiar with then doing new things every day and not being able to be perfect at them.
The Jelly Below Me wants to see “30 minutes or less” [a movie]
Havn’t heard of it, yet.
TJBM is barefoot
True, true, true! JUST going for some dinner now
TJBM has a V-6 engine in their car
Yes in one of them
TJBM would prefer to commute on a horse.
nope, haven’t been on a horse since I fell off in my late teens. Maybe I may go again one day but not thinking of commuting on one.
TJBM has fed a horse an apple lately
True. I have a horse, 2 mules and 3 donkeys for neigh-bors keep lots of carrots and apples around, they chase me up my driveway in my car, pushy they are. lol
TJBM has gone snow shoeing cross country
TJBM has driven a Trabant.
TJBM has driven a Segway.
False. What’s a Segway Segue
TJBM hates movies with anti-climatic endings as in, WTH, that’s IT? LOL
It’s those funny two wheel vehicles that you push the handles to get it moving.
True, I just movies with a climax, nothing else.
TJBM will be attending a Halloween party this weekend.
@MRSHINYSHOES , oh, yeah, I know what they are now!
False. I thought about throwing one, but, didn’t get it together in time. Oh well, maybe next year.
TJBM steals Halloween candy from their children when they are sleeping haha
One day….
TJBM is in a bad mood, all of a sudden.
No. I rarely get into a bad mood. I got a pretty even temperament.
TJBM loves eating raw oysters. Yum.
False. I dislike all seafood. (It is interesting to watch people eat it though.)
TJBM has ordered takeout at least once this past week.
True. Last night in fact.
TJBM Loves MineCraft ♥
False. I wish I could get into it, but it’s just not my thing, and the purposely block styled appearance doesn’t help.
TJBM often uses Steam to buy/manage games on their computer.
False. But I hope to get it soon.
TJBM likes anime and manga.
I don’t know @beccagolling, but I’m sure she’s very nice.
TJBM has a high tech camera. :)
aww @AshLeigh you are so sweet :3
But false I do not…sadly. :(
TJBM can’t sleep.
True. D:
TJBM has to go to school tomorrow. :(
True. :(
TJBM doesn’t want to wake up early! D:
True. I don’t.
TJbm likes a particular sauce with their steak.
Nope. Any of them is good :P
The Jelly Below Me never had a death in the family [yet].
I wish. I’ve had over 20 deaths in my family – and I’m only 40.
TJBM is not religious, but likes to think there might be a “heaven”.
Not Heaven in the traditional sense of the word, I like to imagine being free of my body and just being pure consciousness fluttering around the cosmos. ;-)
TJBM woke up before sunrise
True. It’s still dark right now at 6:48 am. And cold. :(
TJBM has to hurry to get ready for work soon.
False. No work today.
TJBM sleeps naked with a microfiber blanket bliss out, a return to the womb. haha
False. I love my down-filled feather bed – and sleep European style under that. (And our kids have no top sheets on their bed..just the feather bed in the duvet cover.)
TJBM is getting on a jet plane (like me) today.
Nice! True cuz I’mma gonna stowaway in your suitcase ; )
Where we headed @geeky_mama? Should I wear a sundress or parka?
tjbm is running late today but still stopping for turnovers! nom nom : (
False. I am not running at all, yet.
TJBM makes home made cranberry sauce for the holidays
No, not normally.
TJBM is going to a Bible study tonight.
TJBM has read all the Harry Potter books.
False. I haven’t read any.
TJBM is going to the theatre soon.
<peeks around for @AshLeigh>
@Coloma i saw the sunrise. it was beautiful! all done up in blues, pinks and purples : )
sleeping nakkid with a microfiber blanket? me thinks you need to change your name to @one_sexy_momma!! RoaR!!
False. 8:08 a.m. still drinking coffee and Fluthering while I come into full consciousness, haha
TJBM has a stomach ache
TJBM is caught between a rock and a hard place.
False. I am between my ultra cozy bathrobe and my faux alligator skin chair.
TJBM has an exotic decorating scheme in their house
It’s rather conventional in the way of tables and chairs, but the artwork is a bit extreme. Old, weird, funny, etc.
TJBM is trying to beat me to the punch. You didn’t make it!
False, I had drifted off to another tab.
TJBM is drifting away.
false, just arrived.
TJBM is dancing on the ceiling.
False, but my cat is trying to catch a ceiling dancing fly. Get it Mimi, GET IT!
TJBM is watching the leaves fall right now
False. No windows in my office (sadly).
TJBM can do a handstand.
TJBM is fit as a fiddle.
False. My Fiddle is a little thick in the middle these last few years. But I can straddle the various. lol
TJBM will tell us of a good movie they have seen recently
30 minutes or less.
The Jelly Below Spent more than 2 weeks in jail.
TJBM is dating someone of a different ethnicity.
TJBM is dating someone in jail.
Never! Gah!
TJBM is dating a different species
TJBM recently tripped.
Does slip count? If so, true. There are several spots in my house where sock to floor friction is seemingly nonexistent. It’s like having invisible banana peels scattered about.
TJBM is not looking forward to shoveling snow.
On the contrary :P I like it.
The Jelly Below Me likes to make snowmen.
never bothered
TJBM wants to run for president.
Hell no!
TJBM is apolitical
Too true. I used to think this was bad, that I really should pay more attention as to what all was going on… but them I thought of something else.
tjbm is having pizza night tonight!
False! Tacos, I think.
TJBM hates pizza.
Falsish. I only hate it when they start tossing fish on it and other weird stuffs that belong on pizza.
tjbm thinks fishes do not belong on a pizza
True, true, true!
TJBM likes mushrooms on their pizza. mmmmm
No way!!!!!
TJBM likes golumpki’s (stuffed cabbage) mmmmm so good!
If it’s cooked then nopers. Cabbage smells nasty when it’s cooked : (
I like it fresh : )
tjbm likes fresh veggies better then cooked veggies
Very true! I’m a texture person when it comes to food, and soft, warm veggies can’t compare to cold and crunchy ones.
TJBM is in the mood for some veggies now.
yum sure, always up for some veggies.
TJBM has sore muscles right now.,
Why is @EnchantingEla peeking around for me? O.o
I feel like I got run over by a bus filled with over weight passengers. D:
TJBM had a long day.
True, 2 tests, an assembaly and a volleyball game.
TJBM is on a sports team.
False! I am lazy.
TJBM is also lazy.
Sometimes. Although, I do run. My school has no sports teams. We’re too small. D:
TJBM is listening to music, on Youtube.
False. I usually let turntable pick my music for me. It’s also a good way to find new artists.
TJBM found something they forgot about today.
False. But it’s only 8:30!
TJBM is looking for something they can’t find. I sorta need to find that IPod…
TJBM has something they should be doing right now, but aren’t.
True. I should do laundry. I should clean my room. I should do Biology. I’m doing none of those things.
TJBM want chocolate milk!
False. I don’t like chocolate.
TJBM wants regular milk with some cookies!
That would be nice too!
TJBM has cool bandaids. ;)
If Dora or Princess bandaides are cool then yes if not then no
TJBM Needs a big hugggggg
@creative1, that’s awesome! Haha.
I’m rocking a batman bandaid right now.
True! I always need a hug. :)
TJBM also needs a hug. [Hugs!]
I mean, I don’t need one, but I’d take one :] Thanks
TJBM has a lot to do tonight but may not get to it.
not quite
TJBM agrees with me that spinach has no business being on a pizza.
TRUE! Grooooooss!
TJBM is getting sick, like me. :/
nope just getting over a nasty cold, I hope you feel better
TJBM is having a glass of merlot too
Nope, but fairly close——a glass of Riesling white wine.
TJBM sometimes has a habit of moving his/her mouth after saying something, as if repeating what was just said.
TJBM is watching NCIS with me tonight.
False. What’s that?
TJBM uses a few “secret, made-up” words that only he and his family knows.
True. Although, not always family..
TJBM can speak other languages, but only the curse words.
NCIS.. It’s a television show. Crimes in the Navy. And sometimes other branches of the military.
True..I can speak other languages. And I can say “Yo Mama” in at least 3.
(Also, at @EnchantingEla – sorry for the delay..was flying across the country. It’s a pleasant 60 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit in San Francisco.)
TJBM saw a lovely sunset today.
True. It was very boring though. I was hungry and I just wanted to go get some food.
TJBM is the fastest typist in the west.
False. I’m a hunt n pecker all the baby! ; )
tjbm is a super sext fast typer
@geeky_mama you went to Frico?! how fun!
I’m only a sexy typer, not a fast one. Lol. ;)
TJBM once fell down a set of stairs or missed a step while going up a set of stairs!
True! Years ago I lived in a Dutch barn house with a loft ladder and I slipped and thumped all the way down on my back. I hit the landing and was just stunned! Scraped and bruised, ouch!
TJBM has run into their own garage door
@Coloma!!! LOL False. I’ve backed into the center part of a 2 stall but have never drove into one ; ) i’m not a very good backer upper
tjbm is doing laundry : (
True! I just got in from errands and I smashed some avacado from a sandwich on a white shirt, it’s soaking in bleach right now. Sloppy sandwich
TJBM likes to read in bed
No, I never read in bed. I reserve my bed for other things.
TJBM sometimes has dreams of deceased pets.
False, I have had dreams of deceased people.
TJBM Just enjoyed some hot cocoa.
False. Blackberry pie…oooh baby! lol
TJBM wants to know what @MRSHINYSHOES reserves his bed for haha
False…I think I already know! :P
TJBM Had a good day :)
Okay day. Not great, not bad.
TJBM once put on his/her shirt on inside out.
TJBM Reads Cyanide And Happiness xD
True! I watch the videos as well. Those guys pick out the funniest satires.
TJBM finished reading a book recently.
False. I haven’t read a book in a long time.
TJBM sometimes bites the inside of his mouth, or tongue when eating. Ouch!
:( Owwie!
TJBM is watching NCIS with @LezboPirate right now, like me! ;)
Yes. Yes I am. I am right behind you, with a bowl of popcorn. Don’t turn around.
TJBM is in Alaska. (Not necessarily with @AshLeigh, @LezboPirate and myself.)
The Jelly Below Me wishes they could become pilots.
@Prosb… Funny thing is, I turned around, even though I knew very well that there was a wall directly behind the couch. XD
Nsh, I’m good.
TJBM is skipping work/school tomorrow, because they’re sick. Like me.
Skipping today because I don’t feel like it.
The Jelly Below Me likes carnivals.
False. But, I admire rodeo clowns jumping in the way of the bulls.
TJBM has been to a rodeo
TJBM has eaten a meal that they burnt to a crisp.
Yeah. We were hunting and we started talking and forgot about the food. It was really bad but we hadn’t anything else at hand then.
The Jelly Below Me understand that the case of “Anthony Bologna” is only talked about because it creates new drama instead of ending old ones.
TJBM likes Chex Mix.
I don’t know what’s that so I don’t know if I like it or not.
The Jelly Below Me talks on Skype at least once per day.
TJBM went to a meeting today.
False. I am debating between a day trip to some local mountain apple ranches and car shopping.
TJBM wants/needs a new car
False, just got one.
TJBM has a blue car.
False. It is Champagne Silver
TJBM has fall allergies
yep, but it snowed today, so they have diminished
TJBM is bored to tears.
False. At least not quite yet anyway.
TJBM Plans on watching The Simpsons Tree House Of Horror this Saturday! :D
TJBM is planning on watching the return of Beavis & Butthead tonight at 10pm EDT
False. I don;t watch any Tv, only Dvd’s.
TJBM likes to lie in the sun on brisk days
I am not one to lie, so no
TJBM once thought about being a nun
Never! I’m not big on self denial. lol
TJBM has a nice smile
I’ve been told I do… O.o
TJBM knows the square root of pi. :O
Only the approximation ^^
The Jelly Below Me wants to be able to listen to music all day long.
TJBM is drinking nasty coffee right now.
False. I didn’t partake in any of your nasty coffee.
TJBM is not drinking nasty coffee right now. :)
False. I am drinking nasty coffee. It’s the chocolate raspberry creamer that’s making it so bad though.
TJBM is just..silly.
True. :D
TJBM is also silly.
TJBM wants to beat Ash-Leigh up, with me. :D
False, she never did anything to me!
TJBM loves mussels and shrimp.
@LezboPirate, that’s not nice. And you can’t beat me up. I’m too strong. ;)
I don’t even remember what those taste like. It’s been so long.
False, I’m making for room for taco night!
TJBM is having Mexican food for dinner.
TJBM believes that God = sqrt(-1).
Damn it. I was hoping Ash-Leigh would reply and say yes.
I believe that God equals..God.
TJBM loves sushi.
Never had it. Is it good?
TJBM loves seafood.
Depends. I love shrimp, lobster and most white fish and Salmon. I HATE Sushi, clams, oysters, squid and anchovies. lol
TJBM is a snow skier
Half true.
The Jelly Below Me likes to eat meat once every 2–3 days.
TJBM is sitting by the heater. :)
False, but is warm in my house right now and sunny but nippy outside. :-)
TJBM likes to go to really good buffets
If it’s all you can eat, then yes.
TJBM loves how these threads always end up about food.
Haha true. It means I am hungry
TJBM has a dog named Rex
No, her name is Chloe.
TJBM has a dog named Rex.
False but I have a goose named…..?
TJBM knows the name of my pet goose
I think you mentioned it a while back, but I don’t remember it. I do remember they are Chinese geese. Will that do?
Oops! I forgot to put in TJBM. Thanks @blueiinh for not beating me up!
YES, Marwyn
TJBM knows the name of my dog
TJBM will tell me the name of their dog. :D
It’s still Chloe!
It’s taking forever for this game to load again. The mods told us we could make a new TBMJ after a week. Should we ask for a special dispensation?
Maybe! It would be nice to renew the thread after about 250 answers.
@Coloma Hendrix. Self named the day I got him home from the shelter and he knowcked over 3 guitars
@snowberry it’s not that long yet. It usually goes slow after 500 replies. We’re not there yet ^^
I will get us back on track!
TJBM has seen a rainbow in person.
Yep. Lots of times.
TJBM is fond of rainbow sherbet
Yes, I am! How’d you know!
@blueiiznh Excellent name, I love it!
TJBM has noticed that Coloma has neither gone car shopping nor taken that day trip LOL..WTF…it is now 2:07 pm..well…might round up the kiddos for a dinner rendevous instead
I noticed. ;)
TJBM notices things.
not really
TJBM wants to take a long walk off a bridge.
There’s 3 ways to get down .. which should I take?
The Jelly Below Me likes to swim.
TJBM is about to go food shopping.
nope, work. @Hibernate, the fastest way.
TJBM wants to play on a rugby team.
False, I’m not exactly sure how rugby works.
TJBM plays in a rugby leaugue.
False. I’m an old broad, I only play in my hot tub. lol
TJBM is an old broad
How’d you know? :D
TJBM will make me a swammich.
Yes, Swammich all set.
TJBM has a halloween party to go to
False. Us nerds are too cool for parties.
TJBM is sitting on the floor.
No, on my bed.
TJBM is interested in the share market.
Not sure what it is, but I think I should know…Ah, such confessions!
TJBM knows how to make an awesome soufle
False, I can’t even make a decent PB&J!
TJBM has worked in a resturant.
No. I think people would end up with soup in their lap if I tried that.
TJBM has a very tidy bedroom.
Not me.
TJBM notices that @Bellatrix has a new picture of her latest shapeshifting activities. GO @BELLATRIX!
Yes….I noticed. (shivers)
TJBM is amazed @Bellatrix has so many lurve in less than a year.
True. :D Also..I get a slight urge to squeal whenever anyone mentions “Bellatrix.” At all. In anyway.
TJBM Hates Harry Potter, but loves the bad guys. (Like me!)
:-( I thought you squealed in a good way for a second then @LezboPirate. I am nice witch honest :D And @TheIntern55, it probably has to do with my fluther addiction. Some people have progressed much faster than me though. I feel a bit stalled at the moment, but that’s all good. And no. I don’t hate Harry Potter. I haven’t read the books though.
TJBM wishes they could ‘glamour’ people like the vampires in True Blood.
It sounds like an interesting ability, but I don’t usually need people to forget recent events, or tell the truth against their will. It’d be useful for others though I’m sure. I’m kind of sick of all this vampire related stuff being made. Think we should move on to the next fad.
TJBM is looking forward to work tomorrow for once.
Edit: @Bellatrix There is a character in the Harry Potter books named Bellatrix, and is a bad guy. So you having the same name is compounding @LezboPirate‘s love of that name.
It is a good way. :D I love the bad guys. Remember? I just don’t like Harry himself, very much. I’m in love with Bellatrix.
I’m retired…for the moment. But I do have plans.
TJBM just ate a very fattening meal. Was that a good thing?
Not yet, but..I might around 8 o’ clock It’s happy brownie cocktail hour on the west coast now haha
TJBM has enjoyed a magnificent October afternoon
I have, indeed. :D
TJBM is having a nice cigarette break right now.
False. I don’t do that.
TJBM doesn’t do that either!
False. I just finished doing that. :D
TJBM wants to wear a lace wedding gown, just for fun.
Been there, done that, remember, I’m an old broad. haha
TJBM wants everyone to post their face for the next 10 answers starting NOW!
Here’s mine! ; o D
TJBM is looking forward to snow.
Nine answers to go and I will remove my smirk.
Hate snow.
<< There’s my face.
TJBM is simply awesome.
True! It’s iffy where I am, sometimes we get it and sometimes we don’t, so, it is always fun!
TJBM is a secret crossdresser
If you say so. ;-)
TJBM is a cross dresser haha
Sometimes. But I get away with it, because I’m a girl. :D:D:D:D
TJBM is not a cross dresser.
I am not, no.
I’m a duck dresser.haha
TJBM thinks it;s too bad nobody would show their shiney face
Hey, I don’t know how to put pictures on my avatar. I’ve tried, but never figured it out. Besides, this
; o ) ... is what I really look like anyway!
TJBM is an amputee.
@snowberry click on the top where it says “My Account” then click on “Change Picture” then click on “choose file” (to upload a picture of your choice) Go to the area on your computer where your picture is you want to upload. Select picture and click on “choose” then click on “Upload” once the picture is uploaded make sure you have it selected. It turns blue with a black dot in the middle. Then click “Choose”, its on the bottom of the page.
TJBM just got a new pet
No, but soon my very furry schnauzers will return from getting trimmed and will look like brand new puppies. They LOVE it. They seem to have lots more energy when they get their hair cut. So it will feel a little like having new dogs.
TJBM has been involved in some way with the Occupy movement.
TJBM noticed that @Coloma‘s face idea didn’t work out so well. :(
True : ( I’d PM a pic, but don’t want to post one ; )
False on the Occuy movement.
tjbm works on wallstreet or near it
False. >.<
TJBM is glad tomorrow’s Friday. :)
Trueish. I have to work Saturdays but I know Friday’s are fun for most peeps ; )
tjbm took some pics of autumn today.
the colors around here are incredible!
Nah. I haven’t gone outside at all today.
TJBM has also stayed inside today.
noppers. did take pics of snow
TJBM likes to make snow angels
True! And snow forts and snowball and fights ; )
60 and sunny here. still pile jumpin
tjbm went on a hike today
False, I stayed home all day.
TJBM is craving cookies
No. Not today.
TJBM has a relative having a birthday this weekend.
TJBM is having a bonfire this weekend and will invite all jellies
Only a fire in my fireplace but all are welcome to join me in my living room
TJBM Loves sipping a glass of wine while sitting in front of a nice cozy fire
False, I cannot take the taste of wine.
TJBM Loves relaxing by laying in bed reading a good book.
@creative1 Count me in on wine by the fire. :-D
Sometimes, before falling asleep.
TJBM has Halloween cupcakes
mmmmm cuppycakes!
yep…. I made 80 tonight :)
TJBM thinks candycorn is yucky!
TJBM is wearing blue socks.
False. No sockies, I’m barefeeted ; )
tjbm likes to mix peanuts in with their candycorn
<gasps> candycorn is not yucky @AshLeigh!
mayhaps…..pass some over
TJBM makes their own carmel corn
Yup and boy its yummy
TJBM likes to make popcorn balls
I’ve never made them so I don’t know. Sounds sticky and fun though ; )
tjbm likes to have popcorn ball fights
sticky, fun, popcorn balls = YES
TJBM enjoys a good flour fight
Only if it takes place in someone else’s house so they can clean up afterwards. If it does, for sure, bring on the flour!
TJBM has a big weekend planned with lots of fun and laughter.
YES….and there may be flour involved too
TJBM will tell us their favorite candy that they sneak from their childs Trick or Treat stash.
No sneaking. I got dibs on all the banana laffy taffy ; )
tjbm is a junk food junkie
No. I eat a very healthy diet. I like a bit of chocolate sometimes.
TJBM can wrap a towel around their head like a turban.
Oh yes everytime after my shower my hair is up in a towel, i’ve done it since I was a child
TJBM thinks its HOT to make out with someone
Absolutely TRUE! Anytime, anyplace, very hot indeed ; )
tjbm likes caramel apples
I wouldn’t mind cleaning up a flour fight @Bellatrix. It probably would take long for it to get extra frisky, plus I’ve always wanted to put a flour hand mark on someone’s butt! LOL
So, flour fight at @EnchantingEla‘s place people :D I don’t like ‘toffee apples’ but only because of the risk to your teeth! Bit like eating Minties. A dentist’s joy.
TJBM has dunked for apples (where you have a big bowl, bucket of water with apples in and you have to catch them with your teeth).
@Bellatrix byof! (bring your own flour)
True but it’s been awhile.
It’s called bobbing for apples around here ; )
tjbm loves to make the kiddies do a trick for their treat
Yes, I enjoy when they do, butt I don’t make them.
@EnchantingEla byob (bring your own butt)
TJBM has TP’d a house before
Sorry @blueiiznh, I don’t know what you mean by “TP’d” (trespassed? toilet papered?). If the latter, nope. I once egged a house on Halloween, when I was a kid. The house was occupied by a very grouchy old woman. A veritable old b*tch who used to get mad at me and my friends for playing outside near her house.
TJBM thinks the world would be a safer place if everyone just stayed home for a day.
Yes. Let’s do that. :D
TJBM thinks it’s too hot inside of their house! D:
Quite the contrary. It is cooling very nicely around here. My house is great at combating the cold, not so great at dealing with heat.
TJBM likes autumn more than summer.
I do. Although Autumn is pretty much a non-event here.
TJBM can still blow out all the candles on their birthday cake with one breath.
I hope I still can, I havent had a cake for my birthday in many many years
TJBM has a birthday coming up soon
Not for 5 more months.
TJBM hates the FBI warnings at the beginning of every DVD movie.
True. Also, when they use ads that you can’t skip. It’s like they’re rewarding people who pirate the movies who can just skip the fluff, and for free. Something went wrong somewhere.
TJBM is about to eat dessert.
too early
TJBM wished the the Rangers had won last night.
No. I’m a Man U. supporter.
TJBM has seen Despicable Me and thinks it is a funny film.
TJBM has to cut their fingernails.
False, just did.
TJBM saw the game last night and thought it was insane.
False. I don;t watch any sports
TJBM woke up at 5:30 am like me
False, 7:00 am.
TJBM is drinking coffee.
Yep, 2nd cup!
TJBM watched the sunrise just coming on over here and I am going outside for a Folgers moment lol
TJBM is listening to music.
True. classic stuff not many seem to like ; )
tjbm misses @erichw1504‘s apple avie : (
True, but I was long overdue for a new one.
TJBM can’t keep the same avie for more than 2 weeks.
It depends. I’ll probably take the duck mask off after Halloween. :-D
TJBM is amazed at how quickly everything has greened up after just a little rain
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. No. It’s brown here. :(
TJBM is having their morning coffee. :)
Yep, last cup or I’ll start chasing my tail. haha
TJBM is all warm and cozy in their fuzzy pjs
False, cold and uncomfortable at work.
TJBM has cold feet due to low blood circulation.
Often but not now.
TJBM has fun plans for this evening.
TJBM likes to use cutesie wordsies.
Only with my pets and my daughter now and then. I’m not really the cutsey type, but I am playful. :-)
TJBM has lost their wallet recently
TJBM uses plurals for words even when it isn’t nessesaries or technically corrects.
I fart in your general direction
TJBM greets trick-or-treaters naked.
False. That would be funny, until your name pops up on Family Watchdog.
TJBM trick or treated when they were over 18 years old before.
Of Course. One of the many perks of having a child.
TJBM is trusting enough to leave a bowl of candy at their door so they can trick or treat themselves
False, The trick or treaters over here all wear masks, because they are raccoons. lol
TJBM is diggin’ this beautiful day
@reijinni then I’ll jump ^^
Not really. It was damn hot… I want snow to come not 15+ degrees again.
The Jelly Below Me knows how to cook.
If by cook you mean the things that require minimal skill, then yes.
Ex: Throw ingredients together in a bowl, mix. Set oven temp for this long. Put things in boiling water for this long. Flip this thing until it is brown on both sides. Etc.
TJBM knows how to “really” cook. (Or maybe how to make something easy taste awesome.)
True. I’m a good cook! ;-)
TJBM plays hand drums
It is supposed to snow on Saturday where TJBM lives!
False. Perfect fall weather here, low to mid-70’s, sunny, leaves twinkling down, just perfect!
TJBM ate too much at lunch and now does not feel well projection..bleh!
False! I feel peachy! munching candycorn atm, nummers
tjbm remembers the saying “Kiss my grits!” and will tell us who said it
False, I didn’t even know that was a saying!
TJBM doesn’t think today feels like a Friday.
True. I’m not working a lot lately soi the days are generic to me. lol
@EnchantingEla Mama?
TJBM has a birdbath in their yard
TJBM is coooooold.
False. Nice, warm afternoon.
TJBM has a colorful toilet
LOL False? Take a pic of yours and I’ll check mine.
tjbm is getting tired of their ip dropping them >: (
@Coloma It was Flo from the sitcom “Alice” LOL
No. My ip never drops me.
TJBM can hear birds singing and chirping.
TJBM’s yard is covered in droppings.
It is a big yard. It probably is but nobody would notice. Lots of trees and grass and…birds, possoms, bandicoots, lizards, snakes, toads, frogs and who knows what else.
TJBM likes weeding.
Weird, but true, I actually do like weeding! : )
tjbm knows what the heck a “bandicoot” is lol
Now I know what a bandicoot is!
TJBM is fighting a headache. Currently I’m loosing.
Nope. Not anymore.
TJBM had a hard day, like today. :/
False. I have a lot of free time right now, sooo, I’m just a tumblin’ tumbleweed. lol
TJBM throws their leftovers in the woods for the wildlife like I do I JUST found the empty blackberry pie pan about 25 feet down the hill in my pasture. Party last night, ⅔rds of a blackberry pie and loaf of french bread. Some happy raccoons in my yard. LOL
What the heck did I say up there? Man, I’m tired.
No, I don’t. Hah.
TJBM likes the movie “Baby Mama.”
I’ve never seen it, but I’ve heard great things about it!
TJBM loves a good romantic comedy. Or even a bad one.
True and false. I love a good one and won’t sit through a bad one.
tjbm loves to solve mysteries
@Bellatrix the bandicoot looks like a very fat rat lol
Depends on the mystery. I like to repair stuff, which is a mystery of a sort.
TJBM has started running their furnace. What temp do you set the heat?
I did. I set it at 80. It’s hot in here. XD
Yes! Just started yawning.
tjbm likes teeny tiny writing and they don’t use caps.
as long as I can still read it.
TJBM has sat on a tortoise.
When I was little, my friend’s father had about 15 rare tortises. He was some sort of reseacher, and they kept them in the back yard in the summer. We rode them quite a bit until her dad made us stop. He said it stressed them out. First time I ever heard the word stress.
OOPS! TJBM thinks I almost forgot TJBM! but I didn’t!
TJBM noticed @snowberry has 11111 Lurve! :) Heh.
TJBM notes that I’m not very creative (or can make a question with a lot of answers).
True. haha You’re a little dry, ya need some spice kid! lol
TJBM Has wild wild hair
True sometimes I do! <wink wink>
tjbm has no hairs
I have less. I just had my hair cut! And @EnchantingEla, ‘e not rat, ‘e bandicoot’ (said in my best Manuel from Fawlty Towers voice).
TJBM knows how lovely it feels to have their hair done.
Only when I get a good haircut.
TJBM hates it when people give out toothbrushes for Halloween, instead of yummy treats.
Well yeah! What, control freaks on Halloween. Bah! lol
TJBM has decorated for halloween
No. Halloween can suck it.
TJBM is SO glad it’s Friday.
@AshLeigh suck what young lady? hahaha
I’m glad everyday!
TJBM thinks @AshLeigh needs to tell us what sucks
Yes, @AshLeigh Do tell. I like those all fruit suckers myself. They’re yummy.
TJBM is a grandmother.
Yeah, I am. ;)
What sucks about… Halloween? It’s overrated.
TJBM is also a Grandmother.
False. Maybe someday. :-)
TJBM has dimples
Only two weird ones, on the left side of my face, next to my eye. O.o
TJBM also has weird dimples.
I don’t think so, unless they are in a place I can’t see. lol
TJBM likes peppermint
Yes I do like it. My favorite chewing gum flavor.
TJBM has smooth elbows.
True, I do! And soft feets ; )
tjbm has sandpaper feets : (
Nope, my feet are nice and smooth too. Perfect for my shiny shoes. :)
TJBM once left a grocery store bought item in the car and forgot to bring it in.
True. Sometimes I do it on purpose because I have to get someplace.
tjbm once found a head of lettuce that had rolled under their backseat
Nope but one that was in the back of my refridg all rotted
TJBM will be following me to Part 30 since this one is getting so long……...
@creative1 some moderators explained that we should not create to many of this thread. We have a one per week or so limit :D In the future you’ll know because I told you.
<dances around the empty thread>
Yes I am the next Jelly. But I will not reply there :))
btw .. what is aubergine ? isn’t that referring to the British cousine ?[or however this word is spelled].
no idea. i did a spell check and came up with aborigine…
gonna bing it now ; )
lol. Then why did you reply if don’t love it :D Ha !
it’s “another name for the color eggplant” LOL so i do love it, i really, really doooo!!
oh lol. So I was right :) I didn’t knew this term. Thanks to Adagio I’ll know in the future.
Anyway good night. It’s late for me.
nite! sweet dreams!! ttfn and all that winnie the pooh garb ; )
<dances around the empty thread>
An aubergine is a vegetable. In the US and Australia they call it eggplant. It is delicious. I love aubergine.
Aubergine (or eggplant) is a key ingredient in moussaka.
@Bellatrix I know. But I knew it under the eggplant name too that’;s why I didn’t knew what aubergine means. And I’ll use eggplant in the future too [easier not to mix them up]. A lot of people eat it here near the Balkans ^^
Yes they would @Hibernate. Being English, I prefer Aubergine myself. My kids get cranky with me when I say “can you buy some aubergine” though. I get “it’s eggplant mum!” I like the sound of the word though. It rolls off the tongue nicely and tastes good! :D
What recipes would use aubergine from the Balkans? I would love to try some of them.
Moussaka come from here ^^ But there are a lot of recipes for this. Google a bit and you’ll se a lot for them.
I have a great recipe for Moussaka that I love. I was hoping you would suggest some other, less well known dishes.
- 2 medium onions, finely chopped
– 1 bell pepper, diced
– 2 celery stalks, diced
– 3 medium tomatoes, finely diced
– 1 large carrot, grated
– 1 handful of fresh parsley, chopped
– 1 cup rice
– salt, pepper to taste
Heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a pot, add the onion and let it soften, about 5 minutes add the rest of the vegetables, salt and pepper to taste, stir and leave for 2–3 minutes add the rice and stir well to combine pour about 2½ cups of water (can be replaced with vegetable or chicken stock) and stir well check the taste for salt and pepper, turn the heat to low, cover the pot and let it cook until the rice is done as you like it (about 20–25 minutes). Add a little bit more liquid, if necessary. [can be served simple or with a roast]
This is the normal recipe but I add eggplants to it. It changes the taste to extreme but damn .. it’s good.
I have a great recipe for water:
- 8 oz. water
Serve in bottle or glass.
Meh @erichw1504. I prefer this recipe for water.
Collect water from tap in a large jug. Place jug of water in the fridge and leave there for at least four hours. Then pour water into glass, add a slice or two of lemon and ice. Serve very cold.
Thank you @Hibernate. It sounds very healthy too.
The perfect recipe for growing up includes quiting Fluther and/or stop being a douche. Feel free to serve it hot or cold.
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