Would the invention of a legal peacefulpill for adults be a good or bad thing?
Asked by
gr8teful (
October 23rd, 2011
Would the invention of a legal peacefulpill be a good or bad thing knowing you could live life but also knowing if the time came when you wanted to end it you had the legal right to do so peacefully saving horrible suicide ends and at least the knowledge for your family you may have chosen to end your life but you did it peacefully without hurting anyone or causing a mess to clear up?
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14 Answers
Suicide is legal in Oregon. It has not caused any problems.
@marinelife is that why Oregon has the highest suicide rate in the US?
Good thing. I think when people have the knowledge that they have the option of exiting this world peacefully they are more likely to live their life fully and take more chances, I know that’s how I would feel. I don’t believe in the whole slippery slope argument, which is used in almost all arguments these days (and in the past). If you really love your family and friends you would respect their decision, as hard as it may be for yourself.
I personally believe it would be a good thing to have the choice, but it requires a buffer of some sort to prevent someone from using it too hastily.
@Lightlyseared I don’t think whether it’s legal or not usually matters much to someone who is about to not be around anymore, but knowing that there is no law against it might give them the idea.
Didn’t Jack Kevorkian try to spearhead this topic a few years back.
I suggest you read about that to see if you find your answer.
@Lightlyseared I don’t want to sound blunt, but is that really considered a problem? If people have exhausted all avenues against taking their own life and feel comfortable and at peace with making their decision, is it something we should stop and why? I don’t think we would end up with a population half the size within decades because of legal suicides. I feel it is so fundamentally wrong that it is illegal. That a government can’t even provide the option in most places.
Good thing.
I would recommend that it be given by prescription, after a psychological evaluation to determine whether the desire was the result of a condition that could be treated in another way.
I had a couple of close friends commit suicide when they received terminal diagnoses. They partied as long as they could, then gave most of their stuff to friends or charities, and then offed themselves in a very neat way. Even had their funerals paid for in advance. They knew they were going to die, no matter what, so they chose to go on their own terms.
Okay… so for those among us that missed the point (or didn’t read my user name)... euthanasia is legal in Oregon suicide is not. As general rule suicide is never legal because if it is illegal it allows the police to intervene in preventing someone from killing themselves (preventing a crime in progress and all that). As for making suicide easy and painless – no it is not a “good thing”. For example a lot of people who attempt suicide are not in their right mind – the suicide attempt is a symptom of a psychotic period. Once they have recovered they have no idea why they wanted to jump off a building or shoot themselves in the head and nor are they upset that they didn’t succeed. Another group that often attempt suicide are teens, not because they want to die as such, but because they can’t see any way to continue living as they are. “Suicide” is often a way for them to ask for help. Finally for those who are diagnosed with a terminal illness I have personally discharged someone from hospital with multi organ failure who wanted to go home and die in their own house and who still, 5 years later, is turning up for outpatient appointments (which is nice because I always get a big kiss).
If you make killing yourself so easy and so certain then a bad day at the office or an argument with your girlfriend may be the last thing you do.
”As for making suicide easy and painless – no it is not a “good thing”.”
I’m sorry you feel that way.
Abuse. I see nothing but abuse by the drug addicts for a pill you have described. They will find some way to use its chemical makeup, for other illegal purposes.
Your idea is great and I wish it could happen.
The sun is shining in my state and its 65 degrees. You should not be having such terrible thoughts on another great day of your life.
@Keep_on_running i have 3 good friends who would not be here today if suicide was that easy. You may wish that those people were dead and that is entirely up to you, I won’t judge you for that, but I and my friends are happy that it was hard and they failed.
“You may wish that those people were dead and that is entirely up to you,”
Every life is a gift. Everyone has something precious about them that no one else has. Unfortunately, not everyone can see exactly what that certain something is, but someday, someone will.
The ending of a life hurts. There is no way to get around that.
(I read your profile and while I think it is wonderful you want to donate a kidney, I don’t believe suicide is the way to go about it). ~just saying
The first noble truth is that life is suffering i.e., life includes pain, getting old, disease, and ultimately death.
The third truth is that suffering can be overcome and happiness can be attained; that true happiness and contentment are possible. lf we give up useless craving and learn to live each day at a time (not dwelling in the past or the imagined future) then we can become happy and free. We then have more time and energy to help others. This is Nirvana. Buddhism
~ This life in us; however low it flickers or fiercely burns, is still a divine flame which no man dare presume to put out, be his motives never so humane and enlightened; To suppose otherwise is to countenance a death-wish; Either life is always and in all circumstances sacred, or intrinsically of no account; it is inconceivable that it should be in some cases the one, and in some the other ~Malcolm Muggeridge
There already is a legal peacefulpill. It’s called Tylenol PM®. Only catch is you have to take boo-coo of them and you can’t “accidentally” give a lethal dose of it to someone because it was right next to the Excedrin.
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