What are your three primary strengths: physical, mental & spiritual?
Everyone has streangths and weaknesses in each of the three primary aspects: spiritual, physical, and mental. What do you consider your greatest strength is in each aspect?
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30 Answers
Physical: I’m a dweeb. I’ve got an astigmatism and don’t have depth perception. I couldn’t catch a baseball in gym class to save my life, and so was despised by bullies around the world.
Spiritual: I believe in God, but anyone here who follows me knows I’m about as far from a bible-thumping fundy as you can get :-p
Physical: I just won’t quit.
Mental: I can think very quickly in a crisis.
Spiritual: I am very empathetic.
I have far more physical weaknesses than strengths. I do have a pretty high pain tolerance, though.
Mental – I make up for my physical imperfections, for the most part. I’m great at retaining information, and I process language better than many.
Spiritual – I have no idea.
Spiritually I am very tolerant of others shortcomings as long as they are not so unhealthy they are effecting me. However I accept no excuse for abuse of any kind, that’s when you’ll get a “namaste, fuck off ” response from me. lol
Physically my body strength is waning as I move into my 50’s, but, I have enjoyed many years of athletic activities such as water sking, walking/jogging, horseback riding, weight training, etc.
Psychologically I am very sharp and observant, very strong in my intuitive knowings and as an “ENTP ” extroverted, intuitive, thinking, perceiving type strong on analytical and logical assimilation of input, while also having a strong ability for abstract thought and the ability to hook together seemingly unrelated themes in a “big picture” kinda way.
My personality lends itself to enthusiasm and optimism and a high mental and intellectual energy.
On the down side of the strengths my “type” brings, I do have to pay close attention to my hedonistic and over indulgent side, I am great at rationalizing whatever it is I want, with zero guilt. lol
Phisical: strong immune system, fast healing
Mental: Creative/artistic talent
Spiritual: No idea. I’m not at all a spiritual person, I don’t believe in god or the supernatural in any way. I’ve no idea what else (if anything) counts as spiritual.
Physical: I’m 6ft 6in and gnerally physically strong
Mental: I am very good at solving problems and thinking up loopholes
Spiritual: I have no idea, I’m not sure what that means. Erm… I learn from epifanies some times.
spiritual: As an agnostic, I’m really open to the idea that anything is possible. I don’t belittle someone else’s beliefs so long as their sincere and benign. While I may not believe in something, I’m completely open to the idea of being wrong. In some cases (the idea of a heaven for example), I really hope I’m wrong.
physical: I’m a sizable dude which can be imposing to some people. I’m sure this has kept me out of scrapes as an adult. I also have pretty good stamina. I can work on my feet (lifting, carrying, etc.) for six to ten hours at a stretch. Both of these are ironic as I dislike physical violence and manual labor.
mentally: I’m fairly autodidactic and can think on my feet really well. I’m very good in a crisis.
These are but a few of my strengths amongst a sea of weaknesses.
Physically: When I’m in shape, I’m strong, fit, and attractive.
Mentally: I can grasp most concepts pretty quickly, and I’m pretty witty.
Spiritually: I’m very intuitive, and I feel very connected to God.
Mental, physical then spiritual. My brain can handle a lot of stimuli and filter/sort it quickly if it has to and even though I’m small and not overly strong, I have incredible physical stamina and resilience/recovery/aging. I’m not sure about my spirituality because I’m not religious so I say my spirituality is the I feel within me that feels tied to other living things.
Spirituality knows no weakness…...
What is the question again?
Physically: I’m stronger than an average woman.
Mental: I am resilient in some cases. I don’t take anything too serious.
Spiritual: Who the fuck knows? I’m the farthest thing from spiritual you can find.
Hmmmmm. Physically, I’m not super strong, but I have more of a body made for running or stamina. Mentally, I seem to do well at language and reading comprehension. Spiritually, I don’t really know.
I am extremely slim, I am extremely intelligent, and I am extremely atheist.
Ok, maybe not extremely atheist. But quite a lot.
Physical——I’m very fit. I do weights and swim regularly. I have a great physique without being overly muscular. Although I’m healthy and strong, I’m a real feeb at many sports. I have the appearance of a fine-tuned athlete, but I will fumble and drop the baseball if you throw me one! Lol. The only sports I excel at are swimming and speedskating, which I do every winter.
Mental——I’m level-headed but sensitive. I used to get anxious and blue when I was younger——not so much now. Mentally I am in a stable place now. I am sharp in my thinking, but I am fooled sometimes, being quite gullible, like the comic book hero The Tick. Lol.
Spiritual——I am a very peaceful person inside, almost Zen-like. I believe everything happens for a reason, and that inner calm comes from seeing the beauty of nature, the beauty of things around you, no matter how plain and simple they may be. I like to live by the old Japanese saying “Treasure every encounter, for it will not happen again.”
Physical – I’m relatively strong and fit
Mental – I’m resilient and committed
Spiritual – I’m open to giving and receiving. I believe in a higher power and I live for the day for the most part.
Physical: Reading
Mental: Writing
Spiritual: Arithmetic
We got us some rather strong people on here, which is about what I would have expected. One thing the answers illustrate is the wide variety of things which we see as strengths. The moral of this story is that “strength” comes in many forms. : ))
Physical; Forget that, I’m a scrawny wuss.
Mental; Nothing exceptional, but I’d use that as my strength, since the other choices are so down in the dumpster for me. However my head has often got me out of jams, and even if I do it so haphazardly, I can be efficient with logic or keeping my emotions in check when it’s required.
Spiritual; Eh. :/
Spiritual – Reflection. Reflecting on all that surrounds me allows me to put things into perspective. It allows me to know where I need to work harder and what I need to let go.
Mental – Determination. I use the reflection to propel my approach in a determined way to resolve what I need to solve, to learn what I need to learn.
Physical – Flexibility. An ability to be flexible in how I approach things and how to physically get things done. Working physically smarter but being able to dig in when needed.
A unity of these strengths allows for me to apply all of them if needed, overlap them when needed, or know when it is beyond me.
I would have to say that my greatest strength in all is my mental
followed by the spiritual
and then by the physical.
Mental first because I am always exploring and learning. I believe success in anything begins in your mind. It also allows me to know that everything we know isn’t the beginning or end as we know it. So it leads me to believe in the spiritual.
Spiritual second because it gives me a connection to all things. Which leads to a connection to the physical.
Physical last because although I am flesh and blood and may not be strong as many, I have pushed my body to what should’ve been its limit and it has not failed me so far. So for me it is as strong as it needs to be.
Physical- according to my doctor, I have a “booming” voice. I guess that means my voice can be used to support a microphone or stop an oil spill from spreading. ;-)
Mental- I’m very mental. ;-p
Spiritual- I had a bicycle that produced smog, and I named it “The Spirit of LA”.
Physical: I got nothin’. My body fails me in every way. Unless we want to count ‘red hair’ as a strength.
Mental: Able to grasp concepts quickly, a deep thinker.
I’m an atheist, so I think I’ll rephrase ‘spiritual’ to ‘psychological’: I’m comfortable in my own skin, and have a lot of empathy.
Physical: I can pass a gall stone during the night and get up in the morning and get the kids ready and walked to school. I can lift more than you might think and I have the largest biceps now at the age of cough over 40, than I ever had my whole life (and they weren’t developed in a gym.)
Mental: A toughness that borders on terrier-like, so I am also very resourceful. I recently saw a button that said, 85% kickass and 15% crippling self doubt. I think that sums me up. I think I communicate well with language, also.
Spiritual: I have no belief in some paternal, eternal god type story, but I see wonder in nature and the power of it and I think I have a knowledge of history and cosmology that gives me the feeling of being part of something so much bigger than me…. The Universe and then so small and humble. That is my spiritual thing, still being able to go WOW when I see a wonderful rock formation or a small bug on leaf.
@Symbeline – You’re a physical wuss? You better work on that if you hope to survive the coming zombie attack :-p
@HungryGuy Oh I could get in shape if I wanted. I think lol.
Response moderated (Writing Standards)
Physical: My body responds well to exercise.
Mental: I can be very, very focused when a situation warrants it, and light/carefree at other times.
Spiritual: I can find beauty in the smallest sound or the angriest thunder, the softest light or the most brilliant sun.
I think I already answered this question being honest physically puny mentally thick as two planks and spiritually confused but still I seem to find myself imagining the other side or after life and I can only hope it is peaceful and not an absolutely horrible nightmare of hell.Surely God would be merciful at least when you are dead I mean how horrible a God would make a person suffer in life and then send them to hell? Or if the person brought their own suffering on themself surely their punishment in life is enough.So, Spiritually confused- Athiesm seems to me a joy if when we die at least then we rest in peace how beautiful that would be.Christians who enjoy telling us we will go to Hell and burn in the fire for all eternity don’t seem very compassionate to me.Can’t we at least find peace when we die no matter how bad a person we were?I hope so.
I don’t know about such things. They are too high for me, and ( I believe ) serve no useful purpose. All I know is that I am to love God with all my heart, soul, mind and sterngth, and love my neighbor at least as much as I love myself. It takes most of my energy to try and do this, so there’s very little left over to worry about hell and all that. : )
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