What we have come to call “spirituality” is, I think, our persistent intuition that there’s another way of understanding reality.
Our intellect, rationality, deduction, analysis…these give us an understanding of the world as an assemblage of discrete parts, and of ourselves as one more part among the others. That’s a useful way of seeing things, precisely because this is the mode of understanding that populates the world with “things” in the first place. It takes the whole of experience and divides it conceptually into things with names and identities. The world that emerges from this understanding is one of differences, classifications and comparisons. Science depends on this kind of understanding.
But it is a common human experience to intuit that there is something that gets missed by this first mode of understanding. That intuition is the foundation of spirituality. Now, humans have responded to that intuition in many different ways. Some think this intuition comes from a different realm—a spirit realm—apart from this ordinary world of things. They think this is another being tugging at their heart, calling them to follow him.
I don’t share that view. I do feel that “spiritual” intuition, though. I just don’t think that it comes from another being, or that it comes from some other, hidden realm. I feel that it’s an intuition that springs from my own mind, and that it’s there because my mind knows there’s another way of seeing. This other way is concerned with commonality, not difference. It doesn’t compare, it embraces. It takes experience as a whole, rather than as a collection. The intellect, by its nature, can’t do that. For me, then, the “spiritual” is not a different world than our ordinary world of things. The world is as it is. But we have minds that are capable of understanding it in different ways, both of them valid, necessary, and simultaneously true.
I guess it would be possible to see this holistic way of understanding as a “higher being”, but that’s too awkward for me. The “higher” part is irksome. Hell, it’s just being, pure and simple, when you get right down to it. How can it be high or low?