NSFW So is it a myth? Details inside.
Asked by
BeccaBoo (
October 24th, 2011
Does the female G-spot really exist. I know where to find it and what its supposed to do, however with much searching we are having no luck.
So ladies is it a myth or true? Guys have you found it on your woman?
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40 Answers
I can find mine and feel mine, and many of my partners have, as well. If it’s a myth, I’d be shocked, because mine is fully functional… so to speak.
Yes to finding it. If it is illusive, never give up the hunt. Kinda like buried treasure without a map.
Practice, Practice, Practice
I know where it is. Not sure if I’ve had a full Gspot O. I squirted a bit, but, it was just an okay orgasm. I need a biggun’!
It truly exists.
Fun fact: The G spot on women is what develops into the Prostate gland in men.
Yes it exists and yes I’ve found it. My husband knows where it is as well.
Haven’t found it yet (‘in’/on my girlfriend), she hasn’t either.
Can I use GPS for that?
Never found it on myself.
A group of scientists claimed there actually was no G-Spot, but then why would millions of women claim there was one then? People that know their own bodies lol. I was quite skeptical of that research.
It’s not a myth… I have found it and cause it to erupt like vesuvius, complete with shakes and rolls.
The G-spot absolutely, positively does exist, and it is well worth finding. Located in the frontal wall about 3½” inside the vaginal opening, center to center-left. There is some variation to the exact location but this will get you very close.
@DrBill I’m gonna trust that answer because you sir are a Dr. :)
…isn’t in your purse? Or was that your clit?
Oh trust me, it’s there.
But for some reason, no guy I’ve been with has been able to find it. Ha!
I don’t know what’s so damn mysterious about the old Gräfenberg, it’s pretty darn easy to find. Although it isn’t always what it’s cracked up to be, some ladies do seem enjoy it more than others. Nothing mythical about it.
P.S. to the OP, is there some male g-spot that I should know about? I didn’t realize one needed to distinguish the “female g-spot” from any other g-spot out there… :p
It’s real. You just have to put in the work to find it. ;p
It’s worked for me. Not all women respond equally. But for thise who do respond to it, its quite possible to bring them to orgasm with heavy petting and a finger, which is WAY hot. Also worshiping her rear while fingering her front is a transcendent experience when she cums.
So, this is a shockingly controversial issue for some. There is some science saying yes, we can view it via ultrasound. And then others saying no, it doesn’t. There is some middle ground, that it may exist for some women and not others, or that it might exist for all women but the sensitivity for each individual woman may vary rather greatly. Either way, it’s a bit touchy (no pun intended) – women who know their g-spot and have had orgasms from it (tend to) feel validated by research saying it exists, while women who haven’t/can’t have g-spot orgasms (tend to) feel like this new research is saying that there’s something defective with them and their parts, and research that claims there is no g-spot is validating their experience of clitoral orgasms and letting them know it’s ok to not strive for the mythical g-spot orgasm. Really, this whole thing just underlines how much Freud sucks. /rant.
My personal feel is this: I can feel my own g-spot. It feels of a slightly different texture, and is about the size of a quarter. My partner would find it (on me, and more or less this is how you find it on all women who have it, though some women are longer, so account for this) by sticking 2 fingers in palm upward (me on my back), and doing the “finger blasters” or “fishhook” motion (also, the same motion gynecologists use when they press down on your belly with the other hand during a pelvic exam to check for cysts); it’s a general “come hither” motion (which really fits, because that’s exactly what you want your partner to do). However, if you do this and it doesn’t feel that much better, then don’t worry about it; if clit stimulation works, then clit stimulation it shall be.
My ex-wife showed me where her’s was, and besides, I’m sure she wasn’t faking her orgasm when she masturbated. ;-)
I think that if you and your partner spend some time together in bed, going through a to f, eventually you’ll hit the G.
Why do I think you mean there is a, u c k i n, inbetween f and g? :p
Certainly successful letters to combine with the G.^ Or just in general.
I was just teasing @zensky @Aethelflaed.
I profanely proffer my tongue in your general direction… :p
The wife has loads, like a universal remote control, she has many buttons that work almost anywhere.
I’ve found mine but I can’t get it to work. It feels nice when touched/rubbed but it doesn’t bring me to orgasm.
Oh boy does it exist! But it’s more like a set of very sensitive nerve endings in that particular area, so it’s not a raised spot, nor does it have a particular shape, so it’s hard to locate, especially if you’re a fellow, because you’ll only know you’ve found it when your partner lets you know. Also it’s pretty far up in there, so most women may not have found their own, yet, either. It’s in an awkward spot not easy to reach.
Also, a fellow is not likely to hit the spot with regular missionary style sex, because the spot is located on the upper wall of the vagina (if you were looking at the vaginal tube, the upper wall would be toward to the woman’s stomach, rather than her back) so when a man goes in for missionary sex, he’s not thrusting towards that spot. It’s much easier to target if the man enters a ladie’s V from behind her or if she is in the top position.
But the difference between a regular O, and one that happens when the G-spot is engaged is rather spectacular.
Turns out that there’s at least one other spot that is similar on the back of the neck.
@Kardamom I don’t mean to disagree, especially because I’m not sure if you are referring only to yourself or in general, but I believe that it can be raised and have a shape (though I’m assuming that isn’t true for everyone.) I would also guess that is why some women have no trouble finding it, or helping a partner find it. I would say, personally, it’s like a little brain. Not wordplay, that’s really the best way that I can think to describe the way it feels to the touch. It’s roundish and fuller, and it has a ridgy, spongey texture. It is definitely a noticeable difference from the rest of what’s in there. For me.
But, again, I am not trying to claim that is true for all women. I suspect it varies greatly, so finding it will always depend on the individual. And, having experienced it, I don’t think it has to be a big focus if it doesn’t happen naturally. It does feel good, I’m not saying that it doesn’t, but I don’t think that it feels better than clitoral orgasm. It just feels different. Good different, but I wouldn’t necessarily say better.
@ANef_is_Enuf You’re probably right that the structure itself is different in each woman, and I suspect that some women may not have one, or that it’s just not as pronounced or developed as other women’s, or it may not have as many “exposed” nerve endings. My spot doesn’t feel any different to the touch than any other part of my V. But I suppose the gynocologist might be able to see it and identify it with a flashlight. And for me a G-spot induced O is about 10 times the magnitude of a regular C induced O.
(I apologize for the lettered euphemisms, just trying to avoid being too graphic)
“But I suppose the gynocologist might be able to see it and identify it with a flashlight.”
So would a guy wearing a head lamp be considered a serious lover, inappropriately gynecological, or just a gold-digging minor? ;-)
I was trying to be polite, but you’re absolutely right, it’s considerably more intense. I don’t want to say better, but it is completely different.
@Brian1946 Sometimes I think guys should wear those lights LOL.
The tragedy is, that it’s difficult enough for women to find their own spots, but even when they do, it’s so ridiculously difficult (and embarrassing) to try to explain exactly where it is to their partners.
The way I see it, is it would be easier to show a fellow where it is by using a mock-up, like a toilet paper tube and putting his finger up in there and then reminding him that the inside of a lady’s V may or may not feel different to his finger when he’s actually found it, so he’ll just have to get used to the spot when his lady tells him that he’s found it.
I think the problem is that not everyone’s G-spot is in the same place. I know where mine is. There’s a funny story to how I accidentally found it but it’s just a little too personal for me to go into that…
@EmptyNest I’m picturing you shouting out, “It’s twue, it’s twue!” like Madeline Kahn’s character (Lilly Von Schtupp) from Blazing Saddles.
Check it Out
@Kardamom, THAT is hilarious! Thanks for the belly laugh!
Singing: Ain’t nuttin’ but a G spot baybay…girls inna bedroom goin’ crayzay…
I found it, yes it works. Do more research, I’d blush if I explained. Suffice it to say if utilized during oral, it can blow her mind.
I’m still laughing over @Kardamom‘s answer, “it’s twue! it’s twue!”
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