Why is it easier to accept the label hip-hop as opposed to hipster?
For instance a bunch of musical artist always represent out they are hip hop. And the “Hipster” culture which apparently doesn’t exist, is always denied by an individual. What are your thoughts on this.
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9 Answers
I am so too old to answer this question!
This is what I think about when I hear the word hipster:
Though, looking at the Urban Dictionary definition here about contemporary “hipsters”, I’m think that it may simply be antithetical to the hipster ideology to accept any labels at all, to accept anyone labeling them or categorizing them.
@lillycoyote That seems to be the case. It’s just so strange because to me they are on both very extreme social spectrums when compared to the “general” public and “general” public youth tend to label everything. So for me its strange that one culture embraces a lifestyle that is called hip hop and another totally denies it, for the most part to my understanding. Maybe cool people just cant see that they’re cool?
@whitetigress I think truly “cool” people don’t even think about whether they are cool or not. I don’t think anyone who goes out of their way to try to be cool actually is.
@lillycoyote Yeah I agree with that for the most part. But also, being HIP hop, there’s kind of a fung shway about it that implies one knows they’re cool. Maybe not, I’m cooler than you, but the just be cool baby kind of feeling, you know what I mean?
@whitetigress LOL. I don’t know. It’s been so long since I was cool I don’t think I’m at all qualified to discuss or weigh in on coolness anymore. :-)
So, this is how I understand it: Hip-hop, actually cool, legitimately cool, because it came about to mean that you were more concerned with being yourself and doing your thing and “keeping it real” than with being seen as cool. And, of course, black people/culture = ultimate cool, especially if you happen to be White And Feeling Bad About Your Privilege. Hipster, in its current incarnation, means someone who is constantly trying to be cool by trying to get others to realize how much they do not give a flying fuck; of course, what this really means is that no one gives more flying fucks about how they are perceived than they do, so they just come off as insecure a$$holes. It’s like, The Fonz = actually cool. That kid in your school who went around imitating The Fonz so that you would know how cool he was = insecure asshole. But, you should maybe not listen to me, because I would never claim to be the authority on what is “cool”. I was always more Freaks and Geeks, myself.
I’m not certain what the problem is. Hip hop is a genre of music, around which a sort of subculture had developed. Hipster is a completely different subculture, based on a rejection of modern, mainstream tastes and values.
@Aethelflaed I guess if one stamps themselves its cool, when another tries to stamp someone its uncool but they’re both stamps none the less haha. Your view is the way I see it too.
@iphigeneia And yet there are chains stores like Urban Outfitters, Anthropologie, blah blah blah… The meccas the hipsters can go to to buy things all the other hipsters are buying so they can be unique and cool too, just like the other hipsters. Yeah, way to reject mainstream trends.
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