Meta Question

MrItty's avatar

Is there a way to make "Social" the default category?

Asked by MrItty (17431points) October 25th, 2011

I would prefer that when I visit, I am shown questions in the “Social” category rather than the “General”. I know, I know, it’s only one click. But still, it’s a click I’d rather not make. And I’d also prefer to go to “Social” when I click the Fluther logo on the top left.

Is there any preference or setting that can make this happen?

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8 Answers

gailcalled's avatar

Donate $500,000 to fluther, and then they will be your bitches.

thorninmud's avatar

[Takes screen shot]

Dog's avatar

You could do as @gailcalled suggests. In fact I may buy a lottery ticket since I would love to buy me some bitches. ~

But seriously, If we did just focus on social and did NOT have a generous benefactor, we may as well kiss Fluther goodbye.

erichw1504's avatar

My suggestion:

Bookmark the social section:, then put it in your bookmarks toolbar (displayed under the address bar of your browser). That way you can just click it and go right to Social.

marinelife's avatar

Since the primary purpose of the site is Q&A, that is why it defaults to general. I suggust if you want it to go directly to Social that you do as @erichw1504 says.

erichw1504's avatar

I also suggest what @erichw1504 says.

Hibernate's avatar

Either bookmark it or add it to a speed dial [if you use one for your browser]. When I open Fluther I open it direct to QFY.

Buttonstc's avatar

Firefox has a great speed dial feature. It’s so handy. I love it.

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