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Can we talk about flaking?
I organize social events fairly frequently. My hit rate on attendance is fairly low: I tend to invite everyone in the pertinent social group, and only a handful of people will show up.
Sometimes people commit and flake at the last second. Often enough they never RSVP in the first place and completely ignore the invitation.
I have been guilty of flaking on occasion, but in general, my barrier to entry is pretty low: I will show up to pretty much any social event that involves people who aren’t horrible and/or alcohol.
What about you? What’s your threshold for socializing? How often would you like to socialize, ideally, and does your social schedule now align well with that?
Are you one of these non-RSVPers? If so, should I just stop inviting you to things? What gives?
When you’re the inviter, do you take it personally when people flake on or completely ignore your invitations? Or is it a non-issue for you?
Feel free to give your perspective on flaking, inviting, or general social event attendance even if it doesn’t address any of the specific questions. I’m mostly just interested in what people’s thought processes are about these things.
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