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Jude's avatar

(NSFW) Question for the fellas inside?

Asked by Jude (32210points) October 25th, 2011

Frustration erections; how do you guys deal with them?

“a frustration boner usually happens when someone is losing at any kind of event, such as a video game. your testosterone is quickly channeled into your penis, causing you to sport a brand new boner fueled by your angry testosterone rush.”

Really, that would suck. ;)

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42 Answers

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I can honestly say I’ve never experienced that. My frustration boners came from not getting any.

wundayatta's avatar

It takes very little to defuse one of those. You don’t even have to touch yourself directly. Kind of like a woman riding a horse or a railing. I little pressure is all that’s required and you get some release, which makes it possible for you to continue the task without being crazy. It really calms you down.

Of course, your mileage may vary, especially if you are female and don’t get an erection. Then it’s a little hard to defuse it, lol!

Blackberry's avatar

Man I hate those! I get them sometimes when I’m really nervous, too (TMI?) The guy secret is to tuck it up into the waist of the pants to cut off the circulation. It’s better if you have a belt because then it really squeezes the hell out of it.

CWOTUS's avatar

It’s a good thing you didn’t ask how we “handle” them, because you would have gotten an entirely different set of responses.

However, when (any of various) non-sexual erections occurs, when the impetus disappears (such as, in this case, when you lose the contest), then so does the erection. As you can imagine.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Holy cow, I had no idea this happened. Thanks for the lesson.

zensky's avatar

Never had one.

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

I had no idea that this happened to men when they were frustrated.

janbb's avatar

I’ve wondered that just about any inconveniently timed erection. Does it happen much when you are past adolescence?

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

^I have had it happen in public with a girl talking sexually to me to see if she could give me an erection to tease me.

rebbel's avatar

That’s why my girlfriend is calling me a loser all the time….

wilma's avatar

I had no idea.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

@janbb me too. It was simple, in high school, to assume that the trapper-keeper or books were convenient to carry. I have wondered what it’s like for men after adolescence. I think someone else told me about tucking it in the belt, like @Blackberry said.

janbb's avatar

Yet another reason for being glad I’m a gal.

Hibernate's avatar

It’s the first time I hear about this.

erichw1504's avatar

Just don’t wear pajamas or those basketball shorts while playing video games.

Keep_on_running's avatar

I am thoroughly weirded out now…never knew this.

Keep_on_running's avatar

@Jude You’ve just found me a new homepage!

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

I suddenly feel like we don’t talk about penises enough around here. I can’t remember any conversations like this in the past.

XOIIO's avatar

If I ever get an inconvenient honey, I’ll take it into the washroom and give it such a beating it will think twice about coming out again

LuckyGuy's avatar

First time I’ve heard of this – and I’ve owned a working penis for quite a while.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

And the inconvenient ones happen well after adolescence. My Dr recommended fish oil for my cholesterol. She didn’t warn me each one has ⅓ of the daily recommended dose of vitamin E

Jude's avatar

Chris Brown is hung like a Shetland pony. I had no idea, but, “frustration boner” via Google brought me there.

Jude's avatar

You all know that I should be working on my resume. Ahem. Back to it.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Jude We’re not the one surfing the net for boners.

DominicX's avatar

Interesting. I think I’m going to have to echo the others and say that I’ve never heard of this and don’t think I’ve ever experienced it. (And as a non-gamer, I’ve never experienced a wargasm either…) :P

janbb's avatar

Really, you guys haven’t? I’ve felt sexually aroused at times when frustrated; it just doesn’t show. (Did a penguin jsut admit this?)

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

I did a bit of private research on this, and so far it’s split down the middle with guys who have experienced this, and those who have never heard of such a thing or experienced it personally. I noticed, so far, that the ones who are familiar with this are the guys that I know with far more competitive personalities than the ones that said no.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@ANef_is_Enuf I was thinking the same thing. I don’t get frustrated enough over losing some game.

Jude's avatar

@DominicX I think that I found your twin at awkwardboners.

first pic.

DominicX's avatar

@Jude I LOL’d :D

Blackberry's avatar

@Jude Yeah, that was awkward. Hahaha.

mazingerz88's avatar

Wow, didn’t realize this happens at all! Finally, a way to soothe the masculine pride after suffering defeat. “Hey! I lost but guess what, my dick feels awesome, yeah!”

amujinx's avatar

I have to say, I’ve been sexually frustrated, but never frustrated into wanting sex. Is there a percentage of guys who have this happen?

HungryGuy's avatar

Never happened to me. The only time I get a boner is when I’m abusing a slave girl (or fantasizing about abusing a slave girl). When I’m playing a video game, I’m not thinking about sex, and so no boner.


The opposite usually happens with me. It’s when I win at a game, sports, etc., then I get an erection. Beating another guy is a great way of getting my testicles to pump extra testosterone into my system. I guess that’s why I get a hard-on when I win. Feels good.

Ponderer983's avatar

Doesn’t take much for guys does it. I was just talking to the guy that was interested in me and he had a boner. I got skillz lol

judochop's avatar

Huh, I always associated a frustration boner with blue balls which never really happened from loosing a video game or baseball game or any other kind of game aside from the lemme get in your pants game.
I’d sometimes get an akward boner during a run or a swim but only if I was brushing myself along my leg….
Ha, you said boner.

njnyjobs's avatar

I must say that I had my share of awkward boners, but nothing of this Frustration erections sort. Typically, game-losing moments can bring on hyperventilation and light-headedness for me.

wundayatta's avatar

Frustration and anxiety—mostly at work, like when I’m working on a problem and I just can’t solve it and there’s a deadline and my boss is all over my ass. It’s not so much a boner as the feeling of one, and I can almost sit there and have an anxiety orgasm without even being hard. It’s weird, but it usually really calms me down and I often solve the problem soon after.

Keep_on_running's avatar


@DominicX I think that I found your twin at awkwardboners.”

“first pic.”

Ahaha, wow I thought the exact same thing last night.

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