What was your first ever reply, here on Fluther?
Asked by
rebbel (
October 25th, 2011
I wonder what thread that would give, a list with first replies from fellow Flutherites?
Do you remember that first one?
Mine was: Wow, you people respond in minutes!
Thanks for that.
to pdworkin: I wouldn’t want to say i care that much, it just
comes to my mind every now and then, when the subject of these tests comes up in conversation.
to drdoombot: i’ll give that Dual-N-Back game a read.
I didn’t remember mine, so I had to search for it…, if you want to search for it too, do as follows: Go to your page (fluther /user /yourname), click Responses, divide the amount of responses by 15 and put that number in the address bar behind the word page= (that way you don’t have to click next 300 times)
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53 Answers
‘No way!
However, I usually take a bath and get cleaned up… then I put on clean jammies or lounge clothes. :) I also don’t waste a minute getting into my comfortable clothes the second I walk in the door, either. I love being in my pjs.’
Well, it’s still true.
Hmm, I can’t remember. When I tried your method I got Neptune with a mouthful of tentacles.
I have 23,295 answers divided by 15 equals 1553. When I put that in as the page number, it chokes.
Since there are two variables, there is actually an infinite number of solutions to this equation. The graph of the equation is a hyperbola. This link shows the graph of the solution set to 7xy – y – 21 = 0.
It figures that my first answer would have to do with math. I lurked long enough to get the feel for the place, then this question begged me to answer it. After that, I participated consistently.
Can I vote that we include a link to the question we first answered? Here’s mine.
@marinelife just try a slightly lower number, that’s what I did.
My first reply was from JLeslie. Completely forgot about that. Looking back, dang, I was brave to start off with a tongue in cheek tone and a text wall!!
Aha… this is interesting, listening to non-Southerners explain their perspective of the South, with all due respect. I come from the South (yes, capital S… and I’m definitely not pro-Confederacy) and I see things quite a bit different. To be honest, living in the north (yeah, that broad swath up there) has been a learning experience for me. I find northerners to be cold, critical, uncouth, obsessed about time and schedules, quick to judge, take forever to trust outsiders but a heartbeat to reject them, use silent treatments and shunning liberally. I’m guessing it must be the leftover Puritan or Hessian influences… but then again, I’m generalizing much like the others who seem to think all the Southerners who dare to have a tad of regionalism must be stuck back in 1865. I was raised to think of others’ comfort, be concerned about their wellbeing, hold my mouth about others’ faults (“if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say it”), treat others with kindness and respect, and say “bless yo’ heart” when someone’s being an idiot. Yes, there are some values that Southerners hold on to that might seem backward to those who didn’t grow up in the South, but there’s so much to be said for civility- I sure do miss it up here in the north. I fear my transformation into a Yankee… but it will happen as we do eventually assimiliate into the cultures we live within.
Now, how about those Mainahs, New Hampshahs and those from NuYuk and N’Joisey? The Mainahs drive their cahs and eat their bugs and complain about those from away, ayuh? or the MinneSOHtahs, you betcha? Methinks we all talkin’ funny here, not just dem Jawja and N’Awlins people, eh?
Yes—there is a huge different between the Northeast and South and most of it is the delicious subtle everyday variations that people don’t realize exist and, frankly, my dear Scarlett, can’t be simplified into generalizations.
@marinelife It was 1504 (I don’t know, maybe sometimes there are less than/more than fifteen responses on one page).
It was a travel answer. One of my areas of expertise. Here is the thread.
Here is my response to the “What’s the best way for a Christian to witness to Atheists, or people of any other faith?” thread. I believe with some certainty that is my first quip on fluther.
@loser I have been from day one. The thing is, we spend a lot of time together, get along great, but, she knows that for me, I just want (and am only ready for) friendship. I just got out of a relationship. I know that doesn’t necessarily stop people from becoming emotionally attached (on her part), though.
(the question (I asked it):
For the lesbians – wanting more than just friendship?
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0 Great Question
Asked by Jude (30173 ) January 21st, 2009
I’m a single lesbian and I find that when I meet new lesbians (single as well), most of the time they’re interested in something romantic (when getting to know them) and can’t keep it as just friends. When I turn them down (being that I only want a friendship and they know that) they can’t handle it (feel rejected) and the drama ensues.
Why can’t lesbians just be friends and hang out – no strings?
Anyone else experience this?
The woman who I am talking about is now my girlfriend.
Mine was this one that I think showed everyone how sarcastic and stupid I am. It was my first day on Fluther and my friend who showed this site to me said, “I’m screwed”
Dumb question – where’s the address bar to put the number in?
I found where to put it but I just get Neptune no matter what number I put in.
On top, @janbb it could be that your browser as a default doesn’t show it though.
It is where you type (or paste) the url from a website in.
Ah, you found it.
I will have a look for you.
Edit: Can’t do it…, you chose to not show your responses to the public.
Maybe use a smaller figure (900 or 1000), and work up from there?
The number I got was around 1100 but Neptune all the way down.
I tried everything from 200 up. Maybe they won’t show to me?
Changed privacy settings and they still don’t show up. Now I feel frustrated and may be getting a boner for the first time in my life. :-)
“I believe that people are reading much too into the mayan calendar. How would they know when time would end? They’re not still alive. I’m surprised they planned THAT far ahead. So are people saying that if someone today created a calendar that ended December 31st 2008 (most calendars do) that the world would end that day? It’s pretty much the same concept.”
On this question.
I was a bit confused until I remembered that I said that back in ‘08, haha.
My first comment regarded Blu Ray discs, and the difference between them and the regular DVDs.
My first smart assed answer was 3 days later, to the question:
“Do you ever feel stupid during sex?”
My answer:
“Do I ever feel stupid during sex? Sure, and sometimes Stupid feels me back… Sorry, couldn’t resist. ”
Oh my God, I was reading through that thread and saw a response where I took someone seriously when they were being sarcastic about aliens. I feel especially stupid right now.
“I think because they are considered a taboo of sorts. The same as sex or pornography people are intrigued by these things, and since they are out of the ordi art they provide a different form of entertainment, that differed from the conventions of life. Hope I helped!
@janbb I get that your last page is 1144. Your first reply is here. It was actually your only reply on the day you joined, though you did ask a question that day as well.
@bobbinhood Thank you so much! I must have been doing something wrong.
@janbb Glad to be of service. :)
This is currently your last page of answers if you would like to see what the address bar should look like. Maybe you can figure out where you went wrong for future reference.
I wasn’t putting a question mark before page before. When I do that, it works.
Probably along the lines of
[Response moderated – unhelpful]
The question was: Are you smart?
I’m sure you can guess my answer, but just in case, here it is:
Nope. Couldn’t think my way out of a plastic bag. Not even a plastic bag with holes. Not even one ripped to shreds. Sigh. Do me a favor. When you put the bag on my head, use the shredded one.
Interesting question. I don’t know why I bothered to answer it except that I like to be anti-me. I see that my first fluther crush (now long gone, alas) also answered that question, and that no one else paid attention to me.
@tinyfaery said she was a smart ass. Some things never change, I guess.
^^ got to see some old faces. :)
First answer: If God can do anything, can He make a rock so big He can’t lift it?
The question, asked by Cruiser: Do you know of any questions with no real answers?
”@AshLeigh, why wouldn’t you approve?”
Blah, blah, blah. Then we argued, until I got bored with it.
I like to hug. I’m pretty “touchy-feely”
Try taking the battery out for a few minutes, then put it back in and switch on. Not so very long ago, yet so many answers ago! I guess I’ve been more active here than I realized.
I have no idea. My first response was 7,258 responses ago.
@Brian1946 How did you find that? Awesome! I guess that’s the one. It sure sounds like something I would say. :-) Thank you!
March 22, 2009. A day that will live in infamy! That was wis.dm Invasion Day. The Pearl Harbor Day of Fluther. :-)
“How did you find that?”
After dividing your number of replies by 15 and decreasing the page number in your answer history URL from that result, I found your first reply at http://www.fluther.com/users/lillycoyote/answers/?page=465
“Thank you!
March 22, 2009. A day that will live in infamy! That was wis.dm Invasion Day. The Pearl Harbor Day of Fluther. :-)”
You’re most welcome and thanks for that item of Fluther history. :-)
The Canswerbag invasion occurred on December 11, 2009.
@Brian1946 Yes, poor Fluther! It’s like the Poland of Q&A sites. It’s suffered numerous and repeated invasions and incursions in the course of its history and is now under attack from Google’s new algorithms and spammers.:-)
“Yes..I’m from Answerbag” December 11, 2009.
@XOIIO Thanks…I’ve gotten over it…AnswerBag and I have patched things up.
“My daughter sneezes in her sleep frequently…she’s 10 and has done it pretty much her whole life…it’s kinda’ cute, too! Sleepwalking/talking runs in our family, though, so maybe sleepsneezing is related.” From this thread, on 7/21/2008.
It’s nice to reminisce! Thanks for asking this, @rebbel. :)
@augustlan You are very welcome!
Thank you all for your umptieth replies :-) !
I don’t think I want to know, anyway I’m not playing so there! :¬p
I named a word I hate—“decapitate” and all derivatives thereof.
It was on this thread from March 2009 and I have only just noticed the typo in my response!
This thread has made me miss a few people who are no longer here!
This was my first response and it was pretty bad I must admit. Luckily I have gotten better.
This question Dec. 4.2006 The first of many about procrastination.
“If you are truly avoiding some task, maybe there is a reason and you could eliminate the task from your life…no one was ever remembered for being a neatnik or picking up the dry cleaning.
However, you probably don’t want to live like the Collier brothers, either. Pick one chore that may be life-threatening, do it and then reward yourself w. a trip to gym or hot fudge sundae or whatever lights your fire.”
It was “Well I, for one, think that along with the fact that it has many things in it that are good for you, you think that chicken soup will make you feel better, so it does. A lot of people think that it will make them feel better, so like a placebo, it actually does.” on a question about why chicken soup makes people feel better.
@augustlan, was that answer was about me, wasn’t it?
@laineybug It was! You little sleep-sneezer, you. :)
(Cringe) It was this :
“to be honest its all to do with those two words “nationalist” and “conservative” understand those two words and i say you will be going good. try reading a short hstory lesson aswell, maybe that will help you understand the type of people who are those ‘two words’. it ll give you a few examples aswell. hope you finish your hw, now i need to finish mine!”
I can’t believe the amount of typos that are in there…
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