Do you belive in Demons?
As in the demons that you see in films like the exorcist?
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35 Answers
Yes. They are called human beings walking about on two legs. Most of the time they become cult leaders. Manson is an example of one. Other examples are rapist, terrorists, pedophiles, murders, going all the way to people who abuse animals. Who needs the hell kind of demons. We grow our own right on earth.
Here is a list of just some of the demons that exist. Unless you have experience of demons you are unlikely to believe. There may be many others.
Yes I do.
[ let’s not start another discussion about their existence in this thread too]
I agree with Pandora. I believe people can cross over a certain threshold if you will and lose all sense of compassion, morals, etc. I don’t believe in them in a fantastical sense.
No. I have a “thing” for evidence.
‘We grow our own right on earth.’ We sure do. Worrying about the pretend kind just isn’t my thing.
I reckon some people have their “demons” & find it difficult to get rid of them, let them out.
As for little devlish characters roaming around the woods, waiting to bite your nuts off…..fuck, I hope not!!
I neither believe in supernatural demons nor are they necessary. Humans have the capacity for great evil, not only have Hitler and Mussolini been fully human and completely evil, we have present day demons that are a bit more subtle. What do you call Presidents that start wars that kill or hundreds of thousand of people or bankers that wreck entire economies in the name of greed, or Judges that wreck freedom in the name of corporate greed, or the politicians that work to gain power and subjugate the very people that voted them in? We have met the demons and they are us.
@flutherother I have some more demons to add to your list.
George the demons of petty acts and monsterous wars.
Clarence the demon of supreme injustice and petty theft.
Rick the destroyer of lives and economies.
Dick the devious known to be the power behind clueless leaders.
There are many more, just read the paper and see who’s running to be the next conservative nutcase in charge.
Nope. Not until someone captures one or takes a bona fide photo or video.
I’ll even accept evidence in wavelengths other than visible light. IR, UV, EM, Microwave, etc. All fine with me. I recommend using equipment by Fluke or FLIR. They make the best devices out there and their units make unalterable recordings that can stand up in court.
@Pandora The question specifically asks about a certain kind of demon, not “metaphorical” demons like bad humans.
No. But I’m scared of them.
@SavoirFaire Yes, I understood that. My answer was the same as saying no, so, I am still answering the question. I was just pointing out that there are people who qualify as being demonic without being supernatural in nature.
I believe the idea of demonic possession came about to explain the mentally ill and people who have no morality and are cruel in nature. Its a way to explain why an inhumane person may exist when science fails to explain this anomaly.
@mazingerz88 Would you like me to set up an optical motion sensing system for you? I can cover any wavelength you want and can set it to be as sensitive as single pixel detection. With the three camera system, I can pick out a gnat if it moves more than 2 mm in any direction.
Since there are no demons, the evolving human is having many bad hair days in a row, which explains the killing, stealing and destroying we see all about us. Oh, “Have a nice day!”
@smilingheart1 Were you expecting humans to be perfect? And for your information, there are statistics showing the decline of violence due to our progressive society.
Oh yes. I believe people see demons and interact with them and are very troubled by them. However, I think the demons are products of their own minds, and are brought on by mental illesses such as bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and sleep paralysis.
@Blackberry, yes! That is the exact premise of Christianity. That Jesus as the Messiah atoned for the darkness of the world and individuals, wiping our slates clean! Acceping us, wanting us, loving us. And now He wants to help us defeat those demons in our lives. That’s why he didn’t wiipe them out when He redeemed the world – so that we too could complete our journeys defeating dark enemies of our souls. This world is heaven’s finishing school.
Hahaha. Sorry, but this question made me lol4rl. As if.
Nope. They sure factor into good horror stories, but I do not believe they or any supernatural beings exist.
Demons, as in the kind that jump into your body and make you vomit split-pea soup? Not a chance.
Demons, as in the kind that people emotionally wrestle with on a daily basis? Yeah.
Only of the Crystal Light variety and only because I believe in me,.
No demons.
Trolls, obviously, but no demons.
Nah. I like the idea of demons though. Demons are pretty cool. But I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t think that if they were real.
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