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Jude's avatar

Name one thing that you hate doing, but you're forced to do it everyday?

Asked by Jude (32210points) October 26th, 2011

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37 Answers

Judi's avatar

The dishes.

Allie's avatar

Working (well, except Sat and Sun).

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Get out of bed?

gailcalled's avatar

Clean litter box.

linguaphile's avatar

Paperwork! Grading, grade recording and filling out forms after forms afterformsafterforms…... I have the lovely day off today!

Coloma's avatar

The endless farmy chores of scrubbing algaed out goose pools and water tubs.
Algae has got to be the fastest growing substance on earth!

HudsonHero's avatar

Helping my kids with their homework! Especially when they get frustrated when I am trying to help.

amujinx's avatar

I’ll chime in for another wake up/get out of bed vote.

Blackberry's avatar

Using the internet.

downtide's avatar

Putting on a binder to hide my breasts

CaptainHarley's avatar


That’s a harness! Giddiupp! : D

CaptainHarley's avatar

I suppose the one thing I hate doing every day the most is taking the doggies out for their constitutional every four hours or so.

YoBob's avatar

Endure my hellish commute up and down MoPac expressway each morning and evening.

SpatzieLover's avatar

Wipe bums. We keep baby wipes next to the front door for the three dogs.

In this weather, wiping feet is another dread. I despise the dampness and the soggy leaves being dragged into the home.

Hibernate's avatar

Waking up // getting out of the bed

wundayatta's avatar

Taking my pills at dinner. Dinner used to be a wonderful thing. No longer.

YARNLADY's avatar

Brush my teeth and take my medications.

dappled_leaves's avatar


@SpatzieLoveryou wipe your dogs’ bums?

SpatzieLover's avatar

@dappled_leaves Yes. I prefer my home to be as hygenic and bacteria free as possible. It also ends any possibility of butt-licking which promotes spread of bacterial infections among the multitude of four-footed family members of my home

HungryGuy's avatar

Getting up out of bed in the morning to go to work (I don’t mind going to work or working, per se, but I hate getting out of bed early in the morning to do so).

Blondesjon's avatar


white man’s burden lloyd, white man’s burden . . .

Jude's avatar

Say, Lloyd it seems I’m temporarily light. How’s my credit in this joint, anyway?

Blondesjon's avatar

well done :)

Neizvestnaya's avatar

I don’t like wearing a bra, I cringe to buckle it on and adjust the straps in place. Aside from that, I’d say wiping my dog’s butt and/or wiping up his pee puddles.


Eating dull food that’s supposed to be healthy for me——you know, rabbit food like broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, etc. I eat it because I know it’s good for me.

Shaving. What a bother, but I like having a smooth face.

Getting up early and driving to work in busy traffic.

Going to work! Lol.

jonsblond's avatar

Plan meals.

I don’t mind the cooking. I actually enjoy cooking and baking. It’s having to come up with at least one meal a day for the family that everyone will like and eat. Someone else plan the meals and I’ll happily deliver.

linguaphile's avatar

Get off Fluther. Shut down my computer. Go to bed.

everephebe's avatar

Waking up. To 4th 6th that notion.
Using my right hand to do anything. To be original and name one new thing.

I could also do without certain bodily functions but still I cannot do without them…

woodcutter's avatar

Listening to the sound of pain. It never gets easy.

CaptainHarley's avatar


No it doesn’t. I don’t know how you stand it.

woodcutter's avatar

I try to always wear my happy glasses, which are small and easy to misplace.

downtide's avatar

@CaptainHarley a binder isn’t like a harness, it’s more like a tight lycra vest. You can imagine how much fun that is in hot weather.

CaptainHarley's avatar


Ick! I love the mammary appendages, but am thankful I was not blessed with same. : ))

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