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Pandora's avatar

Does anyone know why certain voices can relax someone to the point they fall asleep?

Asked by Pandora (32489points) October 26th, 2011

I recently read a question on fluther about a person who can’t sleep. It got me wondering why is it that certain voices can knock me out. I use to watch 20/20 but two of the anchors on there can KO me in a matter of minutes. Even if I record it and watch it during the day. Its like being in a hypnotic trance. Anyhow, I was wondering why is it that these two anchors who aren’t boring in the least, can KO me in a few short minutes. It got so bad at one point that I couldn’t keep my eyes open for longer than a minute.
I guess what I am hoping for is someone to explain the mechanics involved.
How does the process happen? I know you relax with certain voices but what exactly happens following the relaxing stage and how is it possible to relax so fast?

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6 Answers

john65pennington's avatar

In high school, I had a lady elder art teacher that lullabied me to sleep each day. First, we could barely understand her, since she talked so low. Second, she spoke in a constant monotone that made all her art students drift into slumberville.

Maybe, since this class was after lunch and the combination was responsible. We did not have NoDoz back then.

CaptainHarley's avatar

I suspect that the sound recalls from deep subconscious a similar sound from when we were just little and adults lulled us to sleep/

Hibernate's avatar

When I was a kid I always was listening to stories. A particular voice was always making me fall asleep.

wundayatta's avatar

Operant conditioning. The phenomenon started by accident—probably when you were listening late at night and were sleepy, anyway. It kept happening and you trained yourself to fall asleep at the sound of the voice. The conditioning became strong enough that even when you tried it in the middle of the day, it worked.


Lol. I have that kind of voice! My voice is low but soft, and it almost always puts my children to sleep when I read them a bedtime story.

everephebe's avatar

I’ve been told I have one of those voices.
I think it’s cause the sound of what I am saying exceeds in beauty what I am saying.~

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