Is Censorship happening in Fluther?
I don’t know if this thread actually will post here or for how long before MOD may delete it…
I put a post a few days ago and got me edited and then disappeared. I know I have upset a couple of old members in the forum and may be they are very bothered by my imperfect English at their standard, but are there some unspoken bias in this forum exist? Ie they can delete or ban you if they don’t like you for whatever reasons? What do you think?
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239 Answers
They can’t ban you for whatever reason, or for personally disliking you, but they can ban you if you continue to have imperfect English and it doesn’t get better after several warnings. They go easier on people who don’t speak English as a first language, though.
No, they can’t ban you or delete you because they don’t like you.
@Aethelflaed So does that mean this site is for English speaking participants? No allowing spelling mistakes? I have seen quite some English speaking people here patronizing others for not speaking perfect English but at the same time they have mistakes in their posts too. So is it double standard exist in here?
Surely, I expect this thread will soon be disappeared for whatever reasons that suit. :)
Censorship is when you’re not allowed to say something. There are very few things you’re not allowed to say on Fluther.
How you say something is a different matter. The mods may pull something and send it back to you for editing if the question has language problems. This isn’t censorship; it’s editing. Make the corrections, and they’ll post it. No big deal. They’re not trying to limit your expression; they’re trying to make it more effective.
This exact conversation has been had so many times since I’ve been here.. I’m sure if you do a search you can find plenty of threads where it has been discussed into the ground. The majority of us have been modded. More than once.
If you feel you’ve been modded more than other people, consider whether or not you’ve broken any of the Fluther guidelines…. which include writing standards. The same rules for everyone.
@thorninmud True, but censorship can be hidden if the thread is deleted by MOD.
@Londongirl Did the mods really not send the question back to you for correction?
Seriously, proper spelling and grammar is crucial if you want people to understand what you mean. I see some silly little mistakes that make a person sound like English is not their native language. Sometimes I’ve been wrong about that.
I think that if English is not native, that the mods should give you suggestions to help you say what you meant to say. Sometimes it’s as simple as adding an S to something, and suddenly the sentence makes perfect sense. But it is important. There are many a question I pass over because I don’t understand them because the English is garbled.
@Londongirl There are writing standards here in terms of punctuation and spelling they and we tend to be a little more lenient for non-native English speakers. Your question was pulled for editing. You have the option to edit it if you want, or you can can abandon it. It wouldn’t simply disappear. And this question won’t be pulled because it’s about censorship on Fluther. The only thing likely to happen to it will be that it will be moved to the meta section because that’s really where it belongs. This kind of question gets asked all the time to be who are new to fluther and don’t seem to understand the guidelines or a little defensive and paranoid. If you haven’t already, read the Fluther Help entries here on the guidelines and writing standards. to get a better idea about what is expected and why comments and questions may get modded.
@lillycoyote It did come to ask me to edit it, I did, and then it disappeared!
@thorninmud They asked me to edit and I did, and then for some reasons it just disappeared.
No, they can’t ban you just because they don’t like you. Yes, they can ban you if they’ve asked you to read the grammar guidelines and you don’t follow them.
No one here flips out over simple typos, but most of us do appreciate sentences that are grammatically correct. If a comment or question has too many spelling/grammar errors, we can’t understand what the poster is trying to say.
Fluther doesn’t use censorship to stop people from speaking, but this site does have guidelines some of which involve using English correctly. The only reason for that particular guideline is so there is less confusion. If people can’t understand what a member is saying, then the questions or replies become almost useless. This is an English Language website, and the mods have created guidelines to make this particular site to have higher standards than many other sites, that’s why a lot of us are here, because other sites do not have high standards.
The Fluther mods are very accomodating to people who’s first language is not English and they are less likely to remove a “non-English as a first language” person’s posts if they know the situation, unless they are simply unintelligable.They will also try to help people to re-word their questions so that they are easier to read and understand, but if you don’t follow the guidelines, or clean up your English skills, eventually, they might ask you to leave. But if you work with the mods and let them help you, there should be no reason for you to have to leave.
The mods are also very accomodating with spelling, if a member lets the mods know that they’ve had a change in their life, whether it be due to an injury, an illness, a computer problem or some other unforseeable situation which would make a user unable to write English, easily.
There are a few non-moderator Fluther members that have excellent English skills and they will sometimes point out mistakes to other members who seem to be struggling. No one should get upset if they are reminded to practice good English skills. It makes us all better writers.
There are some old members in this forum and it is like a group of friends here to protect each other. By censoring or bias towards certain new members in this forum for whatever reasons is not what can call an intellectual forum.
Intellectual is not only determined by someone who appear to write English without grammar or spelling mistakes. When some individuals in this forum happen to appear to be non-English speakers and suddenly get all the ganging on, then it is not intellectual. Someone type better English in this forum doesn’t mean they are any superior and they have the right to patronize new members or trying to limit what they like to discuss in here. Double standard I say.
@Londongirl Well, just because older members have friends doesn’t mean they have any moderation power.
Your question was not removed. It was probably sent back to you for editing,
If you have a question about it, use the Contact button at the top of a page to ask a moderator what happened to it.
No, for the millionth time, there is not censorship on Fluther.
@ everyone, I wish it was not deleted but it has disappeared for the last 2 days after I did the edit!!!
Everyone has the power to flag questions and answers for grammar standards here in Fluther. The mods have the power to choose whether to mod a question or answer.
When your question was sent back to you, the mods usually write a message about why you need to edit it. What was their message to you?
EDIT: This question has been flagged. It belongs in Meta.
Here is a list of the mods. They are really not evil, really, they aren’t. If you have a question about what happened to your question or any question or comment, PM one of them. I would just suggest you do it with a nice even tone. Don’t PM them accusing them of censorship, or get defensive about it. Just ask them what happened. One of them can explain what exactly happened to your question better than any of us. Sometimes it is best, at least I think so; to look into something, to ask and to simply find out what happened before getting oneself all worked about censorship on fluther, or about how older fluther users are somehow out to get you. That is simply not the case.
@Londongirl I hate to mention this, because I think you’re sweet and I don’t want to offend you… but every single one of your comments is full of grammatical errors and somewhat difficult to decipher. This is why jellies are sticklers about spelling and sentence structure.
@lillycoyote Thanks for the list. I didn’t say they are evil. I was wondering if they were friends with some oldies here and they accidentally being bias sometimes :)
@WillWorkForChocolate OK sorry fair enough comment. I sometimes type too quick and I am lazy to go through the gramma bit. I will try to slow down and careful with it ok… sometimes I’m too tired from work and my brain doesn’t work properly…oops :)
@Londongirl I know you didn’t say they were evil; I didn’t say you said they were evil. I was just saying they aren’t evil. Just a little light hearted joking around there. :-)
And as far as the mods being biased toward their friends; the mods don’t work that way. They are not perfect, but one of my closest friends on Fluther is a mod and she mods me all the time. She certainly, doesn’t play favorites. I don’t think any of them do. At least I haven’t found that to be the case.
@lillycoyote no worries…. :) But can they just a bit relax with it? Sometimes people have a long day and they are not good at expressing themselves perfectly…
@Londongirl I don’t know. It’s a community value here; it’s important to us that questions and comments meet minimum standards for grammar, spelling and clarity. As I mentioned above, I hope we are not so rigid that we don’t have a place for non-native English speakers whose fluency many not be perfect. Actually, some of the non-native speakers here have a better mastery of the language than the rest of us. Maybe it will just take some time to get your language skills a little better, but those are the standards.
@lillycoyote Then must be some serious problem with the UK education system then, I got a good grade in English when I was at school here. Only when I type very quickly, then I make a lot of mistakes.
@Londongirl so, English is your native language? I had always kind of assumed that it wasn’t. If you got good grades, and you believe the problem lies within typing too quickly, you might try getting into the habit of re-reading what you’ve written before you send it. I do that, myself. I read everything over again before I send.. and I still make mistakes. It definitely happens, but proofreading helps a lot.
@ANef_is_Enuf Does it matter if the poster is non-English speaker or not? I thought this forum is for everyone who can exchange thoughts and discuss things whether or not they are English speakers or not.
Also, I just realised my ‘Obama’ thread has been disappeared now… I wonder if certain things are not allowed to discuss here in this forum.
@Londongirl Oops! My bad! I haven’t really see too many of your questions or comments so that wasn’t an opinion on your English. I just thought someone mentioned on this thread that you were a non-native speaker. :-) LOL. Sorry!
And it doesn’t matter if the speaker is native or not but it is an English speaking forum. I and honesty, if your Obama question was pulled it was not because “certain things are not allowed to discuss here in this forum.” You can speculate but it is simply not true!
@Londongirl it matters because, as others have mentioned above, there tends to be some leniency when someone is not a native English speaker. The forum is for people who can exchange thoughts and discuss things, but they have to fall mostly within the writing standards. You can’t exchange thoughts and discuss things if people have a hard time understanding what the person is saying. Period.
I see the Obama thread, as well.
Oh oh my ‘Obama’ thread is back on again… Thank you MOD!
^ As far as I noticed it never left.
Did you originally post it somewhere other than Social?
@SpatzieLover How do you know it has never left? You know when you post your own questions they always appear in your activity, so when they disappear you will know. Well, it did disappear for a while then reappeared after I put this post up. This is why I say it is dangerous when some power is too great, they can play God.
No, they can moderate. Thankfully, they keep the standards as high.
BTW: This was just modded, but it didn’t “leave” though it’s now moved to Meta.
@SpatzieLover I think this forum has to thank you as such loyal supportive member no matter.
Well, I can say that I refresh almost constantly when I’m on Fluther, and your Obama question was near the top of the Social section every time I refreshed. It’s only in your activity for you if someone has made new comments. Otherwise, it won’t show up there, it will be in your “questions you’re following” section, instead.
No one is required to speak English as their first language on Fluther, but anyone who posts on Fluther is required to adhere to the guidelines of this site, some of which involve writing cohesive, understandable sentences in English.
Not sure where you are getting this idea that the Mods can play God, or that they are allowed to censor anything. All of the mods are volunteers, and before they become mods, they are subjected to a stringent training program. I assume that they are told, before they become moderators, that if they go against the guidelines, requirements and protocols of the site, with regards to being a moderator, that they can be asked to leave the site, or told that they can no longer be a moderator.
@Augustlan is the only paid moderator, as she is the site’s community manager. She probably has much higher standards of behavior and protocol that she must adhere to, in addition to guiding and overseeing the rest of the volunteer mods. If she was playing some type of censorship/God game with us, chances are she would be removed as community manager by the owners of this site. As far as I know, @Augustlan adheres very strictly to the rules that are in her command. And she’s very helpful and nice, especially to folks who are having difficulties.
As far as I know, when your questions are sent back to you, the mods explain quite clearly what the problem is. You are also free to contact them with the Contact button at the top right hand side of each page and ask them for help and clarification. I also know, that because the mods are volunteers, sometimes when a question gets pulled by a mod and sent back to the OP for revision, it doesn’t get put back up immediately, simply because of the time constraints of the mods. But if you suspect that one of your questions got lost in the ether, then contact the mods and they’ll let you know the status of your question.
I assume you are asking about your ‘friends without benefits’ question, from a couple of days ago, right? We sent it to you for editing, which you did. However, it still had several errors. We sent it back to you again, and it came back again… with errors. We eventually had to reject it. For the record, the title of this rejected question remained: “How do you remind a friendship without benefit with a friend?”, even after your attempts to edit it. This title simply does not make sense, grammatically. No censorship, it just does not meet our writing standards.
@Londongirl your Obama question has not been moderated.
I can assure you with 100% certainty that there is not a single moderator on this site who has ever pulled a question because they do not like the content, user, or topic. When the moderators return a question for editing, it is only because the question does not meet Fluther Guidelines. When a question is pulled, every effort is made by the moderators to work with the Jelly who asked the question, get it edited to meet the guidelines, and get it back up as soon as possible.
As @ANef_is_Enuf says, the only way a question will appear in the “Activity for You” section is if it has new responses since you last checked it and just because it is not there does not mean it has been pulled.
Ahhh I flagged that question. Remind yes.
@Londongirl I would have to agree with @augustlan on that one. “How do you remind a friendship without benefit with a friend?” does not have a few minor errors that the mods just need to lighten up about, it really, honestly doesn’t even make sense. All the words are spelled correctly, but it doesn’t make any sense. That pull was absolutely, purely a matter of writing standards. Can you possibly explain what you were trying to ask and maybe someone can help you make it clear?
@Londongirl – Well, all the mods know that I think their moderation is a little, ahem, heavy handed at times, but in their defense, “How do you remind a friendship without benefit with a friend?” is gibberish.
It’s not even a question phrased as elaborate play on words as was a recent political question of mine that didn’t meet Fluther quality standards.
Nor is it a Britishism like “What’s your local?” that was flagged as nonsense by a culturally deprived mod on a different Q&A site I used to participate on.
Removed By Fluther Moderators
How come the MOD discuss my thread to a couple of you without my consent? This is what I call Bias! That question has not got any problem, it means what it meant….
@Londongirl You posted that question on a public thread here on fluther. Many of us saw it when you first posted it. It isn’t a secret. I like you, you’re sweet, but if you can’t see that “How do you remind a friendship without benefit with a friend?” has a lot of problems and doesn’t make sense I’m not sure if we can help you. I don’t really get it. Most of your questions seem fine. This one is just nonsensical; why are you defending it so staunchly? Also, you accused the mods of censorship and bias in this thread. Those are pretty serious accusations. The have mods have a right to defend themselves and to defend the process.
@Londongirl the thread was up and the folks who commented about it obviously saw the thread prior to it being sent for editing. In addition to not moderating questions based on the content, user, or topic; moderators do not discuss question content, users, topics or the moderation process for specific questions with the membership at large.
@Londongirl – I was once told by one of the mods whom I’m sort’a friends with that they sometimes discuss a question or answer among themselves before they take action on it. That’s not bias. That’s their job.
@HungryGuy Are you MOD, why they discussed it with you and Lilycoyote about my thread?!
@Londongirl We are not discussing your thread with any members in private. We would not do that. I posted about the issue here, on this thread, because this is where you are asking about it.
@augustlan May I suggest that MODs should have a different symbol so that people can identify you as MOD? Thanks :)
Why do you keep typing “mod” in all caps? Every time I read it my brain goes like this.
@Londongirl: I, too, thought you were not a native English speaker. When I’m very tired and making a lot of mistakes I find that reading the words and sentences out loud before hitting the “answer” button can really help them to make sense. If you speak in good sentences, you can write good sentences as well, it’s all about taking a little more time and awareness. Rebbel and bob are both non-native speakers and they both do very well with the language, here.
@Londongirl – Actually, that’s not a bad idea :-) Many sites put a little crown or star next to a mod’s screen name to signify they’re a mod.
@JilltheTooth I am a native trust me. Are you trying to insult me by saying my English is that bad!!!!
@Londongirl I can’t speak for anyone else, but my intention was not to insult you. I sincerely thought that English was your second language, just by the way you sometimes replace words with other words or mix them up in a sentence. It reminds me of the way someone speaks/types when English is not their native language.
The mods do their jobs according to the rules and regulations that were set up for them by the owners of this site. Questions and responses that are posted on Fluther are public and anyone and everyone in the whole wide world can see them (even people that are not yet members of Fluther). Just because a question gets pulled for editing, doesn’t mean that millions of people could have already seen the question or comment. So discussing your question in this thread makes perfect sense as they are trying, desperately, to illlustrate to you, how Fluther works and how questions are modded and sent back for editing.
You seem to be having a difficult, if not impossible time, understanding the way the internet works, or the way Fluther works, or how the mods work. And you don’t like the guidelines and think they should be changed to suit your style. If you truly believe that everything and everyone on Fluther is out to get you, or that everyone of the mods is biased and practicing censorship and being mean to you and singling you out, then how come you keep posting questions? Nobody is forcing you to stay here, but the mods can insist that you follow the guidelines or boot you off.
So far, the mods have been very generous and accomodating toward you, despite your lack of a good grasp of English. You might try thanking them and asking them to help you, rather than accusing them of censorship and bias.
@Londongirl – In all seriousness, and not trying to be snotty or make fun of you, may I ask what your native language is? I know you can get automatic translation plug-ins for some browsers. Might be worth looking into. Just sayin’...
@HungryGuy I thought she said that English is her native language.
AtJilliethetoot Thanks you so much, for nice comperlement.!
That you sayd that I am nonative speakers butt still do, well er…., well.
Weally, nice to here!
Im sure bob will be trihlled too too.
@ANef_is_Enuf – Oh. Right. Missed that in the rapid-fire posts in the past few minutes. Sorry.
No, @Londongirl , I’m not trying to insult you, I was trying to help you out. Many people here have commented on how it is sometimes difficult to understand you, sorry if my attempt at something positive was misconstrued. <sigh>
@rebbel : I love you, you tall Dutchman!
I can see many mod (as per Alf requested), don’t panic, I’m just a poster here :)
@Londongirl your very last post shows that, while your English skills may be top notch, your proof-reading skills require some polishing.
How come I cannot post more threads now???? :(
@SuperMouse I don’t do proof-reading, that is the whole point… :)
@Londongirl Then that is the reason your questions get removed.
@Londongirl you only get to ask 3 questions every 12 hours. Not just you, everyone.
@Londongirl : Why don’t you proof read? The rest of us proof read.
@Londongirl I think you have very clearly articulated the problem, I quote: “I don’t do proof-reading, that is the whole point.” I can almost guarantee you that as your ratio of proof-read to non-proof-read questions goes up, your ratio of censored to non-censored questions will go down accordingly. Give it a shot. You might be very happy with the results.
@Londongirl – Then start proof-reading. Or install a spell-check plug-in on your browser (Firefox has one built in).
We all know that Grumpyfish doesn’t like spelling errors :-p
Proofreading is very important. If you want your questions and answers to remain on the site, they must meet our writing standards.
I don’t proof reading cos I am lazy and I’m tired after a long day…
@Londongirl – Then that’s what spell-check plug-ins are for…..
I think the reason many of us believe that English is not @Londongirl‘s first language, is not due to the typos and spelling erros and grammar problems, all of us occasionally screw up with those things, the problem that I am seeing is that the Syntax used by @Londongirl is very different than English syntax. Other languages (including sign languages) use different syntaxes to compose sentences.
That could also explain why she has asked numerous questions about what people mean when they say certain things. If English is not your first language, and you are living in a country where English is the official language, if you don’t understand how English syntax works, then you are always going to have barriers to understanding what is being said, and what it actually means, in English. You are likely to have that same problem while trying to navigate an English language website like Fluther.
And hence, the problem you are seeing played out on this thread.
It’s always better if your put your best effort into answering questions. Proofreading is part of that effort.
@Londongirl well then the problem is, admittedly, yours. Not a conspiracy.
”@SuperMouse I don’t do proof-reading, that is the whole point… :)”
@Londongirl May be you should really begin to do exactly that…, proof-reading.
Really, what is so hard to spend an extra 45 seconds of your time and reread the text you are about to post?
Especially when you know that it is a touchy subject the spelling and grammatics.
Like @JilltheTooth said, I am a non-native English speaker and I sure have gotten some question sent back for editing.
At first I thought that my English was well enough to be understandable for you all, but I learned that I was wrong.
@augustlan, amongst other(s) (mods) have helped me immensly by directing me and teaching me several points that I should/could take into account when replying to or writing questions.
I have never felt attacked by them or others that pointed me to errors that I made in my answers and questions, maybe only frustrated by my own lack of trying a bit more to do my best to use spellcheckers, use dictionaries, use Google, etc..
Actually, I am only thankful to them if my memory serves me right, I have thanked them personally for their help that they helped me improve my written English (and to an extent even my spoken English.
@Kardamom – Right! “All your base are belong to us!” Not a single spelling error, but obviously “translated” from a language with a syntax unlike English.
@rebbel Thanks for your suggestion… well, I’m quite lazy sometimes… and I find a couple of members here form different attitude towards non-English speakers which I do not appreciate it.
@Londongirl I invented lazy, and still I find time to do it…, I am sure you can find that time too (after all, you don’t seem to be lazy tonight…, seeing that you are busy on two, three threads).
By the way, I read a response by you in your Obama-thread that looked to me to be a perfectly worded one.
This one: @Judi OK, it is about democracy. Don’t get me wrong I think democracy is a good thing, but some countries in this world do not necessary have to follow the American standard of democracy. So it is quite easy to label some countries or some people as dictatorship and then it is almost giving a license to kill? I think Gaddafi is not a good leader but the way he was killed is barbaric and with Obama’s warning to the world on this event, I think it is rather like blackmailing or a threat.
What I am about to say to you now is intended to be a compliment; When I read this one I seriously thought that it was written by someone else, but no, it was written by you.
And it, to me, looks like a different level, compared to some other responses you post.
So I have the idea after I read that Obama respons that if you put some more effort to it you can write clear and intelligent pieces.
@Londongirl What you are perceiving to be a ‘different attitude towards non-English speakers’ is not that, at all. We have many, many members who speak/type English as a second or third language. There is no issue with that, whatsoever. What you are actually experiencing is a bias toward using correct English (whether you’re a native speaker or not).
We (the site, the mods) are actually more lenient with non-native speakers. Since you insist that English is your first language, you will be held to a higher standard. It is in your best interest to let us know if English is not your first language.
@rebbel haha… I am glad you saw my Obama thread, my mom used to say I got a gut to say things that dare many people…
@augustlan Thank you and may I say that my English is my 6th language?
I also honestly thought that English was not your first language. Pretty much every one of your comments is filled with grammatical errors. I don’t know whether this is just because of your lack of proofreading (you really should proofread) or if you don’t have a complete understanding of subject-verb agreement. This isn’t meant to offend you, but you at least need to proofread. Your comments and questions are going to keep getting moderated if they don’t meet writing standards, not because the mods “don’t like you.” As @augustlan said, people are more lenient here about non-native speakers, so if English really isn’t your first language, I suggest you let that be known.
@Londongirl The mods did not discuss your thread with me. What are you talking about? What makes you think they discussed it with me?
Fluther is sort of like high school. You are either popular and accepted , or life is difficult. You can handle it.
Response moderated (Writing Standards)
@lillycoyote please read above you mentioned the disappeared thread which I didn’t mention to you. Must be some MOD told you which one, so you put it up here. ;)
@saint Yeah I kind of sense that it is a bit like high school here… you are liked then you would be fine otherwise they come gang up on you… yes I wish I could handle them haha…
@Londongirl : I don’t understand. Didn’t you say that you are a native English speaker? By “native speaker” most of us assumed it was your first language. May I ask what is your first language? It would help explain some of the syntax confusion.
@Londongirl – No offense again (I’m trying to be helpful and not snotty, honest), but it’s obvious that English is not your first language, despite the scolding I received from Neffie. Admit it, and let the mods be lenient with you. And get that spell check plug in… It’ll help you to be better understood on many social sites, not just Fluther…
@Londongirl Nobody’s ganging up on you, we’re simply discussing the issue and giving you suggestions. What’s wrong with that?
I am banging my head on my desk, here.
@augustlan – Don’t do that! You’ll give yourself a headache :-(
@Londongirl You mention it in your details, the details of your question!!
The second paragraph of your details begins:
I put a post a few days ago and got me edited and then disappeared.
That’s kind of mentioning it, don’t you think? Not just to me but to everyone.
@HungryGuy sheesh, if you think that was a scolding, you’re in trouble. ;)
Also, @Londongirl, why do you just assume that the mods are discussing questions with random members? Other people can see your messages/questions before they are moderated.
You guys are not supposed to talk in small caps as if talking behind me back ok…
@mangeons you need to thank Lilycoyote to leak the information out… unless MOD edited her comment :)
I literally have no idea what is being said here anymore.
@Londongirl – That’s how off-topic side comments are handled here (in Social anyway, they’re not allowed at all in General…and this is Meta, which is sort’a in the middle between Social and General)...
@augustlan I’m sure everyone in this thread right now agrees with you.
I’m still wondering, @Londongirl , what is your first language? Just curious, that’s all…
You guys are taking the piss of my 6th language by talking in side convo here!!!
<bangs head on Auggie’s desk.>
<bangs head on back of Neffie’s head on Auggie’s desk>
Slides in a sheet of poo on Auggie’s desk whilst he’s banging on it…
Nobody’s making fun of you or your language….. <breaks desk>
I’m so bloody pound of my 6th language you know!
@Londongirl You still haven’t mentioned your first language….
@Londongirl – So I ask again. What is your native language?
My native language is my mother tongue.
The question is who is my mother?!!!! Why would I want to discuss about my mother to you all strangers here???
@Londongirl – Ah… Mother Tongue. One of the Indian languages, eh?
I’m pretty sure at this point that this is probably a troll… it’s too ridiculous to be real.
@Londongirl – Well, this is Fluther and we’re all jellyfish here… :-p
Do you know this thread has more than 80 posts!!!! :)
Now I know that my 1st thoughts about this were correct.
Why cry censorship? Why not just cry racism again?
@mangeons, At the very least, we are letting the tail wag the dog.
I’m outa here. See ya.
How dare you all!!! put loads of salt in jellies… hahahahahah with a devilish smile…
I notice that this isn’t the first time that someone has suggested that English might not be your first language. I would think, that, if you actually speak 6 languages, and English is the last one you learned, you would be proud to say so. Not beat around the bush like you have here on this thread, and in the past. Most of the replies here have been helpful, but you don’t seem receptive to that.
@Londongirl sweetie make up your mind. Is English your first language or your sixth?
Response moderated (Personal Attack)
Response moderated
Ok, that’s enough of that. Install a browser with a spell check. Proof-read. This is not a conspiracy, you just have to follow the rules. Good luck. I’m out.
Why my answer becomes ‘RESPONSE MODERATED (Personal Attack)????
I have got 2x exhibitionist awards, what the hell is that???? I didn’t take off my cloths whilst typing…
@Londongirl It wasn’t. The personal attack made by someone else was moderated as a personal attack. Your reply to it was removed as “other”.
@Londongirl Whatever you do, do not ever contradict yourself on Fluther. The collective is relentless when it comes to arguing with you, and people will eat you for it. Also, the reason those responses were modded was that the first one (the personal attack), was a personal attack that attacked you. The second (your response) no longer makes sense as it was a reply to a post that no longer exists.
@augustlan OK thanks for letting me know… I’m new here.. be nice people.
I F*cking hate censorship
Oh sh*t, its true! RUN FOR YOUR [REDACTED]
@Londongirl No one’s being mean to you. Well, besides the person who made the personal attack, which was removed, so it’s irrelevant.
I think you like me (a bit).
Would you maybe like to answer a few questions I have?
Feel free to answer them, all, some, or none.
Are you sincere?
What is your mother language (not your mother’s)?
What is your second language (or, is English your second)?
Would you like to answer (to) other Jellies questions too (when they direct one to you, like they did, for example, in this thread too)?
Thank you!
Response moderated (Writing Standards)
@Londongirl Somebody attacked you in a post, and it was moderated. Just like your questions/messages have been moderated, just for different reasons.
@rebbel no comments… I would like to remain anonymous… :)
@mangeons Really, I like to know what the attack was… is it possible?
@Londongirl You saw the personal attack… you responded to it.
@Londongirl Fair enough.
I know enough then, and I would like to state, as a true Dragon: I am out!
@augustlan hmm… I responded to many posts here… could you remind me what the personal attack was? :)
@Londongirl I don’t know what the attack was, I didn’t see it before it was moderated! You saw it though, you even responded to it! Why are you asking me?
@chyna just pull out the poo sheet on Augustian’s desk… ;)
Okay, at this point, I really don’t see how this could not be a troll.
I forgot what the personal attack for and what I responded to it… I’m pretty busy tonight you know… :)
I say we just moderate every single response on this thread, close the discussion, and let this thread stand for eternity as a testament to what happens when you question the moderation process here at Fluther.
@PhiNotPi But I have so much fun tonight with the jellies in this thread and it granted me some awards too!!! :)
Before I am pulling out, @Londongirl, might I thank you (and I am pretty sure I speak on behalf of a few others here tonight) for an entertaining night.
Some of us dedicated their time to try to help you, but to no avail.
These were the last words that I spend on you…
Can we talk about food, now?
Seriously, you’re starting to snap a little. Just a little <cough cough>… I now have no idea what your real complaint is, other than “I hate the mods”. And I have no idea what your “native tongue” is, but here’s a hint about why all of us have said your grammar skills leave a lot to be desired:
Your sentence: “I am glad you saw my Obama thread, my mom used to say I got a gut to say things that dare many people…”
How it should actually be written: I am glad you saw my Obama thread. My mom used to say that I’ve got guts to say things that other people won’t.
Puts on helmet and vigorously bangs head on @augustlan‘s desk.
[mod says] Londongirl has left the building. Returning troll.
@augustlan oh, a known troll? (Yes, I was still reading. I know, I’m awful.)
@ANef_is_Enuf A suspected known troll, from the beginning. This thread confirmed.
All you need is love chocolate!
^Smart cookie right there.
Cheesecake? Or cupcakes? Cupcakes with chocolate centers? :)
I was late to duty and missed the drama.
I knew it months ago when she called me a racist for asking if English was her native tongue. Have not spent time on her since. Just sayin’
Attention, everyone. @Londongirl has left the submarine, it seems.
According to the definition that comes up when you google “define:censorship”, censorship is “the practice of officially examining books, movies, etc., and suppressing unacceptable parts”. Taking that very broad definition, I’d say yes, there is censorship on Fluther.
2% right off the bottom. Mods are benign, if not genial.
According to the stats in this thread.
At least this question is still here. I missed all the fun.
I can’t believe you guys put up with this for so long! Garhg!
Good catch @Auggie. I suspected that she was a troll halfway down this thread. She sounded much like a little girl from while back that asked a lot of sex related questions and said her mom was dead when she wasn’t.
@Dog, late to duty, but that’s okay. Your kudos for managing another crazy-thread hasn’t run out yet :D
I would’ve sent this back to editing because of the grammar and typos – and also for the fact that the only topic is “life” – which is ironic. Obviously, as this question is still here, there is no “censorship” at Fluther, just bouncers doing their duty at an exclusive club. Get with the program.
@Londongirl You are being very naughty! ;-) I hope you have enjoyed your fun. I have to wonder why you are doing it. You already know that people tend not to forget things here. It’s ok to be nice. You don’t have to be a bad girl in order to get attention (although people seem unable to resist, so I admit that it is effective).
Another hilarious thread to be archived along with the frizzers and nose vaginas.
Why do I know nothing of a “nose vagina” thread?
@JilltheTooth Do you have any others? I only know of these three now.
Ohh, yes, I read that. Nevermind. Thank you!
OK, @Blackberry , this Q covers some and there’s a pretty comprehensive list here from January 2009. Knock yourself out! ;-)
Okay, soo…... lunch anyone? I’m having pizza and hot wings!
I’m eating blueberry pancakes right now. True story.
I’m eating Chex Mix. True story.
Why not go make some pancakes?
That’s too much work and I’m not hungry enough for pancakes!
@mangeons : That’s why god made IHOP. Choices and no dishes, a perfect storm of gustatory pleasure!
Oooohhh, IHOP sounds really good!
And it gave me a chance to use the word “gustatory” cool is that???
Greek pizza over here, yum!
“That’s why god made IHOP.” LOL, that made me pee a little. Now I really want some grain and nut pancakes with butter pecan syrup. :\
Making venison burgers tonight. try and censor that~
@jonsblond : I am so on my way over! I love “bamburgers”!
aw, that’s cute. come on over. =)
Mmmmm, meatloaf and garlic mashed potatoes for dinner tonight. Tasty!
My leftover chicken sandwich supper not lookin’ so good, now.
Did I forget to mention the truly delicious green beans, sauteed with bacon grease and pearl onions? Bwuahahahaha! I cooked a REALLY unhealthy dinner tonight, lol.
We had pizza for dinner! Which also means pizza for breakfast tomorrow, of course!
@janbb Oooh, yum! I’m making lasagna on Saturday!! How do you make yours?
My son used up his food stamps for the month, so his family is eating over here most nights. We are having ground turkey, onions, pepper strips, vegetable noodles, chili powder, onion/garlic powder, cumin pepper, and can of corn with a mixed salad.
Last night we had English Muffin Pizza with cheese, sausage and bacon topping with green bean salad.
@YARNLADY I love English muffin pizza! I want some right now : )
I had some pretty good Thai food earlier this evening.
In honor of our troll finally being called out, we should all indulge in a pint of ale, some bangers and mash or some bubble and squeak, or maybe even a bit ‘o clotted cream on a crumpet.
LOL. ^^ There’s also a wonderful gas station near my house that has a pretty good selection of ice cream. After I was done with this thread last night I went there and got a pint of Starbuck’s coffee ice cream. Sorry to be so selfish, but there is none left to share. I ate the whole thing and it really hit the spot.
Even thought I hate trolls, that “poo sheet” comment seriously made me laugh. What the hell is that? Lol!
I remember the “Poo Hat” that Ben wore.
But the web site is down! No! Do any of you have a pix of Ben in the Poo Hat?
@jonsblond I didn’t know there was a Fluther photo album. I’ll add a picture.
Oh yeah, I keep forgetting to do that, as well. I can never decide on a pic.
@jonsblond Awesome! I forgot about the album. My pix is gone. I must have abandoned the account for too long. :) Great seeing everyone again and there are new people!
Looking through that made me miss a lot of jellies! I am looking forward to seeing some of our newer members. Plus I am thinking of downloading a new picture along with Mr. Mouse aka mabl8tr!
@SuperMouse You should! I just loaded a pix of me and Mr Dog AKA @MikeVio :)
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