What do you think of Obama comments on Gaddafi's Death?
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He was warning that if other dictators don’t allow democracy, the people will demand it. He didn’t say, “Gove up or we will kill you.” Contrary to the spin fox noise will put on it.
sorry about my typo. to late to fix it now.
@Judi OK, it is about democracy. Don’t get me wrong I think democracy is a good thing, but some countries in this world do not necessary have to follow the American standard of democracy. So it is quite easy to label some countries or some people as dictatorship and then it is almost giving a license to kill? I think Gaddafi is not a good leader but the way he was killed is barbaric and with Obama’s warning to the world on this event, I think it is rather like blackmailing or a threat.
Labeled a dictatorship? Only if they are dictatorships in which the resources of the country are used by a few while the masses suffer.
All Obama is saying is that in dictatorships the people will eventually rise up.
@marinelife Does Obama’s comment on his death giving some kind of warning to those labelled dictatorship by American standard of democracy. I think if you look at the world, there are many countries are not democratic mean but running successfully, do they need to be democratic too in order to fulfil the ideology set up by Obama?
There was no warning from Obama of any impending action by the US.
@marinelife The title was clearly said ‘warning’. I find it like a threat more like.
You know back in the old centuries in Europe and other countries too, when the King wanted to chop someone head, what he needed to do was to give him a charge even it was not justified. It was to show the public that he had the reason to put them on the chopping board.
@Londongirl; I think you are trying to put two and two together and make 5.
I tell my child if you put your hand on a hot stove you will get burned. It’s the same kind of warning. If you oppress people to much they will rise up against you.
@Judi Not sure the math is right but I think you have missed my point. My point is about imposing ideology on other country suggested by Obama.
If human rights is an ideology.
Gaddafi was a despotic dictator. Bravo to the American president for having the blals to say so!
@Judi Human rights is the right to humans, it is not an ideology. The ideology is the form of concept created by humans who believe the better method to run a particular country.
@HungryGuy So you think American president gave such warning and praising the way any human being was killed that way is morally correct?
@Londongirl – He has a right to free speech. There’s nothing moral or immoral about expressing an opinion.
@HungryGuy Sure, he’s his right to say what he likes as a human being. Big supporter of freedom of speech myself!
It’s not much of a warning considering Gaddafi was in power for over 40 years.
Administrations since I was a little girl (Eisenhower is the first I remember) have promoted democracy around the world.
Why should Obama change that? He is way more practical than his predecessors.
@wonderingwhy But to use Gaddafi’s death as a way to give threat to some countries, I think it is a bit morally incorrect.
@Judi Can you give me some text to suggest Obama is running democracy exactly what Eisenhower suggested? Also, if you read Karl Marx, you will know the so called communism is not the same as some countries running it.
According to the article you linked, Obama said, “Obviously, you never like to see anybody come to the kind of end that he did, but I think it obviously sends a strong message around the world to dictators that… people long to be free.”
I think he’s only saying that if people are oppressed, they’ll try to overthrow the oppressor. I don’t see anything in the above quote stating that the people or any others are going to necessarily set up a US type of government.
However, if you’re saying that the US has covertly promoted the overthrowing of democratically elected governments that didn’t adhere to policies favoring US interests, regardless of what US presidents have publicly said, then I agree.
@Brian1946 Do you think Obama is good at handling international affairs?
@Londongirl – Not really. Remember how he snubbed the Prime Minister his first week in office? Admittedly, he was probably overwhelmed with a gazillion different crises that first week, but…
@HungryGuy I think he has done it to many world leaders since he has become US president…
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