General Question

XOIIO's avatar

What just happened to my hard drive?

Asked by XOIIO (18360points) October 26th, 2011

Alright, so my computer had two monitors, and I got a third one to add. I connected the new monitor, and bootest up a couple times but it gave me BSODs. I did a reinstall, but windows wouldn’t continue after a reboot where is says setup is preparing your computer, but yould go to that when you boot in safe mode and ask to restart. Now the computer won’t boot past the splash screen with the SATA drive plugged in, but works fine without it. What the hell just happened?

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12 Answers

wonderingwhy's avatar

driver, interrupt, address, or memory conflict perhaps

XOIIO's avatar

@wonderingwhy Is there a way to fix this quickly? I’m doing a BIOS reset with the battery right now, but that might not work. I don’t get how it just happened all of a sudden.

There is a SATA Raid controller, aside from the regular one, is that maybe an option?

XOIIO's avatar

Yeah, so the drive is in ultra DMA mode, and smart reports ok status, but then it just doesn’t do anything after that.

wonderingwhy's avatar

Unfortunately I’ve got no good fix I can recommend and I’m crunched for time; if you’re running an older system you can try updating the BIOS as the Ultra DMA mode might be causing an issue, that’s all I’ve got off the top of my head.

Sorry and good luck.

XOIIO's avatar

The bios is up to date pretty good. I tried the SATA raid conroller, and now I’m gtting some USB device over current alert and it shuts down. wtf

XOIIO's avatar

fuck, the god damn usb connector that had all the pins seperate got glued to the to mobo, so i guess i have to fucking cut it and lose my usb ports, and i don’t even know if that will solve the fucking problem. why the hell did this whole thing fuck up all of a sudden?

XOIIO's avatar

well wtf, how does ram ffect the damn USB port? fuck

XOIIO's avatar

Great, back to the same damn problem. I’m going to have to pull the one terabyte laptop drive I hav and see if that work :(

njnyjobs's avatar

I am confused with your statements. My understanding is that you tried to connect a third monitor to your PC. How did you connect – USB, PCI…? What’s the releavance of the SATA drive?

XOIIO's avatar

Because everything fucked up at once. Anyways now I thre my laptops one terabyte and thats working, harvested the ram for my crappy tablet, so I guess i didn’t need the laptop drive anyways since the mobo is dead. I still don’t get what happened.

njnyjobs's avatar

I’m still lost in your attempt to explain the situation… 8—(

XOIIO's avatar

@njnyjobs Basically shit went to hell and back, and now its normal again.

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