Social Question

john65pennington's avatar

Before you die, what is one activity you want to accomplish?

Asked by john65pennington (29278points) October 27th, 2011

In most of our lives, all of us have just that one activity we want to accomplish, before we die. It can be anything. Tell a certain girl/woman/man/boy that you have always loved them, get totally drunk one night, rob a bank or what? Mine is a simple sleigh ride in the snow. Question: what is your one desire to accomplish, before you push up daisies?

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61 Answers

wundayatta's avatar

I would like to experience popular acclaim.

Don’t worry. I’m not so deluded as to think it could actually happen.

janbb's avatar

Write a novel that gets published.

cazzie's avatar

@john65pennington We go on a real sleigh ride every winter when we are in Rorøs.

I would like to get back to New Zealand, and perhaps get published properly, where people actually read my stuff.

Blackberry's avatar

Like @wundayatta, I also think it would be great to be somewhat famous. I also know this won’t happen, but it would cool to experience it.

I guess something realistic would be to watch a sunset in Ibiza.

marinelife's avatar

Have a book published.

lonelydragon's avatar

I would like to do some international travel.

Ayesha's avatar

Sky diving!!

Hibernate's avatar

Adopt 10 or more kids.

rojo's avatar


RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

“Tell a certain girl/woman/man/boy that you have always loved them, get totally drunk one night, rob a bank or what?”

That’s a start.

Judi's avatar

I have a vision for a retreat/convent type of center for girls getting out of High School with no direction. It will be a spiritual retreat that they spend 2–6 months. The first vision was on a vineyard, working the land and living in community. It is still evolving in my mind. I think I will make it happen in the next 20 years.
I was inspired by the girls I met when my kids were in school, who seemed aimless and ended up getting pregnant right out of High School.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Maybe a nude midnight swim in the Lake that’s in my avatar.

YoBob's avatar

Wow, my bucket list is pretty darned long, but several that come to mind off the top of my head:

See an Aurora Borealis first hand
Be a space tourist
Eat a roasted suckling pig at the worlds oldest restaurant
Ride a Harley to visit the Crazy Horse Memorial
Stand on the Great Wall of China
See the Pyramids in Egypt
Read my great-grandchildren a bedtime story

Mariah's avatar

My bucket list is mostly composed of things I want to learn before I die.

Go scuba diving
Learn how to make lampwork beads
Learn metal working
Learn how to weld
Donate at least 11 pints of blood
Become competent in my chosen field
See Greece and Italy
Run a marathon for CCFA
Get into space somehow

OpryLeigh's avatar

Only one? I have a list of things I need to do!

One of the things on my list is to see the Northern Lights.

cazzie's avatar

Anyone wanting to see the Northern Lights… Party at my house, next time they’re showing!

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@cazzie Give us the date and we’ll charter the jelly liner. I’d love to see them again.

tedd's avatar

is it wrong to say three-way here? lol

Jude's avatar

Accept things for how they are.

cazzie's avatar

@Jude Haven’t you heard the Dylan Thomas poem?
I will never accept things for how they are and I will not go gentle into that good night.

Coloma's avatar

I’d enjoy being a published author as well. I would also like to try my hand ( mouth ) at writing and performing my own stand up comedy. :-D

Otherwise, I’m good, not prone to flights of fancy, and, I have had plenty of life experiences that I wouldn’t be afraid to call it curtains now. I’ve been married, raised a child, had plenty of romance, sex, traveled some, gone up in a hot air balloon, lived in some really cool places, and pretty much been on both sides of just about every fence there is.

Anything else, at this time, is gravy on the big potato of life. lol

fizzbanger's avatar

I want to try raising some alpacas.

Hibernate's avatar

Wasn’t this a one thing only ? Seems most see this as another bucket list.

tom_g's avatar

I want to be happy. Truly happy. Not the type of happy that is precarious and dependent on external forces. It seems that my first step is this: @Jude: “Accept things for how they are.”

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@fizzbanger Alpacas are cool. They sing.

Coloma's avatar


I live near a Llama and Alpaca ranch, cool creatures they are.
My neighbors Llama ” Hercules” is a real kick, he takes his “job” of shepherding “his” sheep very seriously. :-)

YoBob's avatar

Ok, ok… funny Llama story…

My wife is a belly dancer. We were doing a local parade and I, faithful husband of a belly dancer, was doing the traditional drummer thing. The particular drum I had that day was made of wood and was covered in a natural skin (of unknown origin). A colleague of mine at the time moonlighted as a llama breeder and had his llamas there for the parade. So… I went to say howdy. The llamas were quite friendly…. until one of them decided to sniff my drum head. This critter did a total personality reversal as soon as he smelled the drum. His ears went back and it was clear I was no longer his friend.

Dumb animals indeed… ;)

gr8teful's avatar

For my Mother and Family to know they were the greatest gift gift that God ever gave me and for them to always be safe secure and content.

El_Cadejo's avatar

I want to go in a deep sea submersible. The idea of seeing an animal that no human has ever laid eyes on before is exhilarating to me.

Sunny2's avatar

Visit Madagascar and New Zealand. (not on the same trip.) I might be able to. We’ll see.

gailcalled's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe: I, who have had few grand or exotic adventures, swam naked in that lake very late every warm evening for 20 years before heading up to bed in my cabin in the woods.

There was never a time when the water wasn’t an 7 or greater on the 1–10 scream test, 10 being encased in ice before I could get back up the ladder. But, oh, that water. I was always younger, thinner and richer afterwards.

I have sluffed off any desire for exotic, grandiose, fantastic or unlikely activites. It is calming and leaves me with more energy to end up doing something surprising and pleasurable. A case in point is my new-found and very satisfying veganism.

ucme's avatar

I’d like to dine on a decent meal cooked by the wife, just once…..please.
Either that or quite possibly die trying :¬(

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@gailcalled This past summer the loons woke us up on our last day there. It’s a sound everyone should hear at least once.

janbb's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe I agree – an eerily chilling sound.

Coloma's avatar


The west coast equivalent of your lake would be Lake Tahoe, near me, in the Sierras.
A scream factor of 10, year ‘round, minus the most shallow of shoreline wading. lol

I remember jumping off a dock about 30 yards from shore and feeling my lungs collapse instantly. haha

No scream power at all, it was literally, sink or swim.

My 20 something year old heart handled it well, but, I’m pretty sure I’d be dead if I did that now. haha

gailcalled's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe; Were they on M lake or were you on L P? We used to see them at the

north end of the lake where the state owned all the land so there were no buildings and few boats off-season.. I remember that the loons dive suddenly and emerge several hundred yards from the original submersion. An interesting exercise in birding.

Occasionally they used to swim by the dock pre-season…Memorial day until the end of June.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

They were on Mirror Lake. First time ever heard them there. We also saw two Ospreys nesting on Mirror Lake across from the village. We were having dinner downtown and one of them came swooping by the window holding a fish in his beak.

gailcalled's avatar

Lovely, isn’t it. There were always a pair of ospreys nesting at the top of a very tall deciduous tree on the east short of Moose Island. We could watch them with binoculars; they also used to fish in the water (400’ deep) between us and the island. It was wonderful for the kids when they were younger.

My daughter became a fierce birder.

(Are you sure about the beak? An osprey traditionally fishes by plummeting to the water’s surface and grabbing a fish in its talons. If the fish is too heavy, the bird often labors to gain height and may drop the fish.)

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

It was in the beak. That surprised me as well. Not a big fish, but it was carried there.

CaptainHarley's avatar

I want to get everything paid off and have everything done that can be done in advance, so that my Vicky has as few problems as possible after I die.

linguaphile's avatar

I want to finally live my life doing what makes me happy, not always following others’ obligations, expectations and criticism.

tinyfaery's avatar

Kiss a tiger on its nose and ruffle its neck.

blueiiznh's avatar

High Five the Dalai Lama

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I want to give a TED lecture.

smilingheart1's avatar

I would like to see some real faces behind the avatars here.

@Blackberry and @wundayatta, you are very famous here in Flutherland.

CWOTUS's avatar

I’d like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony.

AshLeigh's avatar

I intend to live forever.
But before I die I’d like to get some of my writing published.

TheIntern55's avatar

I’d first like to graduate high school, if at all possible. College if I’m not murdered before then.
Then, I would always like to see a Broadway play. And see as much of the world as possible. Try time traveling.
It would also be interesting to create a gathering of Jellies. We all get along great online, but what about face to face?
That last one may take awhile.

john65pennington's avatar

Judi, your answer hit home to me. This shows that you are a good person and think of others before yourself. Your hubby/so should be pround that he has you in his life. I hope your wish comes true. The wold needs more people like you. jp

faye's avatar

I want to see my daughters happily married. And, no, I don’t think women need to be married but these 2 want to be, well, 1 does and the other would be happy to live together so I hope to see that.

martianspringtime's avatar

I want to see aurora borealis.

Berserker's avatar

Lmao rob a bank. XD

I’d love to travel through Europe. But not as a tourist. Like a two or three year trip, staying in different places, having different jobs, and getting to see the countries in a way you can’t as a tourist. I almost did it two years ago, but then I had to go and decide to try and get a career. I wonder if I ever will get travel through Europe before I croak. It’s possible to do, but for some reason, I’m not getting it done.

tranquilsea's avatar

Before I die I want to learn how to play the piano. We were poor growing up and having a piano was something that was dreamed about but not financially possible.

We bought a piano 6 years ago so our kids could learn but my life is just too busy right now to do so.

Earthgirl's avatar

I would like to make a painting that I could be proud of.

Ron_C's avatar

I would like to work to eliminate privately run prisons and militia forces. I think that incarcerating people and killing people should be a painful thing for government to do. People should be jailed, only if it is absolutely necessary and the people (government) should feel the pain. There is absolutely no reason that a civilian group should be supporting wars and oppression in other countries. No American citizen should be allowed to operate or work for such companies.

Judi's avatar

@john65pennington, that is sweet of you to say. :-)

jonsblond's avatar

I had two and I was lucky to be able to do one. Whitewater rafting.

I also want to see the aurora borealis. Had a chance the other evening here in Illinois, but I had to go to bed. :(

Coloma's avatar


C’mon out to Californi for some white water action on the mighty American river.
I live a mile from some of themost premiere rafting action in the world, every year my community fills up with rafters from all parts of the globe, south america, new zealand, everywhere!

gailcalled's avatar

I had three wishes that have now come true.

See a total eclipse of the sun. Virginia Beach, March 7, 1970.That was a thrilling three minutes.

See a spectacular meteor shower. Leonids. My deck. Nov. 18, 2001 100/minute. A thrilling (and cold) three hours.

See the aurorae borealis. My deck. sunset several years ago. Pretty dramatic for 20 minutes.

jonsblond's avatar

@Coloma I’d love to. If I could get a job as one of the photographers who sits on the bank of the river taking pictures for the rafting companies, then raft in my spare time, I’d be in heaven. =)

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