What should I wear for a quick Halloween costume?
I am a dance teacher and this week the teachers, staff and students are all supposed to wear costumes. I need a costume for tonight (I totally forgot). So in your opinion, what would be a good costume that I can pull together out of my closet that I would be able to comfortable move around in? Thanks :]
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24 Answers
Any old black dress, slightly torn. A broom & a black cat, stuffed or living.
A zombie costume might be a good idea. Practically any clothes you have now would do as a costume. And I’m sure emergency zombie make-up tips are readily available on the net.
Throw a bed sheet over your head and cut out two eye holes. Instant ghost costume!
Hit your local thrift stores and see what they have to offer.
Find an old wedding dress, dye your hair crazy colors with temporary dye and go as Bride of Frankenstein. haha
1) Steal a metal garbage can from a neighbor
2) Cut the bottom out
3) Attach suspenders to the upper rim
4) Paint yourself green somehow
5) Wear your new Oscar the Grouch costume
Step 4 has been intentionally left open to interpretation.
You could be a cat. Get a leotard and some tights. Party City has a quickie cat costume accessories for cheap like ears, a tail, etc.
One of my favorite movie lines:
In the movie “The Adam’s Family”, for Halloween Wendy wore the same outfit she wears every day. When somebody asked her what she was she said “A homicidal axe murderer. The look just like everyone else…”
If you have a snug top, two long skirts, two scarves and a bead-y necklace you could:
Put both skirts on over the snug top waistband, then—tuck the front edge of the top skirt into your waistband to create a double-layer effect.
Wide-fold one scarf and tie it around your head with your hair in a mess sticking out behind the scarf.
Take the second scarf and tie it around your neck loosely.
Put on as many bead-y necklaces as you own. Wrap a few necklaces around your wrist or use lots of bangles.
Put on wild and colorful eye makeup or just heavy black eyeliner.
It could easily go over a leotard top and you could use your regular dance shoes. If you don’t have long skirts, take a twin sheet, fold in half, then tie around your waist to create a similar effect.
Quick and cool cereal killer. Knife through a box of Cherrios.
A little more work, pig in a blanket. Piggy tails, pink tights and leotard and a piggy nose from a party store or costume shop. Wrap yourself up in your favorite blanket and go.
I like cereal killer. ftw.
Put on a nude leotard, wrap yourself in Saran wrap, and with wide clear packing tape write “Meatloaf. Date in:10_27_11 use by 11–02-11” Go as leftovers.
My hubby went as a flasher once. Trench coat, and open it to see strategically placed balloons. Only show when someone asks “What are you?”
Go as one of the “Men In Black” alien agents.
A dark suit and tie and a pair of sunglasses does the trick nicely.
I was a pedestrian a couple of times. Easiest costume evar.
@Buttonstc I did the MIB agent thing once in a contest and got 2nd or 3rd place. ;-
Go as a jelly, of course!
Just glue some “tentacles” onto a clear umbrella.
Dance teacher? Put on a leotard and some pointe shoes and say you’re a nude nutcracker.
Oops, comfortable. Ballet slippers? Black ones?
You can borrow my duck mask and the cape I made for my goose “Marwyn” for his old halloween costume. A blue silk cape with red letters that say SG for SUPER GOOSE! lol
You better come back and tell us what you did!
Have someone pour two cups of flour on top of your head. When they ask what you are, you reply, “I don’t know. I had nothing to do with it.” If they insist on an answer, you can tell them you are an incipient cake. You just lack a few ingredients.
@YoBob Her name was Wednesday, lol. And I’ve actually used that line a few times when trick-or-treating with my kids. “I’m a homicidal maniac; they look just like everyone else!”
I was also going to suggest the sheet over the head for a quick, easy ghost costume.
Or… if you are “generously endowed”, just get a blonde wig, put on your tightest dress and go as Dolly Parton.
a bag of jelly bellies, clear trash bag with 4 holes cut out of it for arms and legs, filled with blown up mini balloons with a ribbon tied around the neck! its also very convenient to wear a leotard and tights underneath.
(pics or it didn’t happen)
Okay, so I went as an 80’s workout instructor. I had my hair in a huge side pony-tail, leggings, leg warmers, shirt with the collar cut out, and a headband. I have to do another for tomorrow, so I might use some of these ideas, too.
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