Is it snowing where you are right now?
Just looked outside and the white stuff is coming down. Not heavy, but it is pretty.
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Not yet, but it’s supposed to tommorrow. That would mean no homecoming game which could bring down my school’s social infrastructure.
Oh, you just had to say it out loud, didn’t you. If you’ve brought this down upon us with your careless words I will hunt you down and hurt you. And not in a good way….
I’m an hour North of Detroit but no snow yet. And I hope that holds true till after Thanksgiving.
The hillsides are beautiful! I can take a litle hurt, just stay away from the man parts.
It’s sticking to the roofs of the building and also cars.
Raining, but I don’t think it’ll snow anytime soon, I hope it doesn’t anyway.
No, it’s still pretty mild here for the time of year.
We have a gorgeous fall day, sunshine and wind blowing leaves off the trees. We are “promised” 11–12 above sat and sun and then a plunge and snow on Tues. This is central Alberta so that’s celsius. The idea of snow right now is kind of attractive as you say, hot chocolate, blankets and movies.
@blueiiznh huh, I would have thought we’d have snow first. I want a globe.
Beautiful clear day in the SF Bay Area. Here’s a view from Berkeley with the Golden Gate in the distance.
@faye New England is weird that way
Not in central Texas . . . but a girl can dream.
No, we are supposed to get our first few flakes this weekend.
@zenvelo I was in the Bay area last weekend and it was gorgeous.
No, but there has been some up in the mountains.
My only regret about leaving NH is that people in Seattle don’t know how to drive in the snow, nor do they know how to plow properly, so the roads are more dangerous than they ever were in Cheshire County, even after the ice storm a couple of years ago. I miss being able to drive in the snow safely.
The first thing I do every morning is open up the door to see if there’s snow outside. It’s been a possibility for a while in terms of temperature, but we haven’t had the precipitation to make it happen. The mountaintops are already covered with snow, and I can’t wait for it to make it to my valley.
We’re expecting snow this weekend.
Just a little on the tops of the distant hills.
Big fat snow pellets came down this morning for about 10 minutes, then turned into rain. I’m in MinnesOHtah.
In the mountains a hundred miles away or so. It never snows here where I live.
Nope, and it ain’t never gonna. It’s been relatively warm and sunny here all month.
It’s snowing here in Northern MA
Yes. Wet snow, melting as it lands. Also in Northern, MA.
Not yet, I’m about 2½ – 3 hours north of Detroit.
Not yet. It’s coming though, although it’s supposed to be sunny until the end of the weekend. Sunny or not, it sure is mighty cold though…and I like it.
I wore shorts and a t-shirt today, so maybe. :)
I’m glad you asked this question. No, it’s not snowing here. We don’t get snow until, at the earliest, the 2nd or 3rd week in November, normally, but I was googling to try to find the date of the earliest snow on record here and found out that they are predicting a freak October snow for this Saturday. They’re not predicting any accumulation and it will probably be mostly rain.
Its cold today in Seattle, but there’s no snow. Overall, its a good thing because people freak out and everything shuts down when we get more than a couple of flakes. Kinda miss New England winters though :(
Snowing here in Boston now. The ground’s still too warm for it to stick, but it looks like a coastal storm will pull in a North East wind and we get our first accumulating snow Saturday evening.
THANK HEAVENS, NO!!! It has been cool. It is still warm enough to venture out in the middle of the day and not need a sweater, and still have gals out in minis. Who needs [redacted] snow? That would just ruin everything.
I’ve got two inches on the ground and it’s absolutely gorgeous around my house. Although I did have to get into the car from the back seat because the doors were iced over. :)
Nope. Here in the south of England we usually start getting snow in December or January and it can be on/off until March.
They’re talking about the potential of a few inches of very wet stuff here by Sunday morning. Couple inches, fine. Couple feet, not so much.
I’m off to a conference. Apparently, it’s expected to snow there tomorrow.
Nope, we’re supposed to have a mild weekend with warm afternoons.
As of this evening, it has begun snowing in the city I am vacationing in :) I’m sure it has been sunny and hot back in California whose weather I haven’t missed in the slightest.
Having a Nor-Easter today here in New England. Yippie!!!!
Coastal Flooding, Power Outages, Falling Trees, Lines down!!!!
@blueiiznh You in New England too? We’re scheduled for 2 – 6 inches tonight with winds up to 60 MPH! Away from the coast, the area may get upwards of a foot of heavy, wet snow. With leaves still on the trees, this is going to take down lots of limbs, trees and power lines.
This is going to bite me in the ass. Over a foot headed our way starting this afternoon. Oh well.
Soup in progress as we speak, everybody welcome!
I can now answer this question yes. It is snowing right now where I am. It just started.
It’s my new puppy’s first snow. I wonder what she’ll think about it. It just started a little while ago and she hasn’t been out yet.
We’re due to get 8–12” tonight and boy is it coming down now and really covering the ground and trees right now.
I just got power back. I’m in Connecticut and we got 5 inches, lots of wind, and low tempetures all without electricity. We got screwed during Irene too.
I want to move.
Still without power. 12 heavy inches of snow. 50 foot white oak laying on my garage, on generator since 9pm. Pretty nasty noprth of Boston.
Hope others are well.
How are you doin’ down there in Jersey, Little Penguin? My friends in Englewood are lamenting the loss of power…again. Good thing they still have candles left from Irene…
The Penguin slid on down to Florida this morning but we just had sleet and wind in our part of the county.
Weird… My area of Minnesota’s not supposed to get snow for the next 15 days. WOW. Warm fall!! Looks like the Snow went East for the time being. Sorry, @blueiiznh :(
Sorry @blueiiznh, sounds like you have the short end of the stick. Stay warm!
Monday morning, now. How’re you doing up there, @blueiiznh ?
@linguaphile I grew up in Minnesnowda, so it helped me prep for this fun weather.
It’s all part of the adventure. First time online since Friday! Working from the Health Club.
Power Company says up to a week for power. Its odd looking with all the snow and the leaves and trees strewn on top of it like a hurricane.
The worst it they are postponing Trick or treat in some towns to alternate day. All in a day!
Thanks for the well wishes.
@blueiiznh Good luck, these early storms are the worst.
@JilltheTooth How did you guys make out?
Most of the storm missed us in NYS and headed off to the east.
We got some lesser branches down, and there are power outages all over the state…but not here. I can’t decide if I’m really lucky, or just so well prepared (still from Irene) that there was no point in smacking my neighborhood. I have a feeling that a lot of branches and wiring connections were weakened by Irene, and this storm was the breaking point for a lot of them. My fingers are still crossed and wood is being knocked on.
The first few storms also identify the weak limbs in the trees and bring them down. This one was really mean because a lot of trees still had leaves on them.
We just got power and internet restored here in northern MA, trees were down everywhere. Wow what a storm to really take things out.
Day 3 , no power, no internet. I may nave some PSNH lovin by the end of the week.
Most of the trees that fell were healthy but had yet to drop their leaves which added to the weight.
This is a sad storm; especially so soon after Irene.
@blueiiznh Is there anything you guys are lacking that we could send. I know lineman come to mind, but any supplies that are getting hard to find in your area?
@Adirondackwannabe I love how the primary Power Company in NH is calling the event “Snowtober”. I appreciate the offer. I have figured out which G stores are open and which Gas Stations don’t have long lines to fuel the generator. I finally found my aircard, so all in all I am doing well. My house has been open to friends and all on my street for warmth and showers, laundry, etc. I have gone through about 3–4 pots of coffee per morning. I actually enjoy the comradery that opens up during these events.
@blueiiznh That is nice when everyone pulls together. We’ve had similar results here with Irene and Lee.
@blueiiznh Your power company is doing better than CL&P, especially since it looks like they have more towns to cover.
@TheIntern55 : I have UI, which I don’t much like in general, but between Irene and this I’m pleased as punch with right now!
Yes, @TheIntern55 I hear CT got hit worse than us in NH. Hang in there.
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