Meta Question

Nimis's avatar

How long did you wait before jumping into the tide pool?

Asked by Nimis (13260points) October 27th, 2011

How long after you joined, did you ask a question?
How long after you joined, did you respond to someone else’s question?

Do you remember if you joined right away or not?

Did you jump right in or wait awhile?

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25 Answers

picante's avatar

I actually lurked a long time before creating an account. I feel I did my due diligence, as I truly wanted to understand the culture before I jumped in. I read the blog posts, I looked at many of the profiles of posters whose words caught my eye for one reason or another, and I simply spent some time here.

I just researched my account to answer your questions factually. Looks like I waited about a week after joining to ask my first question—and I was nervous as hell. Looks like it was the following day that I posted my first response to someone else’s question.

Sunny2's avatar

I ran into the site looking for an answer on Google. When I realized where I was, I decided to sign up immediately. I’d never been on a social site before. I answered a question before I asked one. I haven’t regretted it.

rebbel's avatar

Joined, asked a question and replied to others on the same day.
No lurking beforehand as far as I can remember.

marinelife's avatar

I joined, read the guidelines and jumped right in.

JilltheTooth's avatar

I lurked for a long time, I wanted to see why KatawaGrey was so enamored of the site. She finally convinced me to join, I think mostly because she wanted to gossip to someone about you all! I asked my first Q the minute I joined.

And we still gossip about you all.

Blondesjon's avatar

Feet first, eyes wide open.

Seaofclouds's avatar

A friend of mine sent me a link to a question she asked and she wanted my take on it, so I signed up so that I could answer her question and then checked out what else was being asked. I’ve been back just about every day since then.

JilltheTooth's avatar

@Seaofclouds : I’m sort of remembering you Fluthering while you were delivering Nimmy! XD

YARNLADY's avatar

When I found Fluther, I had already had years of experience with Q & A and many people I knew from other sites were here, so I just jumped right in.

jonsblond's avatar

I jumped in with one big bellyflop.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I saw this site while looking for something else. A couple of days later I decided to ask a question I could not ask anyone else. I joined, asked, and liked the answers and people immediately.

blueiiznh's avatar

Feet first, head first, full on.
i am shy like that :)

cookieman's avatar

I read about Fluther on some computer website. Checked it out and joined the next day. Asked my first question and responded to others immediately.

In 3-and-a-half years, I’ve only taken one break from Fluther (for about three months).

bobbinhood's avatar

I lurked for quite a while. I wanted to understand the culture before I joined in. I checked out a lot of the famous questions, read all of the guidelines, checked out the profiles of the more active members, and watched the recent threads. I fell in love with the atmosphere and the standards, so when I joined, I dove right in. I asked one question and posted seven responses my first day, which is quite a bit for me.

creative1's avatar

I looked for a site to get some advice on…. waited a day or so and answered a question to get the feel before asking one. Then I asked my question to get some advice on a situation I was in and then became addicted to the site.

janbb's avatar

Knew about Fluther because Ben and Andrew are my son’s friends. Starting reading it for a few months, then my daughter-in-law said it would be more fun if I joined. So I did.

SavoirFaire's avatar

No lurking. I joined shortly after discovering the site, started answering questions right away, and asked a question four days later.

I cannot remember how I actually found the site, though.

Nullo's avatar

Dove right in after one of my AIWOR contacts (@Fyrius, actually) told me where the old gang had wound up.

janbb's avatar

I miss Fyrius.

Nullo's avatar

@janbb @Fyrius left?

janbb's avatar

@Nullo I haven’t seen any posts from him in a long time; don’t know if he deleted his account or not.

Coloma's avatar

Yep, I’m a jumper. I don’t have a shy bone in my body. :-D

zensky's avatar

I’m a Navy Seal.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I think I got stuck in on my first day!

bobbinhood's avatar

@janbb @Nullo @Fyrius still pops in occasionally but he hasn’t been active in forever. I miss him, too.

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