How do you feel about money? (C.R.E.A.M)
Asked by
boxer3 (
October 27th, 2011
Wu-Tang said it best: C.R.E.A.M
cash rules everything around me
Often times, I feel as though as soon as I get
financially stable(ish), something comes and side swipes me unexpectedly, sure we should all plan ahead for these things,
however these days- we all know that’s not always possible.
For example,today I learned I need 4 new tires. Awesome.
So excited to purchase those, for the price I pay for a month’s rent.
Do you ever get frustrated how- though money may not be everything, having it- at least to some extent, is extremely neccessary?
Any ideas, aside from bartering, on how our world could exist without it, do you think people would still be productive and do “their part” to help out if they weren’t getting paid, but could gurantee they’d get the essential things they need to exist, health beni’s, shelter etc. ?
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39 Answers
I need more. I don’t want to be rich. I think it’s arbitrary, this system we created. I’m in favor of socialism. It all connects.
The problem is the more you earn the more you spend, I try to just stay in my means and not owe money to creditors.
The Venus Project has put together one idea of how we could build this world to be sustainable and as fair as possible.
It’s been a few years now since I researched them but I remember thinking their plan was very interesting.
The issue I have with things like the Venus project is that there are very lazy people out there and those that are hard working will have to support them when they sit on their butts doing nothing at all. I personally work hard for what I have and feel that you earn what you have.
@creative1 I’ve also seen people roll up their sleeves to get things done. Don’t under-estimate societal pressure.
My step-daughters baby daddy is having a hard time right now, and is having to sell his Wii for $60 so he can put gas in the car.
On one hand, he is a complete jerk who hasn’t worked in months, by choice, and owes thousands in child support.
On the other hand, I don’t want to take advantage of his hard times to score a cool video game system.
He messed around on my daughter, and has done his best to make her life harder. I shouldn’t be so conflicted, but I am.
I only put C.R.E.A.M. in my C.O.F.F.E.E.
For me it’s a balance of living within your means and sustaining happiness through simple things.
There are times when things are lean and things are abundant.
Pace yourself.
@blueiiznh, I drink my coffee black, maybe that’s my problem :]
Money is a stupid-imaginary-value system that is very very broken.
It’s a necessary evil.
I want enough of it to not worry about having it.
Not rich. Just a non-issue.
On the other hand, I think it’d be really funny
if C.R.E.A.M. was also attributed to the Wu-Tang Clan.
I’d be there every day if Method Man or Raekwon were making my ice cream sandwich.
@Nimis , I wish I could GA you more than once.
I’m with you, on your entire response. hahahaha.
that’s great.
and scooped in my icecream truck wu tears it up
The last part of your details; zombie apocalypse is the solution.
Humor aside, (it wasn’t humor) the only way I can see people being productive and helping one another out with more than personal gain in mind, and on a global scale, would be some major crisis that forces people to act this way if they wanna live. In smaller proportions than global, too, it could occur. I’m sure it has. Natural disasters and whatnot.
I don’t like money. but I need it. It pisses me off, because when I look at my life, shit I do and everything, it’s like I only exist to pay for things. Every effort I give, every trial I go through, everything I think always seems to lead to the one thing; be a cog in society and pay for shit. Okay so I don’t always feel like that, but I often do.
But money and its system is something we created, I hardly doubt any alternative that didn’t include zombies would be any different.
I’ve been poor, I’ve been very well off, and now I’m barely above poor again. I hate that I’m the same person, doing all the same things, but my situation can vary so much because of money. It sucks, truthfully.
@Symbeline , it’s disheartening isn’t it?
I hear you Aug, I do. It’s like a cycle that never ends- there’s no leveling out it seems.
I am totally for it. As J. Paul Getty said, “If you can actually count your money, then you’re not a rich”
If you can be miserable a lot better in a penthouse and a Jag, than in a roach motel in the ghetto.
@boxer3 and @augustlan Yeah. it’s so shitty how one’s financial status seems to greatly dictate what your life is gonna be like. Someone on here yesterday said making money isn’t that hard. I believe that, but that doesn’t mean everyone has the mind for it. There’s so much more in life than cash, and I hate to feel that I exist only to fill some fucker’s pockets. With money I don’t even got lol.
@Symbeline, a fucking men.
Also,I don’t think it all adds up to how easy/ difficult it is to make money-
so many other factors come into play- like time, and how much a job you have pays.
For example I take 5 classes in my Sr. year of college, I teach 2 group exercise classes, I’m part of a sports team (that I haven’t even been able to practice for due to lack of time) and I work two jobs- I get 36 hours in between those 2 jobs in 3 days- I have class all week.
There’s really nowhere in my schedule right now to pick up a shift- and when I can pick one up I do, hell I need money.
who doesn’t.
So whoever said that was right, ya sure pick up another shift. but when ?
People need to sleep- and it would be really cool if people could do things they really enjoy every once and a while- that wasn’t geared towards money…. like going to school is ( to get a good job that hopefully pays more money) or going to work is ( to get a check).
Wouldn’t it be something if people could actually live a little vs. floating through life trying to make ends meet 75 % of the time.?
A fuckin men some more. I think that person was on about stocks and being a businessman or something though. A bit different than someone like you. Or me. Or Auggie. Or a lot of fuckin people. I go to school and work. It’s a bitch, and I see where you’re coming from.
Both avenues take a lot of work though, and as you say, it sucks that a lot of that work goes into just trying not to tighten the belt any more than it is. When I sit by the river and look at trees, I’m all like, man is a lot of life just bullshit lol. I may not have the right glasses on…but this is how I often feel.
I’m with @blueiiznh
Cycles with money are like all cycles, which is what life is.
I’ve been on just about every financial fence there is, from scared to death, to rolling in the dough. Somewhere between scared to death and fat cat land is a hammock with just enoouh catnip in it. lol
@Symbeline , hahhaha, bet.Sometimes I go for a more positive outlook…. but somehow I wind up disgruntled about something or other, and go on a tangent yet again before I stop whining suck it up- take it head on , and then repeat that cycle I just went through…..
oh life.
@boxer3 Ha, yeah. If I think about it too much, I’ll decide it would be cool to kill myself on Halloween.
Joking lol. But humor always helps. :D
Hahahaha <33 oh jeeze please don’t!
on a side note, I was once an Abercrombie zombie for Halloween, and my drunken friend was a zombie slayer, I almost died that Halloween, and since you brought up dying on Halloween, and you like zombies, I thought you’d appreciate that. heh
I most certainly appreciate it. I also appreciate that you’re still alive. Seriously though, there’s a story behind that. What the fuck happened, man?
He said: Ah! ZOMBIE! which way do you want to die, (again) !!??
And proceeded to chase me around the house with a machete.
@boxer3 Wow lol.I prolly shouldn’t laugh, but that does seem funny. XD So he was all serious and shit?
oh yes, he was way too drunk. hahhaha, it’s ok it’s funny… :]
Yeah lol. Good thing it turned out alright. :)
It’s really weird because, I’m watching Wayne’s World right now, and this question seems kinda fit for a small part, if only for notable quoting…. So here’s from Garth…
It’s like people only do things because they get paid…it’s so sad. :D
…yeah. Lol. XD
When you have it, you become popular with people who really don’t care about you. When you don’t, only the real friends come to the fore.
I remember when I got out of the Navy. The first year my salary doubled, the second year it doubled again. I don’t remember any increase or improvement in our style of living. We still had a house two cars, two kids but no big change. I guess we just adapted. I suppose that at some point there is a drastic improvement in your style of living but it never happened to us.
In fact, I don’t care about making ridiculous amounts of money. I just want a job I like, reasonable compensation, recreation time, and set a little aside in case I retire. I think that there is something pathologically wrong with people that obsessed with making huge amounts of money and increasing the power which the money brings. When you have to harm people to make your money like CEO’s firing thousands for small increases in the bottom line or mercenaries working in the middle east you are deeply disturbed and need hospitalization.
I’ve never had much money, ever. I still don’t feel that bad about it. I could be doing soooo much worse. I’m good.
@Ron_C , some people have no regard,
and @woodcutter – admirable way to approach that, and true, things could always be worse.
@boxer3 ” some people have no regard” that’s true but there is no reason that this sort of behavior should be acceptable in modern societies.
Oh no, I’m with you on that, I wasn’t meaning to try and justify- just agreeing :]
@boxer3 that’s fine, I was just clarifying, I didn’t assume we were having an argument.
It is a bit like oxygen, if I have it I don’t think much about it but if I don’t it is very unpleasant.
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