Social Question

Jude's avatar

Do you tend to attract either subs or dommes as partners (not intentionally)

Asked by Jude (32207points) October 27th, 2011

Looking back over past relationships with both men and women, mine have mostly been subs. I don’t look for it, it just happens. Not sure what that says about me.

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35 Answers

Yanaba's avatar

Do you mean that specifically for the people who are part of that culture, or for everyone? Anyway, doms. Really damn annoying actually. It starts out that they have some problem, are a runaway dropout or something like that and after a year or so they’re feeling all supported and out pops the uberdom. Also, my father. Double doh.

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

I tend to attract dominant women who are eager to be submissive to someone.

I hope that makes sense.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

I tend to attract dominant men. I have narrowed it down to the fact that I always look scared. lol.

jaytkay's avatar

I think you look for it. We all look for it.

And another possibility is equals. “Let’s play together”. Which is my temperament.

I have had relationships where women wanted me to be the master and lord, and that’s just not me.

And I’ve had relationships with women who want Gumby, That’s not me either.

But all those wants can’t be denied. There is no “best”. We all play musical chairs until we find a match.

Blackberry's avatar

I’ve had a variety, but I think most were submissive.

blueiiznh's avatar

I don’t look for it eitherway intentionally.
I guess in reflecting on it, I meet the equal opportunity goals of about 50/50.

boxer3's avatar

Looking back, it looks like a pretty even split.

I aso tend to attract really creepy people, old men stalkers, and stalkers in various other stalker forms, generally in the work place.


stardust's avatar

@boxer3 Me too
A mix I suppose.

boxer3's avatar

@stardust, isn’t it the most frustrating thing, it’s like niceness translates to heyyyyyy come creep on me or something haha, somedays it bothers me more than others. What’s up with that though- seriously.

Yanaba's avatar

@boxer3 haha, oh me too, between the ages of 63 and 65 is the worst for that….I have always wondered what the heck could possibly be telling them that it’s ok to pursue women nearly forty years younger than them (at the time). The stories I could tell, yuckkk. Super awkward!

@Jude sorry, what didn’t make sense? The dad part? I just meant that these wild angry egalitarian boys all end up as dominant personalities as well as very similar to my father. Which wasn’t the goal.

DrBill's avatar

Sub’s, and only sub“s

boxer3's avatar

@Yanaba , and @stardust
I feel a little bit better knowing
I am not alone. haha

Yanaba's avatar

perhaps we should start a new thread on the supergaffes and TMI situations of this….especially when other people ask you who that guy is assuming it’s your grandfather or boss or something and it’s like…well….

boxer3's avatar

HAHAHAHAH, I am so for that.


Subs. Dommes have always been intimidated by me.

jonsblond's avatar

Always dominant. I’m quiet. I think that’s why.

and short…...and blond

KatawaGrey's avatar

I’m a gamer girl. Not many of those boys are dominant when it comes to relationships. Quite frankly, I like it that way. Don’t know how to deal with those dominant boys.

Prosb's avatar

Almost entirely dominant women. One case of a submissive male, but that was straightened out rather quickly. Many people when they first meet me, say I come across as a “bear,” aka: the dominant male in a homosexual relationship. I’m not sure why.

Kardamom's avatar

I haven’t read anybody else’s answers, but I have absolutely no idea what a sub or a domme is? All I could think of was subs as in submarine sandwiches, because I’m starving right now. Can you tell me what we’re talking about?

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

@Kardamom lol, I lurve you.

Submissive and dominant personalities.

jonsblond's avatar

@Kardamom Don’t feel too bad. It took me a moment to figure it out. =)

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

As partners go, I attract people who switch hit.

augustlan's avatar

When I was younger, mostly submissive men (well, boys, really). As an adult, mostly equals. Which is how I like it best.

Yanaba's avatar

Erm, for people who aren’t familiar with the terms sub and dom/me, these are terms that are normally used in reference to roleplay positions in the BDSM lifestyle or kink scene. (Careful, that link is definitely NSFW.)

Individuals choose either to be a dominant or a submissive participant in the lifestyle (usually the choice is fairly permanent but changes do happen) and normally find a partner, or partners plural, of the opposite type. For some people it’s something that relates to sexual encounters only, but to many it’s a full (and erotic) lifestyle that’s often lived in a certain amount of secrecy (ie. from family). You will sometimes see people, often young women, wearing black collars around their necks—this marks a person who identifies as an “owned” sub.

I realize this is not what this question meant with the terms sub and dom, but I just wanted to get this out there in case people aren’t familiar with it.

tedd's avatar

I purposefully seek out independent women, because by in large I cannot stand it when a girl will not stick up for herself and tell me her opinion on something. I’ve dated girls who wouldn’t even tell me where they wanted to go for dinner and made me choose, even though they had pre-determined ideas that they just were too shy or whatever to share. I don’t want to run the girls life, I want to be a part of it.

As such, I find myself with more dominant personalities than submissive ones.

Blackberry's avatar

@tedd Haha! Yeah that whole:

“So you’re sure there’s no particular place you would like to go?”
“Yep! (Smiley face)”
Arrive at destination.
“I don’t really like this place…..(No smiley face)”

”...........Get out of the car…...”

tedd's avatar

@Blackberry EXACTLY! ... lol… Like you start listing places, and you can tell by their look they know where they want to go… but instead they just shirk out a “I dunno, you pick somewhere..” clearly disappointed with your suggestions.

HungryGuy's avatar

When I started writing horror stories years ago about women abused and humiliated and tortured, I expected to receive hate mail from feminists and other women. But just the opposite happened; my fans are mostly women. Over the years, I’ve heard from a great many submissive women who love my stories (I’ve even met a small handful of them for fun and games :-p

KatawaGrey's avatar

@HungryGuy: You don;t know anything about feminism, do you?

HungryGuy's avatar

@KatawaGrey – I was about to give you my stock answer that men should be the masters and women should be the slaves :-p

But seriously, I know there’s several “flavors” of feminism. Equal rights for women under the law. Equal opportunity in jobs, and equal pay for equal work. I agree 100%. Where I differ with some some feminists are in areas that, for example, some feminists believe that sex work and and pornography are exploitation of women and so women should be denied the choice to do these things (yeah, there’s some truth to that, but in a way I’m being exploited by having to work for a living when I’d rather write stories…but, hey, we all have to earn a living using whatever means are available to us). Whereas, I believe women should have the choice to do these things, or not. If that’s not the whole story, then feel free to enlighten me (just don’t start calling me ignorant and hateful for disagreeing with you or for questioning some of your assumptions, unless you want a flame war and let the mods have a censorship party).

KatawaGrey's avatar

@HungryGuy: That is most intelligent answer of yours I’ve read. :)

stardust's avatar

@boxer3 It’s so annoying. I often wonder what it is about me that attracts such lunacy :/

stellamedusa's avatar

I’ve been in two relationships. First was with a dominant-type, second (and current) is with a submissive-type. I was the contrasting type each time. I feel comfortable being with and being either, but neither has helped my self-esteem (at the worst, the dominant-type made me feel weak, powerless and stupid, and the submissive-type sometimes makes me feel like a monster.)

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