Social Question

Billy_Strauss's avatar

Do you think clean, potable water will soon become scarcer than oil? If so, will this cause the price of water to soar above the price of oil?

Asked by Billy_Strauss (123points) October 28th, 2011

Perhaps the price of clean potable water will even rise above the price of gold!
I suggest we begin to buy into water commodities futures, if there is such a thing.

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3 Answers

wonderingwhy's avatar

Fresh water is already difficult to find in some places. However there are workable methods to improve distribution, safety, and efficiency and of course people will have to (and can) adapt. Will it happen? It could easily lead to significant destabilization though I’m not sure how likely it is that it will as we have the ability to address such issues on a small scale, as they arise, today. Nor do I believe significant (world wide) water scarcity leading to dramatic consequences will happen soon (<50 years). Then again peoples priorities, and their propensity to look the other way, often make me wonder.

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Male's avatar

Supply and demand, I don’t see why not.

flutherother's avatar

Oil is not a renewable resource like water. As long as rain falls and rivers run there will be water but not enough for a planet with 7 billion people. The problem is in getting water to the places where it is needed.

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