Social Question

Brian1946's avatar

Has there ever been a major or hunky actor that's played a zombie, or are these unfortunate beings the victims of cinematic discrimination?

Asked by Brian1946 (32775points) October 28th, 2011

After all, Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise, and Antonio Banderas have played vampires; and even Benicio Del Toro played the wolfman.

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8 Answers

Blackberry's avatar

Well zombies can’t really be individuals, they aren’t even aware they’re alive. Do they even think and know they’re alive? It seems they don’t think, so therefore, they can’t be. Lol.

Brian1946's avatar


Are you saying that therefore zombies don’t care who plays them? ;-p

filmfann's avatar

So, Anthony Zerbe gets no love here?
(he was in the Omega Man)

filmfann's avatar

(hey, I know he’s not a super-hunk, but wasn’t Bill Murray a zombie in Zombieland?)

XOIIO's avatar

You guys are freaking necros.

filmfann's avatar

Did you just call me a negro?

XOIIO's avatar

Yes, I did

Berserker's avatar

In a lot of zombie movies, random zombies that don’t really do anything important besides being a crowd of zombies are people rushing to the set to be zombies, usually for free. Sometimes friends of the people working on the film, or fans…or just random people who accept to be a part of the movie. According to Tom Savini anyways. Not sure about more modern zombie movies. Probably stunt people most of the time. At least, I’m ashamed to say I’ve never recognized any famous actor as either a random or really important zombie in any movie. Slap me now.

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