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Jeruba's avatar

What's a proper description for a glass of this type?

Asked by Jeruba (56233points) October 28th, 2011

[ Photo ]

It seems the wrong shape to be called a wine glass, water glass, or much of anything else. What is it?

I want to get rid of the set by posting it on Craigslist, and I need help with the description.

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22 Answers

chyna's avatar

Water goblet?

JilltheTooth's avatar

What’s the height of the glass? How many inches? I’m sorry, but I can’t place the surface it’s on to get a proper perspective.

Kayak8's avatar

Autumn leaves etched wine/water glasses . . . .

Dog's avatar

I was going to say Wine Goblet. Nice retro design. My grandmother had a set.
You should be able to sell them easy!

bkcunningham's avatar

I think it is just a white wine glass. Wine glasses for red wine have a wider bowl so the wine can breathe.

bkcunningham's avatar

I think it is on a piano, @JilltheTooth.

Jeruba's avatar

Oh, sorry. It’s 7½” tall, and the diameter is just under 3½”. Yes, it’s on the piano.

They are in perfect condition and have been admired by guests, but I think they’re hideous. I don’t know why I’ve kept them for 33 years.

Sell them? I was going to give them to anyone who’d pick them up. How much do you think a set of six might sell for?

Dog's avatar

I will pay for shipping to get them!

But if you want to get paid I would say $20–30 for a set of 6.
My dad says they are 1950’s retro. Nice set!

trailsillustrated's avatar

Be careful!! I did the same thing on ebay and someone nice emailed me to say I had a rare set of Waterford apperitif glasses that were much more valuble than I thought..

Jeruba's avatar

Are you serious, @Dog? The silver is just painted on, and they came in a long-since-discarded cellophane-windowed box about on a par with the ones that Christmas ornaments come in. They were a wedding gift from a long-ago co-worker of my husband’s, and we haven’t seen him in nearly that long.

Dog's avatar (These are smaller right?)

Just for a comparison.

Yes I am serious, but if you can get cash for them you should try that first. Times are tough!

Dog's avatar
Replacements to the tumblers.

I think yours are Wine Goblets because These are the water goblets.

Jeruba's avatar

They do resemble those in your first link. Not quite the same, though, and in all likelihood an inexpensive imitation. And they’re from the seventies, not the fifties, so they don’t even have that venerable retro status.

The ones on Ruby Lane are much nicer (at least ten times nicer); I wouldn’t be rushing to part with those. I honestly don’t believe these are worth anything.

If you really want them, @Dog, let’s discuss this offlist. I sure don’t.

Dog's avatar

The RubyLane was the wrong link… please refresh. :)

Jeruba's avatar

Well, ok, that does give them a little cachet, at least as knockoffs. But I still never want to see them on my table again.

JilltheTooth's avatar

Oh, @Jeruba, send them to @Dog , if only for the cute-itude factor! And remember, 70’s retro is only junky to those of us who consider the 70s as “only a few years ago”. Which is not most of us here. We’re “venerable” and “retro” ourselves, Darlin’, we have to deal with that…

gailcalled's avatar

You can cover all your bases by calling them “stemmed goblets”; give the dimensions and a description of the materials. Glass, right, and not crystal? The picture does look very pretty. One man’s meat, as they say.

Jeruba's avatar

You guys are such pushovers for cute-itude.

I’m making arrangements with @Dog.

lillycoyote's avatar

I believe it’s an aperitif glass. An aperitif, something like vermouth, e.g. would be served before a meal in order to stimulate the appetite, at least that’s theory. Do a google image search on aperitif glass and you will find similar glasses, just scroll down past the modern ones and you’ll see one very much like yours.

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Neizvestnaya's avatar

I’d call the shape a goblet. It’s size in inches tall and mouth diameter would give a further clue to what type of goblet.

Have you done some keyword searches yet on ebay? I’d enter in frosted leaf goblet to see what hits you get and you’ll probably come across it’s maker, style name and stuff. so you can list it as such on Craigslist.

Jeruba's avatar

Bingo, @Neizvestnaya! I think this is exactly what I have.

Well, maybe not quite: mine are nearly 2” taller. But I think they are identical in style and pattern; they belong to the same set.

I’d much rather send them to @Dog for the cost of shipping than go to all the trouble of a listing and sale. So—done. Out of my life.

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