Social Question

creative1's avatar

Are you this Jelly? The Jelly below me_Part 30?

Asked by creative1 (12076points) October 28th, 2011

The game rules are:

Respond to the question/statement from the poster above.
Ex: I might make the statement:
The Jelly below me drinks 10 cups of coffee daily

The response might be:
False! I hate coffee or,

Then they might state:
The Jelly below me has blond hair.

There are no right or wrong answers, so be as creative as your heart desires.

Happily, this is becoming the Never Ending TJBM Game. Hopefully most all Jellies will join in.

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578 Answers

creative1's avatar

TJBM loves PBJ’s with Fluff on them

Tropical_Willie's avatar

PB with bacon and cheese maybe !

TJBM heard there were going to be 41,000,000 trick or treaters out in the USA this weekend.

jonsblond's avatar

I didn’t hear this, but I believe it. I’ll be trick or treating with my daughter (Sunday and Monday).

TJBM enjoys offensive humor.

Seek's avatar

More than I’ll admit in polite company.

TJBM can say “thank you” in more than three languages.

AshLeigh's avatar

True. If sign language counts. English. American Sign Language. Spanish. And Irish.
TJBM is bilingual! :O

asmonet's avatar


I have learned two languages in my lifetime and have nearly forgotten one. I speak English (obviously) and knew Spanish when I was a child. I can now follow some conversations in Spanish but speak little. I’m gonna get it back damn it!

TJBM is a die hard, faint at his concerts kind of Justin Bieber fan.

reijinni's avatar

nope, wish I could throw a brick or shoe in his direction
TJBM would rather go to a Weird Al concert.

asmonet's avatar

Okay, I can’t resist.
Totally true! Major source of amusement growing up.

TJBM has more than one piercing. Earlobes count as one.

Fly's avatar

Guilty as charged! I have 3 sets and two individual piercings, or eight if you count each individually.

TJBM has an embarrassing tattoo.

jonsblond's avatar

Sure. A heart and a dolphin. I know. So cliche.

TJBM prefers vampires over zombies.

ratboy's avatar

False. Zombies are far tastier than vampires because of their superior diet. The flavor, aroma, and texture of brains are all exquisite, while blood is curdled, glutinous, and yucky. As a bonus, brains are brain food.
TJBM has a secret ambition to someday lord it over a pair of lambs.

Berserker's avatar

False. The Hair of the Beast sucks.

TJBM belongs to the IRA.


Nope. But I do terrorize little brats who annoy me. Lol.

TJBM thinks we should get rid of Daylight Savings Time.

Billy_Strauss's avatar

This is completely true. Mr. SS must be psycho psychic
TJBM snuck into the movies when a teenager and opened the back door for all his/her friends to get in free too!


No, but I should have.

TJBM sometimes sneaks goodies/food and drinks into movie theaters from home or that he/she purchased elsewhere.

Berserker's avatar

Hell yeah! Me and this guy snuck in Bacardi to the third LOTR movie.

TJBM owns a genuine medieval weapon.

lifeflame's avatar

Nope, but I own a mean chef’s knife.
TJBM is taking part in NaNoWriMo

Coloma's avatar

False. But I have in the past..write, write, write!

TJBM is sleepy zzzzzzzz

AshLeigh's avatar

TJBM is sleepy, but not planning to sleep any time soon.

Prosb's avatar

It’s currently 5:25 AM in the U.S. on the east coast, I’ll be going to bed in about an hour and 30 min.

TJBM has picked out their favorite candy to give to trick or treaters.

bongo's avatar

No, I will not be getting any trick or treaters as I live in the UK (lack of trick or treating) my front door is not easy to find and I live in a child-free area (students). Besides I would have eaten them myself anyway!
TJBM could do with a beer…

iphigeneia's avatar

Nope, I’m not a fan of alcoholic drinks, especially ones that are not brightly coloured and composed mostly of sugar and artificial flavourings. I could do with a hot chocolate, come to think of it.

TJBM has recently indulged in some retail therapy.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I was paid on Tuesday and so I did a bit of shopping

TJBM has seen a frog recently.

Bluefreedom's avatar

False. I can’t even remember the last time I saw a frog, actually.

TJBM requires a cup of coffee or two in the morning to kick start their day.

reijinni's avatar

TJBM is a diabetic.

TheIntern55's avatar

Nope, but I was tested for it.
TJBM is supposed to get a nor’easter today. too early….

Coloma's avatar

False. I’m in the western zone

TJBM has artistic talent

mangeons's avatar

True-ish, I can do cute little doodles on my school papers!

TJBM has a headache.

Coloma's avatar

False. Just woke up about an hour ago and feelin’ rested and groovy! lol

TJBM is going to some yard sales this morning

AshLeigh's avatar

Nope. I’m going to go with my Maternal Parental Figure, to take my brother home.
TJBM can play an instrument.

jonsblond's avatar

True. Alto sax and clarinet.

TJBM will be carving pumpkins this weekend.

AshLeigh's avatar

No. Never.
TJBM refuses to carve things. ;)

Paul's avatar

TJBM is easily lead.

Seek's avatar

Lead? As in “led”, or “laid”, or “lead (element)”

I’m easily led to a gin and tonic or a chocolate cake.
I’m not easily laid.
I have very little contact with lead, unless we’re discussing pencil graphite.

TJBM would like one of my homemade crabcakes?

AshLeigh's avatar

Yes. Please. Present them. :)
TJBM wants to make me a sandwich? :D

Bryar's avatar

I suppose. :)
TJBM wants to tell me what they like on their sandwiches?

creative1's avatar

depends the mood for the day, sometimes seafood, sometimes fish, sometimes, eggplant parm, or sometimes even a good italian hmmm so many sandwiches

TJBM likes homemade ice cream sandwiches

reijinni's avatar

they’re ok.
TJBM had once eaten a sandwich with a goldfish in it.

Coloma's avatar

Never! Bleh!

TJBM forgot about a big check they had in their wallet woo hoo, it’s like free money, kinda. haha

Ela's avatar

Trueish! Today I found some monies in my coat pocket I’d forgotten I put there! w00 h00!!

tjbm is going out for dinner tonite ; )

Seek's avatar

Nope! Even better. Just polished off the last of the fresh stone crab claw cakes I made today.

Took four hours start to finish, but so worth it.

TJBM is currently watching football.

Ela's avatar

I wish! My kids have confiscated the tv. I only have one tv

tjbm has more the one tv and will tell us how many they have : )

Dutchess_III's avatar

We have two TVs. One in the living room, and one in the upstairs guest room. Wait…we have 3. We have one little one in the upstairs guest room sitting on the guest room couch.

When the kids were little we only had one TV, tho. Now we have more TVs than we have people living in the house!

TJBM likes TV programs like NOVA better than sitcoms and series.

Ela's avatar

True, true, true! Programs like that will suck me right in everytime.

tjbm Remembers when tv had only 3–4 chnls and can name what they were.

@Dutchess_III You’re suppose to sit on the sofa and watch tv, not watch the tv sitting on the sofa! LOL

Bryar's avatar

I can’t name what they were. But I remember it only haing 3–4 channels.
TJBM has black hair.

creative1's avatar

nope light brown

TJBM is attracted to someone who has Red hair

Dutchess_III's avatar

LOL! I knew I could count on you to see the irony in it @echanting ela!

My husband has sometimes sorta reddish highlights in it.

TJBM can control their dreams if they want.

reijinni's avatar

some of them.
TJBM is a professional athlete.

Dutchess_III's avatar

No. I could have been, I think, at one time.

TJBM is a great addition to the collective!

Ela's avatar

True! Just ask me!! <squishy huggles @Dutchess_III >

tjbm Is an awesome addition to the collective!

@reijinni I used to run the diaper derby triathlon
(Does that count? I had 3 of them in diapers at one time)

Adagio's avatar


TJBM loves to cook

Dutchess_III's avatar

False. I’m good at it, but I don’t like it…mainly because of the mess!

TJBM is going to a Halloween party tonight!


False, I’m staying home. Nice quiet evening with my family.

TJBM can do the splits on a hard floor.

Coloma's avatar

Back in the day, now I’d probably really hurt myself. lol

TJBM is having a nice, cold, crisp BEER! :-D


False, just had a cup of hot, wet tea! Lol.

TJBM loves Marmade (a dark brown pungent salty spread made from yeast that you can put on toast, soup, etc.)

Coloma's avatar

Never heard of it. Sounds a lot like Vegemite.

TJBM has tried Vegemite

Dutchess_III's avatar

False. Vegemite sounds like a female problem.

TJBM is sees strange things in his or her head when he or she sees unfamiliar words.


@Coloma That’s right! Marmite is like Vegemite. But there’s no female thing involved. Just a yeast thing.

I just get dizzy, not strange things.

TJBM loves pancakes.

Ela's avatar

They’re okay. Waffles with goop on them are better ; )

tjbm likes biscuits and gravy for breakfast and/or supper

@MRSHINYSHOES [side note] yeast can be a female thing also… ~just saying ; )

Coloma's avatar

Once in a great while, yes! It’s been forever

TJBM lives in the country where local restaurants make biscuits and gravy

Ela's avatar

False. I wish I did tho! I live in the city plus I don’t eat out much.

tjbm Is having ice cream!

Hibernate's avatar

No I am not. Ehm .. uhm .. I do not want it either.

The Jelly Below Me knows how to make rhymes.

Ela's avatar

True! There once was a man from Nantucket…

tjbm is having frozen yogurt?

Dutchess_III's avatar

False. Having cold beer! Beer and yogurt don’t mix. Bleh!

TJBM is digging out from a snow storm.

Coloma's avatar

@Dutchess_III , me too…party in the lounge. lol Actually my allergies are so bad todaqy the beer tastes like water

TJBM has horrible fall allergies :-( Coloma needs sympathy, waaah! haha

Ela's avatar

False.I don’t have any allergies : ( Can I still sympathizes with ya and have brewski?

tjbm wants to have a party in the lounge!

<drags @Hibernate to the wing ding>

Adagio's avatar

I only party in the bedroom

TJBM loves aubergine

Ela's avatar

I love everybody ‘cept skanks, a-holes and my ex! LOL

tjbm is @Hibernate!

Coloma's avatar

False…well…so much for your psychic abilities! Heh!

TJBM has a cat

Hibernate's avatar

Ty @Coloma ^^

No I don’t have any :D

The Jelly Below Me knows my name but won’t share it with others ^^

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well….I don’t know WHY your mom named you “Hibernate.” That’s just not very nice! But you’re right. I won’t tell any one. ; )

TJBM can lay a floor and screw a fence.

Hibernate's avatar

I know how to but I usually don’t do it [this way I can say to others I have things to do even if I don’t do them]

The Jelly Below Me will go to sleep soon. [yawn .. good night from me]

Coloma's avatar

False. Not for a few more hours.

TJBM is feeling annoyed at someone in their life right now

Ela's avatar

Hmmm… <think think think>….nope.

tjbm posted their pic on Flutherbucket ; )

Coloma's avatar

False. But, I put my face in my avatar once in awhile, for a little while.

TJBM hates manipulative people

AshLeigh's avatar

Very true.
TJBM thinks “The Cake Eaters” is a stupid movie.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I have never seen “The Cake Eaters.” It sounds stupid, though.

TJBM is getting ready to plug in a tried and true movie because there is nothing else on TV.

reijinni's avatar

not this time, maybe some other time is which I can be bothered to watch a movie.
TJBM has a douchebag for a governor.

AshLeigh's avatar

Yeah. >.<
TJBM doesn’t care. :D

Coloma's avatar

I don’t ;-)

TJBM is afraid of the dark

mangeons's avatar

True! :-(

TJBM loves roasted pumpkin seeds!

Coloma's avatar

Meh..they’re okay, I’m a Pistachio addict though :-D

TJBM has had a Seagull poop on their head

mangeons's avatar


TJBM loves birds.

josrific's avatar

True, we have two lovely parakeets that sing and squawk all day long.
TJBM has been bummed because they’ve lost a chili competition. Well, I am.

geeky_mama's avatar

No, I’ve never attempted to compete..But if it makes you feel any better, I’m sure your chili would beat mine. (And now..suddenly, I’m hungry for chili…)

TJBM is preparing a midnight snack.

AshLeigh's avatar

Nope. It’s only 8:10. ;P
TJBM likes Hawthorne Heights music.


I’m not familiar with them.

TJBM thinks Michael Jackson was a great humanitarian.

Adagio's avatar

Humanitarian? You’re joking of course…

TJBM is enjoying a clear blue sky overhead


He did a lot of good things for kids. He was a gentle soul who had a vision.

Nope. It’s pitch black outside.

TJBM can hear the sound of water in some form right now (eg., faucet dripping, rain on the rooftop, the toilet flushing, etc.)

Coloma's avatar

Yes, just had water running a minute ago :-)
@MRSHINYSHOES I agree, MJ had great empathy for the state of the world

TJBM just had a delicious apple! crunch, crunch

AshLeigh's avatar

Grilled cheese, and tomato soup. :)
TJBM is wearing black!


True! How did you know? Just like in my avatar.

TJBM is looking forward to a fun Sunday tommorow.

Hibernate's avatar

Not really. Can’t do it in our current family situation.

The Jelly Below Me exercises every day.

OpryLeigh's avatar

Not in the sense that I go to the gym or out for a jog but my jobs keep me on my feet and running around like a blue arsed fly so, technically, I do excercise every day.

TJBM got caught out in a heavy rain shower recently.

Hibernate's avatar

Yes and I did enjoy it very much.

The Jelly Below Me doesn’t like rain.

Ela's avatar

False! I love rainy days and puddle hopping when it’s warm enough! (cold + wet = no fun)

tjbm loves Singing In The Rain

asmonet's avatar

Absolutely and totally untrue! I freaking love rain, snow, sleet, hail, anything wet and stormy!

TJBM is afraid of heights.

asmonet's avatar

Damn, too slow.
I like it, I do not love it. Though I haven’t seen it in a while so I may have to check again. :)
Although I do absolutely love the act of singing in the rain. :D

Again, TJBM is afraid of heights.

Ela's avatar

False. I absolutely love heights!

tjbm is petrified of heights, though : (

sorz @asmonet ; )

mangeons's avatar


TJBM hates rollercoasters.

josrific's avatar

Ehh, iffy iffy on the rollercoasters.
TJBM is worried about a family member.

bongo's avatar

false, my family is fine allbeit a bit chilly without a working boiler.
TJBM loves reggae music.

TheIntern55's avatar

Bob Marley? YES PLEASE!
TJBM lost power yesterday. too cold for this shi..

Hibernate's avatar

Depends what power.

The Jelly Below Me plays mini golf at least once every two months.

mangeons's avatar

False, I rarely play minigolf.

TJBM plays tennis a lot.

Hibernate's avatar

More like never.

The Jelly Below Me prefers silk over cotton.

Coloma's avatar

I like both. I’m one of those from earthy to classy types. I really don’t have a middle ground, I’m either looking pretty damn good or like a hippie farm chick. lol

TJBM is a girly girl

AshLeigh's avatar

Not really.
TJBM is a boyey boy? O.o

geeky_mama's avatar

I prefer cotton over does that make me more tomboy? I dunno.

TJBM has been mistaken for the opposite sex before in their life. (I had very short hair as a young girl and once another child said: “Hey boy, get off the swing!” After that I grew my hair longer for a while.)

Hibernate's avatar

Nope. Even when I had long hair I wasn’t mistaken.

The Jelly Below Me had long hair in the past.

blueiiznh's avatar


Tjbm is on mobile cuz no internet still


False, I’m on my laptop.

TJBM is going to accompany their little ones on Halloween night (Um, not to steal their goodies of course, but to keep them safe. Hehe.)

reijinni's avatar

no kids, no problem
TJBM is too lazy for trick or treating.

mangeons's avatar


TJBM is too old for trick or treating.


False! A couple of years ago, at the age of 31, I slipped on a demon mask and asked for candy, just for the fun of it. The woman at the door shook her head disapprovingly. Oh well, lol.

TJBM can’t stand drivers who speed right up behind you on the freeway, then follow you, then change lanes and cut you off.

Coloma's avatar

True. People are nuts, it’s a wonder we get anywhere in one piece!

TJBM is feeling just peachy yay, finally, no more allergy headache!


True. I’m feeling very perky right now. Perky peachy.

TJBM has a lot of chores to do this weekend.

mangeons's avatar


TJBM is extremely hungry.

Coloma's avatar

A little, nothing critical yet.

TJBM has has a favorite room in their house

mangeons's avatar

True! Though it’s probably a tie between the office and my room, I’m rarely anywhere else.

TJBM could go for a nice, cool glass of water right now.

reijinni's avatar

not really
TJBM wants to dress up as Qadaffi.

Coloma's avatar

Do I look like the kinda duck that would play dress up as a terrorist. Quack!

TJBM snores

Ela's avatar

Don’t know, I’m sleeping! LOL
do you snore @Coloma?

tjbm is doing laundry

AshLeigh's avatar

TJBM is going to shower soon.

Coloma's avatar

False. Hot tubby. :-)

@Coloma I don’t know for sure lol

TJBM is making dinner

Ela's avatar

Yep, I had a snack sized Snickers and some milk ; )
no kids so no cooking for me

tjbm needs to do their homework

AshLeigh's avatar

Yes. But I also need to go play in the snow, while I’m dressed like it’s summer, because it makes me feel like a man.
TJBM likes to feel like a man. ;)

Ela's avatar

LOL True! I do love to feel a man!

tjbm likes @AshLeigh is a silly girl ; )

don’t get snow in your underwear!

AshLeigh's avatar

Hahahaha. I am a silly girl. :)
But seriously, I just went in the snow in shorts and a tanktop. I’m cold. But I feel like a man. ;)
TJBM isa dork:)

Ela's avatar

I am a complete dork! LOL
right now i’m a mad dork >:( my isp keeps dropping me and i’m trying to dl something

tjbm hates their isp : (

Adagio's avatar

False, I’m really happy with my ISP

TJBM watched The King’s Speech recently and was most impressed


False. I’ve never watched the movie.

TJBM watched a horror movie today. (I just watched “Bram Stoker’s Dracula”).

AshLeigh's avatar

No. I watched NCIS.
TJBM loves NCIS.


I’ve never watched that show.

TJBM once bought something new and loved it, but within days it got scratched, dented, or wrecked.

AshLeigh's avatar

My new skirt. >:( I wore it once, and it got caught on a nail, and ripped.
TJBM hates when things get ruined!


True. Especially new and expensive things, like getting my new glasses scratched, or if I had a new car, getting it dinged at a mall parking lot. :(

TJBM better go to sleep soon or else he/she will wake up a sleepy head tommorow morning. lol

AshLeigh's avatar

Yes. It’s 11:40 PM… I need to get up at 6:15. >.<
TJBM isn’t sleepy!

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM is sexy.

TheIntern55's avatar

I hope not….
TJBM has an early snow day.

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM is handing out candy tonight.

TheIntern55's avatar

False, no one comes trick or treating down my road.—they know I’m here
TJBM has been to the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM has a star on the Walk of Fame.

TheIntern55's avatar

It’s in my plans, yes.
TJBM has a puppy.

Ela's avatar

I wish! I love puppies : )

tjbm has been to the Grand Canyon

AshLeigh's avatar

False. I haven’t been further than Washington…
TJBM doesn’t like to travel.

Ela's avatar

False. I love to travel, but haven’t that much : (

tjbm would love to time travel back to see the dinos!

AshLeigh's avatar

Nah. Thinks are scary enough here. :P
TJBM doesn’t want to get out of bed! :(

Coloma's avatar

Just did! :-)

TJBM is out of it right now coffee, coffee, work your magic lol

AshLeigh's avatar

Kind of. I hate Mondays!
TJBM needs their morning coffee!

erichw1504's avatar

False, coffee has already been consumed.

TJBM uses extravagant words.

Coloma's avatar

Sometimes. I’m verbal and verbose and love words/language

TJBM has a stuffy beak

reijinni's avatar

TJBM can speak Picard.

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM uses tiny words.

geeky_mama's avatar

True. Lots of 4 letter ones.

TJBM swears like a salty sailor.

TheIntern55's avatar

False, I try to keep up a “good girl” image. not that it works very well…
TJBM knows a sailor.

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM knows a pirate.

Hibernate's avatar

I guess real one are out of the question :D I do however know people who dress like pirate on a daily basis [their job]

The Jelly Below Me likes parrots.

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM likes crackers.

Hibernate's avatar


The Jelly Below Me uses more salt than he/she should.

erichw1504's avatar

False, I try to avoid a lot of salt as much as possible.

TJBM has had a kidney stone before.

Hibernate's avatar

No and I don’t want one.

The Jelly Below Me visits a cemetery at least once per month.

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM is celebrating 30 parts of The Jelly Below Me threads!

Coloma's avatar

Sure, why not?

TJBM often thinks how really amazing it is to communicate with thousands of people over the internet

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM has an appt today.


Only an appt. for a romantic night out on the town with my s/o.

TJBM uses one of these brand names of soap——Dial, Soft Soap, Dove.

TheIntern55's avatar

Sure? I’m not sure.
TJBM is squeaky clean.

Coloma's avatar

Not squeaky, haven’t showered yet this morning.
@MRSHINYSHOES, I am on my last bar of Taiwanese soap lol

TJBM loves to travel to unusual places

TheIntern55's avatar

True, my bedroom is an exotic locale!
TJBM is bored.

mangeons's avatar


TJBM has super fun plans for tonight!

reijinni's avatar

TJBM has their house on an international border.

Coloma's avatar

False. But, I am on the border of some wilderness areas, where the wild things are.
One should not leave the “circle of light” after dark over this way, especially if you’re a house pet. lol

TJBM can’t believe how fast their day is going

TheIntern55's avatar

True, and I’m still in my PJs!
TJBM is shy.

Hibernate's avatar

No I’m not.

The Jelly Below Me knows how to talk to shy people.

TheIntern55's avatar

True, I’m good at getting through people’s shell.
TJBM still reads children’s stories.

Hibernate's avatar


The Jelly Below Me never reads books.

AshLeigh's avatar

False. I always read books:)
TJBM thinks it’s ridiculous that I have a midterm on Friday!

TheIntern55's avatar

True, that is ridiculous. No mid-terms for me for a while.
TJBM hated/hates high school.

Coloma's avatar

True. I graduated a year early because I hated it so much. Worked for extra credit and got a reduced sentence. I’m no worse for intellect. lol

TJBM hates football

dabbler's avatar

Well, ‘hate’ is such a strong term, but I don’t follow it at all. Once in a while I’ll catch some division playoffs because they can be the best games for sheer athleticism and brinksmanship.

TJBM is getting a costume on for Halloween. (describe please!)

TheIntern55's avatar

False, sorry. But my friend is dressed as the Team Rocket chick from Pokemon.
TJBM loves James Bond.

Coloma's avatar

Meh…take him or leave him. lol

TJBM is in-joying a beautiful almost sunset

snowberry's avatar

It’s too late for that.

TJBM took a long nap today.

Adagio's avatar

False, I never take naps.

TJBM just planted strawberry plants this afternoon

AshLeigh's avatar

I fell asleep at 4, and just woke up, at 8… I’m probably not gonna sleep tonight. :/
TJBM isn’t going to sleep any time soon! D:


True. It’s only 9:03 pm.

TJBM still has kids coming to the door trick or treating, at this time of night.

dabbler's avatar

No more kids at the door. We had a signup sheet for the kids in the building (240+ apartments) to come by starting 6pm ending at 8pm and that was over 4 hours ago.
TJBM is watching a scary movie.

AshLeigh's avatar

Nope. I watch scary movies most nights. But on Halloween I rebel against the usual thing to do.
TJBM is a rebel.


True, in many ways I am, despite my “conservative” persona.

TJBM eats supper and watches t.v. at the same time (simultaneously).

jonsblond's avatar

I hate to say it, but we do. We don’t do it quietly though. We all (my family) like the same shows and talk about what we’re watching and other stuff. =)

TJBM has jumped off a cliff into a body of water.

josrific's avatar

Goodness no!
TJBM has finally got their house ready for winter.


No, I haven’t yet. I’m too lazy.

TJBM regularly takes cool to ice cold showers, just like me.

AshLeigh's avatar

Yeah:) When it’s too hot.
TJBM is drunk! D:


Nope. Just tired. It’s been a long spooky night.

TJBM never uses the lens cloth and spray that optical shops give them when he /she buys a new pair of eyeglasses. He/she washes the eyeglasses with soap and water instead, and uses Kleenex to wipe them.

snowberry's avatar

I don’t wear glasses except for cheap sunglasses. I clean ‘em any old way, but soap and water and a clean T-shirt material seems to work best.

TJBM has a lot of Halloween candy left over.

AshLeigh's avatar

Nope. Like one kid comes to my house, so we just give the hole bag to her. >.<
I hate Halloween, but I’m not an asshole. I still give out candy. Hah.
TJBM rocks. :)


Yep, thanks. Lol.

TJBM thinks it’s always hard to get off Fluther, then shut the computer down to call it a night.

AshLeigh's avatar

True! Although, even after my four hour nap, I’m almost tired enough to go back to sleep.
TJBM is tired.


True. Very. Goin’ to bed soon.

TJBM puts his/hands on his/her chest when he/she sleeps.

snowberry's avatar


TJBM uses a hair dryer to warm up.

Coloma's avatar

Haha, yes, I have used it to warm my bed a few times, feels amazing!

TJBM can whistle well

AshLeigh's avatar

No. I can’t whistle at all. :(
TJBM will teach me how to whistle!

snowberry's avatar

Pucker your lips. Hold your tongue like this. Blow. See?

TJBM can’t fall asleep if they are cold.

AshLeigh's avatar

No, I don’t see. >.<
Nah. This is Alaska. I’m used to it.
TJBM can’t fall asleep if they are HOT!

Coloma's avatar

True. It’s easier to warm up than cool down.

TJBM will say goodnight to Coloma nitey nite people :-)

AshLeigh's avatar

Good night Coloma . :)
TJBM will say goodnight to Ash-Leigh. :) Night guys!

Hibernate's avatar

Sleep well.

The Jelly Below Me is a good lier.

creative1's avatar

Not sure what a lier is but i’m not a liar at all so i’m not good at it

TJBM just got up

dabbler's avatar

That is correct ! I’m also a good lier, one who is lying/reclined, and I was just practicing.
TJBM has a vigorous morning exercise routine.

TheIntern55's avatar

False, I don’t need it.
TJBM lives in England.

AshLeigh's avatar

One day… <3
TJBM likes The Beatles! :D

snowberry's avatar


TJBM is on fire. Call 911!

AshLeigh's avatar

Yes. It’s really hot in my house!
TJBM is cold.

reijinni's avatar

TJBM often wears a burqa.

TheIntern55's avatar

Maybe if I knew what it was.
TJBM likes stand-up comedy.

snowberry's avatar

@TheIntern55 That’s the garment a Muslim woman wears when she is covered from head to toe and only her eyes peek out.

If it’s clean, yes!

TJBM has homework.

TheIntern55's avatar

@snowberry then no, I never wear a burqa
False, I haven’t had school the past 2 days.
TJBM is enjoying a day off.

snowberry's avatar

Sort of. I’m retired, so my day off looks a lot like other days.

TJBM is eating left over Halloween candy. What kind?

Coloma's avatar

False. Ate candy last night, candied out..bleh!

TJBM is expecting a storm later in the week

snowberry's avatar

Haven’t heard.

TJBM has a bad tooth.

Coloma's avatar

False, but, going in for a checkup and cleaning on the 16th. :-D

TJBM loves “Honey Crisp” apples

snowberry's avatar

They sound delish!

TJBM eats many small means throughout the day.

TheIntern55's avatar

True, I look like a girl and eat like a guy!
TJBM can play the piano.

reijinni's avatar

TJBM wants to play the ukelele.

blueiiznh's avatar

yes, let me grab it now and play some.

TJBM plays a wind instrument

TheIntern55's avatar

True, the clarinet! The fact that Squidward plays it was my main influenece.
TJBM will join the Fluther band! coming soon…

blueiiznh's avatar

Yes. The Venomous Tentacles are awesome!

TJBM has been knocked out while playing their instrument

Ela's avatar

False. I can’t sing, dance or play any musical instrument. I’d make a great groupie though cuz I find people with the musical abilities I lack are so amazing. especially the drums and piano

tjbm has no musical talent, like me.

TheIntern55's avatar

Fasle. But I can’t sing without a bird falling from the sky, dying from the awful tragedy he just heard.
TJBM has starred in musical.

mangeons's avatar

True-ish, we did The Wizard of Oz for our fifth grade play, and my character had a good amount of singing!

TJBM has stage fright.

TheIntern55's avatar

Completley false. You put me up on a stage in front of as many people as possible and I’ll be happier than a clam!
TJBM is as confused as me as where “happier than a clam” comes from. Spongebob?

mangeons's avatar

True! I’d like to think that it came from Spongebob, though.

TJBM is eating Halloween candy right now.

Coloma's avatar

False. Just had raisen toast and PB and leaving soon for a day of decandance with fresh picked apples and baked goods cruisin’ my local mountain ranch tour loop. :-D

Gotta get some apple bread, pie, and caramel apples.

TJBM is waiting on someone

Hibernate's avatar


The Jelly Below Me is sleepy.

Hibernate's avatar

@creative1 that was supposed to be for someone from France [but my friend didn’t felt like replying ..] One who does connections… Next time I’ll post only if he’ll feel like playing :)

snowberry's avatar

I’m not. But last night I fell asleep on the couch and woke up at 2 AM.

TJBM likes raw oysters.

AshLeigh's avatar

… O.O NO!
TJBM tastes good. ;)

Ela's avatar

False.I taste delish!! wanna nibble? ; )

tjbm didn’t shower today and is stinky

AshLeigh's avatar

I did shower today, and I smell amazing. :)
TJBM also smells amazing.

Ela's avatar

True. My kids tell me I smell good a lot lol
Smell is very important to me and by far the most sensual of the senses.

tjbm loves to follow their nose

TheIntern55's avatar

TO food? HELL YES!
TJBM loves Gene Wilder.


I am that familiar with him.

TJBM thinks that malls and other businesses should close on Sundays.

creative1's avatar

Nope, I wish they could have Christmas hours all year round

TJBM starts their Christmas shopping the day after Thanksgiving


Nope, I don’t do it til December.

TJBM is starting to feel hungry.

TheIntern55's avatar

False, just ate!
TJBM wanted to be a singer growing up.

AshLeigh's avatar

I’m still growing up, and I’m the singer in a band. :P So I’d say I wouldn’t mind being a sing.—Although what I really want to be is a writer, and a counselor.
TJBM wants to be a cowboy when they grow up. ;)

Bryar's avatar

Yee-ha! :) I reckon the wouldn’t be so bad.
TJBM uses Google every day.

blueiiznh's avatar

Mayhaps, but not always.

TJBM uses their toothbrush several times a day



TJBM has sensitive teeth——to cold, hot food and drinks. Has to use a special kind of toothpaste for sensitive teeth.

Coloma's avatar

False. I have great teeth, I eat and drink everything with no issues. watch, I’m gonna break a tooth on my caramel apple now haha

TJBM has a “headtrip” a wire head massager

blueiiznh's avatar

no, but I work with someone who is a “headtrip”. Does that count?

TJBM have had their fortune read

Coloma's avatar

I read my chinese horoscope at a chinese restaurant tonight. I’m a happy “man.” lol

TJBM has choked on food before, like seriously choked

Ela's avatar

False. Has never happened other then a drink going down the wrong pipe.

tjbm is a plumber
why is that not pronounced plum-ber?



TJBM takes a probiotic, so that he/she doesn’t have a great need for a plumber. Lol.

Coloma's avatar

Not right now, but, yes, sometimes.

TJBM has stayed up waay too late again oh, the amazon addiction got me again tonight, this time I ordered books about mountain lion and bear attacks. lol

AshLeigh's avatar

True. It’s almost midnight, and I have to get up at 6:15. :(
TJBM isn’t sleepy! :/

Hibernate's avatar

I just woke up .. I still want to sleep.

The Jelly Below Me is hungry.

reijinni's avatar

I’ll be eating soon.
TJBM has called 911 for a lame reason.


I called 911 once, because my house got broken into. The police told me I didn’t have to call 911 because it wasn’t an emergency. Oh well.

TJBM woke up in the middle of the night yesterday and couldn’t get back to sleep for a little while.

blueiiznh's avatar

Nah, slept like a baby in a bassinet.

TJBM had fruit for breakfast

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Coconut is fruit, right?

TJBM know a tomato is fruit not a vegetable.

creative1's avatar


TJBM would like another cup of coffee

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Just poured one.

TJBM grinds their coffee beans just before brewing.

AshLeigh's avatar

I don’t drink coffee very often.
TJBM doesn’t want to start the day!

bongo's avatar

well being as its 4.30pm here (UK) Im due to finish my day soon! I found it VERY hard to get up this morning though!
TJBM Is NOT in the US right now.

Coloma's avatar

False. I am in California, in the high foothills of the Sierra Nevada mountains. :-)

TJBM is all warm and cozy on a chilly morning

reijinni's avatar

sort of.
TJBM knows that Megacorp is really in charge of our governments.

blueiiznh's avatar

Oh yes, and martians.

Tjbm has an axe to grind

Coloma's avatar

Not an axe, maybe a small paring knife. lol

TJBM had something unusual for breakfast

mangeons's avatar

False, just the usual scrambled eggs with green pepper!

TJBM has fun plans for this weekend.

Meego's avatar

Nope, I’m as boring as they come.
TJBM licks people’s eyeballs for fun.

Coloma's avatar

Gah! No!

TJBM loves long hot baths

TheIntern55's avatar

Nope, showers all the way!
TJBM has eaten venison before.
@Meego I did that at camp once and a girl in my cabin got pink eye.

reijinni's avatar

True. Had it for Thanksgiving. tough but good.
TJBM knows that it ain’t Thanksgiving unless meat is served.

Coloma's avatar

Depends. I wouldn’t presume to define someone elses idea of the perfect Thanksgiving meal.
I could happily subsist on veggies, stuffing and pie. lol

TJBM loves home made stuffing

TheIntern55's avatar

True, one of the few things I eat at Thanksgiving.
TJBM can’t believe it’s already Novemeber. What happened to the year?

Coloma's avatar

True! Jesus…it’s a time warp, glad I’m not the only one! Shit..this entire YEAR had flown by. lol

TJBM had a Caramel apple with walnuts for breakfast, like me! OMG! Fresh from the ranch yesterday! Killer!

Ela's avatar

False. Frosted mini wheat. It’s the cereal I’m kickin on atm ; ) nummylicious

tjbm has cold feets : (

TheIntern55's avatar

Nope, I got on my slipper socks.
TJBM is sitting next to their dog right now.

Ela's avatar

Dang… I so wish I had a dog : (

tjbm will borrow out their dog to me : ) (kinna like rent-a-pup)

TheIntern55's avatar

If you want him. He’s a 9-month old hound dog with lots of energy who loves eating, especially furniture! Enjoy him.
TJBM wants to live in another era.

Ela's avatar

Visit, yes,but live in? No thanks! I’ll take the puppy, 1 slipper and 1 chair plz ; )

tjbm does not want to go out tonight…
baby, it’s cold outside : (

AshLeigh's avatar

It’s really windy…
TJBM has a puppy in their room, like me!
My brother picked me up early from school, so I could meet his new puppy! :)

Ela's avatar

I’m having serious puppy envy : (
False. I got a sick puppies cd and stuffed puppies… n that’s it : (

tjbm has a belly ache

Hibernate's avatar

NO I don’t.

The Jelly Below Me likes yellow.

mangeons's avatar


TJBM loves chocolate.

Hibernate's avatar


The Jelly Below Me likes theatres more than cinemas.

Meego's avatar

Ugh, under my current financial status we are going to the cinema!

TJBM loves building treehouses.

TheIntern55's avatar

Sounds complicated. :/
TJBM has made a tree swing before.

creative1's avatar


TJBM has swung into a lake on a rope swing

mangeons's avatar


TJBM has to pee.

Coloma's avatar

Haha, not right now, but soon I imagine On my 3rd Jack Russel Farmhouse Ale

TJBM just gad a great talk with someone they love

AshLeigh's avatar

Sure. @LezboPirate taught me how to say “Naked” in sign language, and I taught her how to say bullshit. That counts right?
TJBM can speak sign language.



TJBM know a few Chinese written words (i.e., Chinese characters), perhaps two or three, or more.

blueiiznh's avatar

2 or 3 or more, Yes

TJBM can eat with chop sticks without poking their own eye out


Yes, but I have poked someone else with my chopsticks, usually sitting beside me, not in the eye, but in the arm

TJBM knows a few words of Swedish.

Coloma's avatar

False, and I am ⅓rd Swedish. lol
TJBM looks forward to @MRSHINYSHOES playfulness I do, I do, quality peeps make themselves known :-)

blueiiznh's avatar

of course. and the leather references too
@Coloma ½ Swede and i am near wordless

TJBM like playfulness with leather

Coloma's avatar

You bet, especially if it involves saddles and martingales. lol

TJBM is afraid of bugs


Not afraid of them——I just don’t like them. I have no problem squashing them with my shiny shoed feet, then wiping the guts off the nice leather.

@blueiiznh (wink——lol)

TJBM likes Swedish blondes. I do.

Coloma's avatar

True. Considering I AM one. lol

TJBM is a Preying Mantis lover Tis the season and they are everywhere


I don’t mind them. I live in a part of the country where there’s none. Too cool for them up here.

TJBM once swallowed an insect by accident.

Coloma's avatar

True. I have swallowed a lot of gnats riding my bike.
Graffiti I saw in Asia…” Insect your soul” lol

TJBM is having a late dinner


Yes I did. I normally eat dinner at around 6 or 7 pm., but tonight it was like 8:30 pm.

TJBM thinks “Engrish” is funny (when you read what is written in English in some Asian places——see examples—-

Coloma's avatar

True! I love great laughs in “lost in translation.”

TJBM hears dogs barking right now

jonsblond's avatar

False. I hear my daughter snoring My dogs are fast asleep and the nearest neighbor is ¼ mile away.

TJBM is offended by pictures of dogs in pilgrim costumes. :P

AshLeigh's avatar

Nope. I’m not uptight:)
TJBM feels so much better than they did earlier. :)


True. I took a cold shower, which energized me, then calmed me down. Feel good now.

TJBM likes to use old grocery/shopping bags to line his/her garbage wastebaskets.

AshLeigh's avatar

I sure do.
TJBM loves it when they wake up in the morning and stretch. :)


Only if I had a good night sleep before. If I didn’t, I wake up groggy and don’t want to stretch. Lol.

TJBM hates waking up to the dark and cold.

AshLeigh's avatar

I hate it. :(
TJBM is writing a novel, like me. :)

reijinni's avatar

nope, don’t have a mindset to write long stories, but I have written shorter works.
TJBM wants to take a look at my stories.

Ela's avatar

True! I favored the page ; )

tjbm likes to read the book before seeing the movie

Meego's avatar


TJBM is a funny character and is famous.

AshLeigh's avatar

TJBM pops their neck.

Coloma's avatar

True! Or rather, it pops itself a lot. old bones comin’ on.

TJBM has noticed that Yahoo weather is off. My homepage says it is 91 degrees right now and it is 45. lololol

Ela's avatar

LOL False my hoo-eather is just fine. it does revert to chicago sometimes though, so maybe it’s the temp for a nearby satellite?

tjbm needs to shower, like now!

reijinni's avatar

TJBM has played a nice game of “Does this look infected?”

Coloma's avatar

False. What’s that?

TJBM is looking forward to a storm today

OpryLeigh's avatar

I wish. I love a good storm.

TJBM had some bad news recently.

Coloma's avatar

False, knock on wood! ;-)

TJBM LOVES Preying Mantises

Ela's avatar

Yeppers and I’m gonna sit on your porch right now and watch ‘em @Coloma ; )

tjbm wants @Coloma to post a pic of the Preying Mantises! I know I do!!

reijinni's avatar

yes, and @Coloma, that’s when they show you a bump, scar or bruise and ask you if it is infected or not.
TJBM is wet today.

Coloma's avatar

Wet? Do you mean ME or the weather. Um..the weather is going to be wet later. lol

TJBM will settle for my psychedelic ducky in place of a preying mantis pic.

I might get one later


True. I think it’s just “Fan-ducks-tic!!!”

TJBM likes the song “Disco Duck”.

reijinni's avatar

nice attempt at humour. Keep trying. @Coloma, both.
TJBM wants to kill the corporate state.

Hibernate's avatar

No way.

The Jelly Below Me drinks a lot of water daily.

Ela's avatar

True dat! I have a bottle at hand now lol

tjbm drinks a lot of vodka daily or nightly ; )

Coloma's avatar

Blech no! I had a few beers last night for the first time in awhile and I woke up in the middle of the night feeling crappy and still feel crappy. :-(

TJBM wants to see where I live in my avatar Per request of another jelly for fall avatars. No, I do not ive in a motor home, it is a campground near my house on the river. ;-)

Ela's avatar

@Coloma <waves> I’m pretty sure I can see standing beside it waving at me…

Hibernate's avatar

Well by popular demand it seems we do want to see it.

The Jelly Below Me likes to see that picture in a bigger format.

Ela's avatar

True so i can confirm the wavage lol

tjbm has a headache : (

Hibernate's avatar

Yes I do. Came with it when I received .. erm .. better not. I just have it.

The Jelly Below Me likes to help others.

Coloma's avatar

True. Being good to our fellow men and pets is what it’s all about. waving at Ela!

TJBM has a headache

Ela's avatar

wonders if i am a pet or man…. lol

True, I have a bit of a bongo one : ( teetering on migraine, ugh

tjbm thinks @Coloma is a super duper funny girl! <mwah!>

Hibernate's avatar

I don’t think. I know she is.

The Jelly Below Me has important things to do.

Meego's avatar

Not today! :p

I just found out that TJBM is Santa Claus’s favourite elf!

Hibernate's avatar

I wish I could be mistaken for an elf .. I’m too big to be an elf ^^

The Jelly Below Me wants Christmas to come sooner.

Meego's avatar

:O your Santa!
Xmas is 45 days away! I do want it here more quick!

TJBM had pancakes with sugar on em instead of maple syrup for breakfast.

Coloma's avatar

False. I have a beer hangover and so I had cottage cheese and hot sauce with chips and an apple. I still feel like shit haha

TJBM is an alcohol lightweight

blueiiznh's avatar

I will take plead the Fifth on that loaded question.

TJBM uses the 5th amendment everday

Coloma's avatar

False, but it’s always on reserve. haha

TJBM wears womens underware

blueiiznh's avatar

lol…nope…i prefer commando is you must know

TJBM rides bareback

Coloma's avatar

True. Horses and men. Lets RODEO! haha

TJBM lives on Brokeback mountain Heh!

Ela's avatar

Ummm… False. never even seen the movie

tjbm is entered in a science fair

TheIntern55's avatar

Nope, science is one of my least favorite subjects.
TJBM is writhing a novel for NaNoWriMo.

Ela's avatar

Nah, I couldn’t write my way out of a paper bag ; ) Grocery lists… that I can do.

but tjbm is writhing a novel for NaNoWriMo @TheIntern55

mangeons's avatar

Nah, I did one last year though. (Well, I didn’t reach the 50k word goal, but I got to 35k!)

TJBM is suuuuper tired.

Coloma's avatar

False, but, I have a hangover and a sinus infection..great combo. lol
@TheIntern55 Haha ” writhing” a novel? Yes, writing is a writhing experience at times. lol

TJBM loves word slips

Ela's avatar

True! I love slipage… lol

tjbm has a dirty mind LOL

TheIntern55's avatar

Well, now that you mention it…
@Coloma My subconcious mind, telling me the story sucks? Possibly.
TJBM likes horror stories.

Ela's avatar

False. I sleep alone and get too scared. I like romances.

tjbm has a pet turtle

TheIntern55's avatar

No, they’re too calm for me.
TJBM has a song stuck in their head.

AshLeigh's avatar

TJBM eats cereal at night time. :)

Ela's avatar

Always ; )

tjbm eats pizza for breakfast

blueiiznh's avatar


TJBM is not used to @Coloma new avatar yet

AshLeigh's avatar

Not at all. O.o
TJBM likes cookies!

blueiiznh's avatar

mmmmmm did you say cookie?
ode to cookie

TJBM eat cookie dough

Ela's avatar

False. Sometimes I lick the beaters, though : )

tjbm is baking cookies and will share!

AshLeigh's avatar

I wish. I’m studying for my Biology Mid-Term. :(
TJBM studies! :O

Ela's avatar

True. Doing some homework now. That’s why I been around so long LOL
In between laundry, cleaning, fluthering and eating : (

tjbm is doing homework too!

AshLeigh's avatar

Yes I am.
TJBM watches NCIS.

Ela's avatar

False. Is that the one with the homely redheaded guy that always turns his head and talks? total ickage

tjbm wants to dance!

AshLeigh's avatar

… No. It’s not.
I’d love to. ;)
TJBM will dance with me. :D

Ela's avatar

<pick me! pick me @AshLeigh>!
True!! <dances>

tjbm has seen Pink Floyd in concert

blueiiznh's avatar

yes I have. Amazing

TJBM is sad I broke up the @AshLeigh & @EnchantingEla show

Ela's avatar

LOL The Ash & Ela Show
Not really, you’re cuter and you can be our guest star! ; )

tjbm thinks we could have an awesome show tonight lol

blueiiznh's avatar

Yes, Anything is possible especially in the capable hands of you two.

TJBM has their DVR set on this show now.

Ela's avatar

Show may be cancelled, seems @AshLeigh has gone AWAL : (
False. No DVR or VCR and only one TV ; )

tjbm has 3+ tvs

blueiiznh's avatar

yes, guilty as charged.

TJBM is not awol ever.

AshLeigh's avatar

Sorry, I was studying. >.<
Never. ;)
TJBMishavingaproblemwiththeirspacebar! :)

blueiiznh's avatar

not tonight thank goodness.
I first read that as “is shaving a problem area with spacebar….

TJBM thinkstheworldwouldbeadifferentplaceifweleftoutspaces


Yes, time would movvvvesooooooooooooslowwwwwwwwwwwy.

TJBM has a teddy bear.

Ela's avatar

False. Stuffed puppies! They are way cuter ; )

tjbm stuffs their face at thanksgiving dinner!


AshLeigh's avatar

Nah. Not really. I don’t like most Thanksgiving food. D:

Coloma's avatar

False! :-D

TJBM likes snowcones

AshLeigh's avatar

Yes I do. :D
TJBM is Mexican?

Coloma's avatar

False. Welsh, Scottish, German and a wee bit of Swedish.

TJBM is Irish

AshLeigh's avatar

Yes, actually I am.
TJBM is from the UK?

Ela's avatar

False.The US… close though ; )

tjbm plays the saxophone


False! I play my own oboe. Much funner.

TJBM thinks they should get rid of all tags along shirt collars, so we wouldn’t have to cut them off before we wear them.

Coloma's avatar

True! Bah!

TJBM would like to pet sit for @MRSHINYSHOES Koi fish I will, I will..but, you’ll have to buy me a plane ticket, and then, I’ll need a goose & cat sitter. lol

perspicacious's avatar

No, not even for pay.

TJBM has a candle burning.

Coloma's avatar

True-ish. JUST blew it out, it was burning in my bathroom while I took a bath. :-)

TJBM loves raisen toast

perspicacious's avatar

I haven’t had it in like 20 years but I remember it fondly.

TJBM wore a hat today.

AshLeigh's avatar

For a little while.
TJBM needs a hug.

perspicacious's avatar

I’ve had many today already, but expect more before I fall asleep.

TJBM has on jammies with buttons.

AshLeigh's avatar

Not yet.
TJBM is wearing a blue shirt.

perspicacious's avatar


TJBM is a gambler.

Hibernate's avatar

No I am not. I rarely bet on something.

The Jelly Below Me is guilty of loving puppies.

Meego's avatar

The guilt is placed upon my shoulders :D

I heard that TJBM hates bunnies especially the Easter bunny =O
(\ /)
( . .)

creative1's avatar

Nope I love bunnies, I actually owned one as a child

TJBM loves Ruffles potato chips

reijinni's avatar

TJBM likes to have a few bags of kettle chips and a bottle of Jarritos.

blueiiznh's avatar


Tjbm likes a bottle of champagne and a side of strawberries.

Coloma's avatar

Ooh yes! I live about 10 minutes from a local winery/micro-brewery that makes the BEST Champagne in the world. I like Raspberries in mine! :-D

TJBM has been to the Grand Canyon

OpryLeigh's avatar

I have and I loved it!

TJBM has been to Yosemite.

Coloma's avatar

True. It is about a 3 hour drive my my side of the Sierras. :-)
@Leanne1986 I’m so glad you enjoyed your trip to the U.S. :-D

TJBM would host/hostess a traveling Jelly

Prosb's avatar

Most certainly! We currently have a person staying with us for a while, and more are always welcome! We’re also in the middle of building a room in the basement for her, so the couch will be free soon!
(Note: “We” are not actually building the room, two contractors are. Please do not allow me to handle power tools, especially a Sawzall. Thank you.)

TJBM likes to figure out what makes things tick.

Coloma's avatar

Psychologically yes, mechanically no, and power tools are extremely risky in my hands too.
I once cut through am extension cord with a pair of electric hedge trimmers…Ooooh, pretty fireworks! lol

TJBM is afraid to go collect the propane statement on their porch after having their tank filled projection…OMG, scary, the $600 fill!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Nope it was the electric bill – - $335.00

TJBM is going to a “party” over the weekend

Coloma's avatar

False. But I am meeting friends for a graduation photo shoot at the beautiful state park near my house and a picnic. :-D
@Tropical_Willie I just looked at my statement on the doorknob, $518 ! A little better than I thought. :-/

TJBM is has gone scuba diving

reijinni's avatar

TJBM is going to hurl their flip-flops at Romney.

Coloma's avatar


TJBM will guess which woman in my avatar is me

geeky_mama's avatar

Why yes..that’s’re the one with the long braided locks and lovely lilac skirt on in your avatar picture.

TJBM admires Coloma’s hair and wishes to grow theirs as long some day, too.

Coloma's avatar

@geeky_mama , good guess, of course I’ve long talked about my “hippie” side. lol

Hibernate's avatar

I had long hair a decade ago. It takes to much time taking care of it. I prefer shaving ^^

The Jelly Below Me takes a trip every month. [doesn’t matter if it’s half a day or a day long]

AshLeigh's avatar

TJBM is rude! D:

Coloma's avatar

False! I’m a very nice person!

TJBM will tell us what their favorite flower is

Ela's avatar

Not unless you’re gonna surprise me with them on my b-day! ; )
hint… it is not roses

tjbm’s favorite winter smell is cinnamon/spice

Meego's avatar

Ironically I have a vacuum which I can put scents in the water bin it is a Rainbow® and I have started putting nutmeg and clove spices in the water, love the smell!

TJBM has a really cute dog.

AshLeigh's avatar

Yes I do. He looks like Scrappy Doo. :)
TJBM likes Scooby Doo!

Coloma's avatar

Ya know, no. haha I didn’t like Scooby Doo when he was the original 60’s-70’s cartoon.
What can I say?

TJBM loves fresh guacamole

mangeons's avatar

But everyone loves Scooby Doo!

Eh, guacamole is okay. Not a huge fan though.

TJBM loves celery!

creative1's avatar

mmmmm awesome in soups

TJBM loves different varieties of squashes

AshLeigh's avatar

TJBM has a wonderful momma. :)

creative1's avatar


TJBM is Blueiiznh


Nope. It’s me Mr.SS. Not the Gestapo, just SS.

TJBM dislikes it when drivers cut through parking lots instead of driving within the designated routes in the lots.

Ela's avatar

Only if they are in the way of my cutting : (
The shortest distance between 2 points is a straight line after all @MRSHINYSHOES ; )

tjbm has a truck driving license

AshLeigh's avatar

TJBM is listening to people fighting, like me. :-/

blueiiznh's avatar

Nope….sorry to hear @AshLeigh

TJBM is still in Halloween mode

creative1's avatar

yup, trick or treating is Sunday!!!

TJBM loves the candy from trick or treating

Coloma's avatar

Well..the first 40 pieces, then it’s sugar burnout for weeks . lol

TJBM thinks disgusting porn is well..disgusting


True. Like the deep throat puking stuff. Lol-lol! yeech.

TJBM thinks erotica is well, erotic.

blueiiznh's avatar

Yes, Don’t be redundant, Don’t be redundant

TJBM thinks Dr Seuss is erotica in a car

Coloma's avatar

True. Erotica is NOT 2 girls one cup shiver, turning pale and queasy

TJBM wants to talk about bunnies and flowers haha

Ela's avatar

HaHa False! <is taking notes>

tjbm is taking notes ; )

blueiiznh's avatar

True, copious yellow post-its all over

TJBM is writing erotica about bunnies and flowers

Coloma's avatar

Bambi & Thumper, that’s just wrong.

TJBM had salsa today as one of their veggie servings haha

blueiiznh's avatar

Nope, Skittles did it for my veggie and fruit group today (j/k)

TJBM has a flat food pyramid

Coloma's avatar

False, but I have a Jack LaLane juicer lol

TJBM has a juicer

geeky_mama's avatar

Does a “Magic Bullet” count? My wonderful, generous grandmother has a bit of a shopping addiction for those “As-Seen-On-TV” gadgets. She buys them and sends them to me..LOVE love love her, but not terribly impressed with the Magic Bullet.

TJBM is fortunate enough to have their grandparents alive and part of their life still, too.

reijinni's avatar

mine are gone
TJBM remembers Dipping Dots.

Ela's avatar

Yep, I remember when they first came out. I don’t remember having them, though hmmm

tjbm favorite soft serve ice cream cone is a twist


False, I don’t like ice cream at all.

TJBM’s favorite movie is a foreign film.

josrific's avatar

False, I haven’t even seen a foreign film.
TJBM is sooooooooo glad this week is finally over.


False. My week is not really over until after tommorow.

TJBM’s favorite t.v. show is a t.v. show from the past.

perspicacious's avatar

I don’t watch TV too much but I do like Frasier.

TJBM owns a sapphire


True. In two rings.

TJBM once owned a koi fish.

Coloma's avatar

False, but, I had good friends that had a beautiful Koi pond, sadly the raccoons fished them all out. They gave up. :-(

TJBM is going to memory foam land now

Hibernate's avatar


The Jelly Below Me wants to make more exercises every day [aerobic etc ]

snowberry's avatar

Yes but I hate to exercise alone.

TJBM got up at 4 AM like I did I’m doing wash.

OpryLeigh's avatar

Nope. I didn’t get up until nearly 8am!

TJBM has recently read/seen something horrible on their local news.

TheIntern55's avatar

False, the local news bores me.
TJBM is bilingual.


True. I’m actually trilingual. English, and some Japanese and Chinese.

TJBM can write with both right and left hands.

dabbler's avatar

Not so you’d want to read it… but I use tools with either hand and brush my teeth with either hand and routinely use computer mice with either hand.
TBJM wants something unusual for breakfast.

Coloma's avatar

False, on my 2nd cup of coffee at 7:47 am Colomas wakin’ up s-l-o-w-l-y this morning.

TJBM has been flashed by a exhibitionist

dabbler's avatar

Nope. Some summertime outfits seem downright exhibitionist but I wouldn’t consider them flashing, not complainin’ either.
A former girlfriend liked to tell the story of a “weinie-wagger” who exposed himself to her on the subway once. She had a quick and nasty wit and It was probably a humiliating experience for him by the time the meeting was over. (She’s the late author of a famous mid-90s movie with Goldie Hawn, Diane Keaton and Bette Midler, I knew her when she was first hatched the idea for the movie. Consider the wit of that movie and you know what I mean.)

TJBM follows the news of a country other than the US closely.

Coloma's avatar

@dabbler First wives club? I LOVE that movie, just watched it again after about 10 years, hilarious!

False, I am not a media follower, I figure I’ll know if the bomb goes off, just like I’ll know what the weather is when I look outside. lol

TJBM is expecting a storm tonight

reijinni's avatar

TJBM has appeared on TV at least once.

Coloma's avatar

False, but I have had a birding article published. I created a species list of Birds of the western slope of the Sierra Nevada mountain range that is a reference source. :-)

TJBM likes birds

Paul's avatar

Agreed, I’m parts of the RSPB.
TJBM knows what that is.

Coloma's avatar

Now I do! I knew it was Royal society of something…very cool Paul! Good to “see” you again! :-D

TJBM is glad Paul is back

AshLeigh's avatar

I sure am. :)
TJBM is also glad.

Ela's avatar

True @AshLeigh!! psst… who’s paul?

tjbm knows who Paul is and why he’s famous!

Coloma's avatar

True. Paul is a little blue Smurf with a beard and he is a fun little british boy. lol

TJBM has gas

Ela's avatar

omg… you’re psychic…

tjbm can read tarot cards

dabbler's avatar

This is true. I have a few decks but most often have used the Waite-Rider.

TJBM has a favorite National Park.

TheIntern55's avatar

Not yet, no.
TJBM hasn’t seen @Paul in awhile. or is it just me?

creative1's avatar

True, glad to see him back

TJBM loves to cook homemade soup

AshLeigh's avatar

… I burn water.
TJBM just almost died by getting electrocuted, like me. :(
TJBM also exaggerates.

TheIntern55's avatar

No to the electrocution, yes to the exaggeration.
TJBM has started a rumor before.

AshLeigh's avatar

Probably. I don’t remember.
TJBM has fallen down stairs.

TheIntern55's avatar

Often. I’ve even fallen up stairs.
TJBM loves trying to explain to people what Fluther is. They seem so confused

Hibernate's avatar

I did it a few times then people started biting me for doing it so I stopped.

The Jelly Below Me likes to be open minded.

AshLeigh's avatar

@TheIntern55, I just tell them it’s my lover. :D
I try.
TJBM has white boots. :O

mangeons's avatar

False, only brown boots!

TJBM owns a pair of heels 5” or taller.

Hibernate's avatar

No I don’t

The Jelly Below Me likes to sing in the shower.

Coloma's avatar

Sometimes yes, and in my car too. :-)

TJBM is waiting for company to arrive

Hibernate's avatar

Yes. But wait… does sleep count?

The Jelly Below Me likes yogurt.

mangeons's avatar

False, generally.

TJBM is going out tonight!

TheIntern55's avatar

False, I’m home tonight, like nearly every Saturday night.
TJBM likes to watch the History Channel.


I wish I could watch it, but I’m not subscribed to it. :(

TJBM hates to open new CDs in their tightly wrapped cellophane.

Hibernate's avatar

Not exactly hate but I do dislike it.

The Jelly Below Me will help others cleaning the streets if they ask for some help.

AshLeigh's avatar

Sure, why not?
TJBM thinks Blu-Ray is annoying.

TheIntern55's avatar

I’ve never used it, so I wouldn’t know. Why is it so special?
TJBM knows how to work a gun.

AshLeigh's avatar

It’s not. I think it’s the same as DVD, but ridiculously priced. >.<
This is Alaska. Everyone knows how to use a gun. :P
TJBM has small feet.

Coloma's avatar

Kinda..7 and a half

TJBM is having spaghetti for dinner

blueiiznh's avatar

Nope, Made Mexican

TJBM has a fire in the fireplace going

geeky_mama's avatar

Nope – which is surprising as we live in the great white northern tundra..

TJBM has been bowling recently.


I haven’t bowled in over a year.

TJBM bumped into someone from the past that he/she didn’t want to meet recently.

blueiiznh's avatar

False, but I did but into someone from the past and it was nice to see them.

TJBM has been kicked in spots that have hurt

AshLeigh's avatar

… Yeah. >.<
TJBM is chewing gum.

Ela's avatar

False. I’m out : ( sharies @AshLeigh?

tjbm likes to blow humungo bubbles with bubble gum

AshLeigh's avatar

Sure. [Gives @EnchantingEla some delicious gum.
Yeah I do. :D
TJBM loves gum. :D:D:D

Ela's avatar

nom nom nom tnx @AshLeigh!

True, true true… and bubbles!

tjbm loves bubbles!

AshLeigh's avatar

I had a bubble machine at my sweet sixteen rave! :)
TJBM is Elmo.

Bryar's avatar

I’m whatever you want me to be, babe. ;) Joking, of course.
TJBM is wearing a hat.

Coloma's avatar

False but I am wearing Tinkerbell jammie pants haha’

TJBM is wearing crazy socks

blueiiznh's avatar


TJBM sleeps with socks on

Bryar's avatar

Sometimes. If I’m cold, or if I forget to take them off.
TJBM wears fuzzy slippers.

mangeons's avatar

False, I don’t really like slippers. Despite the fact that I have about four pairs!

TJBM’s feet hurt from dancing too much tonight!


Nope. I haven’t danced in years in my black shiny shoes! lol

@blueiiznh I get what you were referring to in the above post! Ouch. ;)

TJBM is sitting near a houseplant right now.

geeky_mama's avatar

No, I have a black thumb. Must keep the plants away from me..I kill them without fail.

TJBM is thrilled to have an extra hour of sleep tonight. (Yay for “Fall Back”!!)

AshLeigh's avatar

The time is changing? Already? Really? I heard nothing of the sort!
TJBM also didn’t know about this.


They keep telling us at work. My job involves high security, so time is of the essence. lol

TJBM is staying up late tonight and then sleeping in tommorow.

AshLeigh's avatar

No. I’m staying up late, and getting up early for church.
TJBM has to work tomorrow. :(


Nope. But I worked today. :(

TJBM once stepped on something barefoot he/she thought was a bug, and jumped up, with the reaction of “OMG!!! Yuck!!”

Hibernate's avatar

I did step in disgusting things but I never had the reaction “yuck”.

The Jelly Below Me is eating crackers. [as in right now]

creative1's avatar

Nope, drinking coffee

TJBM eats chocolate covered ants

Prosb's avatar

Can’t say that I do, but I’ll try anything once.

TJBM has dinner planned out tonight.

Coloma's avatar

False. It is only 7:58 am I am still in coffee mode. haha

TJBM is enjoying a rainy morning

Prosb's avatar

I wish. I’m in NY, and the sun is shining unfortunately. (Thanks for rubbing it in.) =D

TJBM wants it to start raining.

Coloma's avatar

False, because it IS! yeah, these California hills are greening up nicely, literally, overnight! Yay..another wildfire season has past, whew!

TJBM loves their mommy


I do. She is a wonderful woman. Very typical devoted Japanese mother and wife.

TJBM doesn’t ignore and walk past the greeter at Wal-Mart but always smiles and says “Hi” to him or her.

geeky_mama's avatar

True, always smile & say “hi” back to most anyone who greets me…though at our local Wal-Mart we have one very crabby greeter..and THAT one I sometimes avoid.

TJBM has been told they have a doppelgänger.

creative1's avatar

Yup but never met mine

TJBM knows what a doppelgänger is and will tell us what show has them

Coloma's avatar

I do not. I’ve heard the term though.

TJBM will explain what a doppleganger is to ignorant Coloma lol


False, I don’t know what it is either. Is it some tracking or radar device?

TJBM thinks bats are cute furry flying radar creatures.

Coloma's avatar

True! I love bats. Sometimes they fly in my house on summer nights if the screen doors are open and I just lay low til they fly out again. :-)

TJBM is pondering a relationship issue right now


No. My relationships right now are pretty good (knock on wood!).

TJBM has a book about the birds of North America. I got a huge one——I love birds.

Coloma's avatar

True. Me too, I was an avid birder for years and have about 500 species on my life list to date. I

TJBM is a birder

reijinni's avatar

TJBM has a fly problem.

dabbler's avatar

No, mine’s up.
Speaking of flying furry creatures, BCI Bat Conservation International has a wealth of info about them.

TJBM is getting restless about what to do with the rest of the day.

Ela's avatar

False. I’m getting lazy and procrastinating : (

tjbm needs a nap…


False. I need lunch. lol (but after lunch, maybe, cause I’m usually drowsy after lunch).

TJBM has a book just about trees.

dabbler's avatar

Probably a few. “The Man Who Planted Trees” Some field guides (<—my wife’s really). And a book about treehouses.

TBJM might feed their pet some of what they’re eating.

Ela's avatar

whistles @MRSHINYSHOES new piccie that shows off not only his shiny shoes but… what the… no stripey socks?!?!

Coloma's avatar

True. I go through a LOT of salad greens and bread over here with the geese.

TJBM is planning on staying in their PJ’s all day today Yay…I am! :-D


Nope, I’m already all dressed up——going out later.

@EnchantingEla Lol-lol. If you go up close to them, you can see the “striped ribbing” in my long stretchy socks. Yeah, not really stripes and hard to see with the dark navy, but they’re striations? Is that the word? lol

TJBM owns a pair of long stretchy socks like mine that go all the way up to his/her knees.

Ela's avatar

True if these count ; )

tjbm has lots to do today and needs to get busy!

these are stripey socks!

Coloma's avatar

False. Had friends over last night and today I don;t have to do anything. :-D

TJBM thinks @MRSHINYSHOES sock fetish is cute lol

TheIntern55's avatar

True, cute but strange,
TJBM is watching their favorite sports team now.


False. I hate most sports. (Except swimming and speedskating which I do on a regular basis).

Hey, I’m not the one with the sock fetish. I’m the one with the shoe fetish! (grrrrrrr…....Mr. Shiny Shoes’s eyes lighting up seeing @EnchantingEla‘s “long sexy stretchy socks”——oops——I do have a fetish for those!LOL.)

TJBM thinks every normal person should have a fetish of some sort.

Coloma's avatar

True. It’s no secret I have a goose and mood lighting fetish. lol

TJBM will tell us their fetish as long as it is not obscene haha

TheIntern55's avatar

I guess I have a bit of a hat fetish.
TJBM thinks fetish is a strange word.

Coloma's avatar


TJBM is taking a gander at these goose stockings in my new avatar lol

Ela's avatar

True! I love the garters, very sexy imo ; )
I’m thinking it should be sexy sock avatar day lol

tbbm thinks stockings are sexy!

TheIntern55's avatar

Only if I’m not wearing them.
TJBM has been in a bar fight.

Coloma's avatar

Haha….well..once about a thousand years ago I did have a tussle with an obnoxious woman in a bar, yes. She took my seat and refused to give it back, I grabbed her by the collar and lifted her out of the chair and then the bartender kicked her out. lol Not too bad for a 5’4 117 lb. woman. I surprised myself!

TJBM had some wild days in their youth

creative1's avatar

I sure did party alot back in the day

TJBM wears a hat regularly

TheIntern55's avatar

Well, that’s what a hat fetish is for.
TJBM wears a different hat for every occasion.

reijinni's avatar

TJBm is looking for Sarah Connor.

Coloma's avatar

Who’s Sarah Connor? :-/

TJBM has beautiful sunlight coming through their windows right now

reijinni's avatar

@Coloma, don’t you ever watch the Terminator?

josrific's avatar

Earlier yes, but now the sky is getting ready to snow.
TJBM has never watched the Terminator.

AshLeigh's avatar

False. I used to love that movie. :)
TJBM wants to have a snowball fight. >:)

snowberry's avatar

First I gotta have snow…

TJBM has snow already.

creative1's avatar

Yes but it pretty much all melted now

TJBM knows why you don’t eat yellow snow and will tell all

TheIntern55's avatar

We’re intellectuals, I think everyone should be able to figure it out.
TJBM has figured it out.

AshLeigh's avatar

TJBM eats yellow snow, anyways. :D

Coloma's avatar

Only if it’s a snow cone. :-/

TJBME knows to not go where the huskies go

Hibernate's avatar

Well I don’t know why but if they go I follow ^^

The Jelly Below Me likes to play sudoku.

Coloma's avatar

I don’t know I have never played it.
Frank Zappa….Don’t go where the huskies go, do not eat that yellow snow ;-D

TJBM likes 70’s rock

Hibernate's avatar

@Coloma I didn’t knew it was a song ^^

Well sometimes I listen to it but it’s not one of my favorites. I don’t mind it though ^^

The Jelly Below Me will go to sleep soon just like me.

Ela's avatar

Falsies. Just finished supper ; )

tjbm had nachos tonight! yummers

creative1's avatar

Nope but nachos with all the fixings sounds yummy

TJBM had Halloween late like us, we just got home from trick or treating


False. I almost forgot about Halloween.

@TheIntern55 You got a Sponge Bob fetish, not a hat fetish! Lol. ;)

TJBM is already experiencing nightfall where he/she lives.

Coloma's avatar

Getting close, 4:33 in California. :-)

TJBM didn’t know @EnchantingEla wore “falsies” lolol


True. I didn’t. Let’s see them!

TJBM wears black underwear.

Coloma's avatar

Well…truthfully I often don’t wear any underware. lol Hows that for total transparency haha

TJBM flosses every day

TheIntern55's avatar

False, I rarely floss. sorry Mr. Dentist
TJBM wants to buy @Coloma a pair of underwear to wear.
@MRSHINYSHOES I guess that’s more obvious huh?


False. Commando’s the way to go! Woo-hoo.

TJBM knows a Scandinavian dish (food that is! lol)

Ela's avatar

LOL Even though I’m not well endowed, I don’t wear falsies @Coloma! LOL I like my Cish-size boobies tyvm and no, you can’t see ‘em @MRSHINYSHOES! ; )

Coloma's avatar

Um, Lumpfish or something like that? haha
@EnchantingEla “C’s” the day!

TJBM has a rumbley hungery tummy

Ela's avatar

False. Just had supper awhile ago and my tummy’s full : (

tjbm has a favorite cookbook they use all the time

I edited it to Cish LOL on a very good day/night they are a full C! <wink wink>

Ela's avatar

Me thinks it may be mucka mucka time LOL

Coloma's avatar

Mmm false. I use it sometimes. haha

TJBM wants @EnchantingEla to tell us what she had for dinner

Ela's avatar

True! Her had nachos ; )

tjbm has a boogie nose

snowberry's avatar

No, just de boogied it.

TJBM has a cold sore.

Ela's avatar

False. I’m glad I never get them.

tjbm throws spaghetti against the wall to check for doneage

AshLeigh's avatar

I sure do.
TJBM will wish me luck on my midterm tomorrow? :)

reijinni's avatar

good luck and answer “c” to all questions.
TJBM wants to wear a kilt tomorrow.

Coloma's avatar

I am a wee bonnie lass but, no, I DO like men in kilts though. On ladders so I can look up their kilts. lol

TJBM has tried the new “WhuNu” cookies. As much fiber as a bowl of oatmeal, as much calcium & Vit. D as an 8oz glass of milk AND as much Vit. C as a cup of blueberries.
Get some NOW they’re great! :-D

perspicacious's avatar

False. It sounds awful, actually.

TJBM excels at Pictionary.


False. I’ve never played it.

TJBM is going to California this week. I am.

AshLeigh's avatar

@reijinni… I’ll be sure to do that. ;)
I am not. But in the future, I’m taking a road trip there, just for fun…
TJBM is going to take a road trip soon.

perspicacious's avatar

I hope not. I’m ready to stay put right here.

TJBM didn’t start driving at 16.

AshLeigh's avatar

Nope. I started at 14. :P
TJBM is a bad driver, like me!


False. I’m an excellent driver.

TJBM ate yogurt today.

perspicacious's avatar

NEVER eat it.

TJBM prefers push ups to sit ups.


I like to do both, in addition to doing weights. Helps me when I swim (in the summer) and speedskate (in the winter).

TJBM thinks this thread is getting too long, and it’s slow to pull up.

perspicacious's avatar

I didn’t really notice.

TJBM loves the Sundance Channel.

creative1's avatar

False, never watched it

TJBM is going to follow me to Part 31


Yes! I think this is slowin’ me down. Gotta get a move on….lol.

Ela's avatar

I kinda likes it here… serene <lies in the grass and looks for shapes in the clouds floating by>

TheIntern55's avatar

that one looks like a unicorn…

blueiiznh's avatar

not gonna do it

Ela_'s avatar

bad is good

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