Please tell me what I did is right? [Details Inside]?
Asked by
Tbag (
October 29th, 2011
Okay, I’m not going to get into what’s going on in my country, but it ain’t stable at all. Nevertheless, sectarian difference kicks in when it comes to my country and it’s getting more and more day by day.
Last night, I was waiting for my dad and brother in my car. My brother wanted a haircut so we went and dropped him, dad decided to sit with him and I tried to park the car somewhere near but there was no park at all. So i parked near someone’s house, engine running and I’m just waiting for my dad. Couple of minutes later, someone comes out from this house next to where I was and he asks me what are you doing here? I’m like, I’m waiting for my dad. He’s in the barbershop. He’s like you can’t and then he grabs my shirt, grabs my glasses from my head and pulls me back and forth while I’m inside my car, hits me like crazy and holds my hair tight slamming my head on the steering wheel a couple of times. I said to him, give me my glasses and I’ll walk away please? He said no and then started hitting me again. I slowly hit the pedal and the car started moving slowly. The guy kicked my car from the back and he screamed stop. So I stopped and he started hitting again! Seconds later, he left me and I drove back to the barbershop. I told my dad everything and he went to him. Asked him ” Are you the one who hit my son? ” He replied coldly saying yes. My dad asked why? He was like he was parking near my house. Dad replied ” Okay.. Give me his glasses. ” and the guy replied obviously with a no. My father walked away and we called the police.
How pathetic is it that I get my *** kicked in my own country and I call the police and they don’t show up? They ask me to come there. How pathetic is it when I go there they tell me you’re not allowed to enter with shorts. I don’t want to get into details but this is pathetic. The thing is, did I do the right thing by not hitting him back what so ever? Right now, I can’t move my neck and bruises are under my neck. I wish I hit him back because the police didn’t do shit.
Extra details- Three people were standing 3 meters away and just spectating and not doing anything at all. Barbershop is like 6 meters away from the house. I drive the 2011 camaro. I didn’t do anything at all to him. A neighbour witnessed what happened in the last 15 seconds. The whole beating up took like 2 minutes or so.
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15 Answers
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Has nothing to do with your country and more to do with a pervasive passivist pansy mentality “let’s have the police solve all my problems” and I would have simply gotten out of the car and beat his ass. Problem solved right then and there.
You did the right thing. The fight could have escalated and you would have been a part of it. What if the guy had a gun or a knife?
I’m sorry that you were hurt.
The guy was a real asshole. I agree with others that you should put on long pants and make a report to the police. Your father can back up what you said.
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You did the right thing. @marinelife has it right, you have no idea what this guy was capable of. He was aggressive and nasty and looking for a fight. He might have been armed or even turned things around – if you had hit him the police might have worked for him and you might be in custody right now. You did the right thing.
P.S. I wouldn’t put a lot of stock in the testosterone soaked rants about kicking ass apologies @cruiser, you know I love you man. You did what you thought was right and unless any of these people is put in your position they don’t really know how they would handle it.
You did the right thing. I’m sorry that you’re hurt. You didn’t go down the guy’s level, instead you took the high road and handled it really well. Tempers these days, it’s rare to do what you did considering the extent of the situation. The police handled it very poorly, I am sorry for that. Don’t give up though, have it handled properly, it’s not fair otherwise.
You did the right thing. Getting out of the car would have been foolish. You were missing your glasses, you couldn’t see well. The ape was probably in better shape than you and more than willing to show no restraint. Most likely you would have been reasonable and held back. And you would have ended up much worse off.
This is how ‘sectarian” (racial) violence spreads. You tell your friends and they get together and shoot up his house. He finds out where you live since he is friends with someone at the police station, and they tell who you are from the report you filed. His friends come to your house and…. So it goes….
You did fine. The ape has a big temper to make up for his really short dic*.
You’ll get new glasses and will be fine. He will always be an as*hole.
Although I don’t encounter this kind of thing, or at least “I haven’t yet”, I’m somewhat prepared for it.
I keep a short pry bar under my seat in the car, where I can reach it if I need it for something like this. A guy reaching into my car window and hitting me for the reason and in the way that you describe would not have walked away nonchalantly. I’m not saying that I would have killed him – not if I didn’t have to – but I would have hurt him more than he hurt me. And then I would have left, not stopping because “he told me to”.
I’m sorry you were traumatized by some frootloop, but, yes, you did the right thing.
As @worriedguy said, staying in your car was the safest thing you could do and potentially you avoided a much worse situation.
I know it’s hard, but, try not to take it “personally.”
Meaning, that the guy would have behaved exactly the same way with anyone else, because HE is, obviously, a very troubled and volatile person.
Do push the police for an investigation and file a report. It may or may not make a difference.
You might also inquire in the biz. area there if others have experienced this guys aggression.
I would have run him over with my car a couple of times, but no, you did the right thing.
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You did the right thing. It was all you could do.
Don’t add to the misery by starting to doubt yourself, based on the uncalled for and unacceptable, anti-social behavior of someone else. It wasn’t your fault. From what you told us, the guy that attacked you could not have been provoked by anything you did, since there wasn’t enough time for that. If anyone else had parked the guy would’ve done the same.
File a complaint about the police though.
I have an idea that the circumstances—the unstable country that the OP doesn’t want to describe—are an important factor and that we can’t comment meaningfully on what happened without knowing the context: I mean without really knowing what it is like to be there. If a guy is that crazy scared just because someone is sitting in front of his house with the motor running, I’m pretty sure I don’t understand the situation well enough to judge it.
This detail seems significant to me too: ”I call the police and they don’t show up[.] They ask me to come there. How pathetic is it when I go there they tell me you’re not allowed to enter with shorts. I don’t want to get into details but this is pathetic.” This tells me there are spoken or unspoken social rules in effect here that color the situation and that I don’t understand.
I know how you feel. Sh*t like that happen a lot here too. I have to say I’m proud of you for not retaliating. Your dad seems like a very calm guy. [I’m a Christian] If I were to be in your place in the car and that guy started hitting me I would retaliate really fast and the first emergency car that arrives there would be the ambulance not the police car.
That guy seems very disturbed… I don’t understand why he did that .. maybe he confused you with another; maybe he did it for fun; maybe he was annoyed by the fact that you parked in front of his house.
The only bad thing in this situation is the police comment “should we come there?” .. that’s really low.
You should file a complaint against that guy and another one for the call you made and the reply you received. my 2 cents.
You did the right thing. I would have done the same. The guy belongs in a mental asylum.
Had you acted aggressively, it would have only made the situation more violent, and you would have endangered your life, all because of one moron.
I’m glad you stayed inside your car. Whenever you encounter a nut, it’s best to stay inside your vehicle. I just wished you hadn’t rolled the window so far down so he could grab your glasses off your face and hit you. I would have driven away as soon as I saw him get angry——to get away from the nut.
There are very few good and gentle people in this ugly world. To be one is to be a superior individual. Many people think that taking a non-violent path in a volatile situation is a sign of weakness, but I think it’s a sign of incredible strength and control.
Bad habits die hard, and someday this guy’s bad attitude and behavior are going to get the better of him. I can see him getting his ass whipped and maybe even killed by ticking off the wrong person some day.
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