Another jelly has hit 10K! Can you help give a shout out to BKCunningham?
Asked by
chyna (
October 29th, 2011
Another intelligent, well spoken jelly has hit the 10K mark. Let’s party!!
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58 Answers
Congrats, BKCunningham! We don’t always agree, but I’m always glad to see your intelligent posts on the threads that I’m on… C’mon over here, sit right down and we’ll have a little spat chat.
You’re wonderful!!!! Congrats!!!!!!!
Congrats on 10K, BK!
Even though I don’t agree with you that often, I find your respect, politeness, and open-mindedness to be most appealing. :-)
Yay BKC! Congratulations. :)
Cheers and congratulations! You’re one of the cornerstones in the wall of fluther. :-)
Congratulations, @bkcunningham!
Congratulations! Thanks for voicing your opinions and sticking with us.
Thank you each and everyone. I always enjoy the back and forth. I’ve learned many things since joining Fluther.
Congo rats BK! I am shocked to see you weren’t in Rancho 10K yet, because you have such great answers!
“Another intelligent, well spoken jelly has hit the 10K mark. Let’s party!!”
Yeah, but mine was about a year ago already ;-)
That is way nice, that you hit it @bkcunningham, and pretty well deserved!
Congratulations, and enjoy your party!
CONGRATS on the 10 grand!
Thank ya’ll so much. It is because of you guys that my interest was piqued. It was because of each of you that I’ve stayed this long and plan to stay a little longer. Prost!
Cheers, to that.^ Stick around.
And Mazel tov cocktail on 10K!
Thank you, @jonsblond. I’m glad you are part of the collective too. Both you and your husband. Good people you two.
Thank you too, @everephebe. It looks like you will be having your own party very soon. Congratulations in advance.
Congratulations @bkcunningham. I guess we’ve never interacted much, but I’ve read a lot of your stuff, and you definitely have a damn fine head on your shoulders. Keep up the good work, cheers. :)
CONGRATS, you are my favorite @bkcunningham amongst all @bkcunningham s!!!!! Lol.
Seriously, keep up the great work, you’re a true blooded jelly!
10K Cheers! \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/
Welcome to the Mansion.
Congrats! I always enjoy your posts.
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CONGRATS BK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Thank you Ladies. I admire you both.
Wait, I thought you were already here!?!?!
Congratulations though. You’re an awesome jelly.
CONGRATULATIONS!!! Love reading your answers! Welcome to the mansion!
* * * Y * A * Y * * * CONGRATULATIONS ! ! ! GOOD WORK ! ! ! * * * Y * A * Y * * *
Thank you, thank you, thank you; @YARNLADY, @augustlan and @Bellatrix. It feels really nice getting congratulated and recognized like this. You are all wonderful. Thank you so much.
I’m late, but, congratulations!!!!
I’m later! Congrats on the 10K!
Do I get a boobie prize for being so late? Hey! Is the cake gone already?
@worriedguy No, the party is in full swing. Come on in and find you a drink, and join the conga line in the library, or go out by the pool and get some food. The pool is heated, so dive on in.
@chyna Thanks! I see all of you now. I’ll hop in the pool. Maybe I’ll be lucky and get my boobie prize there.
I wondered where you were, @worriedguy. Thanks for stopping by.
Congratulations BK!! Sorry I’m late to the party! I hope you are getting all settled in. :)
Yes, @Seaofclouds. I’ve been finding my way around. Everyone has been very helpful. Come on and relax. Get my bartender to fix you up with something nice. Thank you for coming.
Damn! I’m late. @bkcunningham, my friend. I think it was maybe a rocky road for you and me, in the beginning, but I am so very glad we both gave the other a chance. :- ) I am happy and proud to count you among my friends here. :- ). Congratulations!
I’m late, I’m late, I’m oh so very late! Congrats BK and thanks for sharing so many insightful, interesting gems :)
BK, just saw your name in lights! Congratulations going out to you, Hope you know you are one I admire and enjoy how you speak your truth.
Thank you @zensky. You too @smilingheart1 and @stardust. Thank you for your nice words and for sharing your wisdom, humor and lurve here on Fluther.
@lillycoyote, it was a bumpy start. But you’ve taught me how we can think differently together. That’s a treasured gift my friend. Thank you.
Congratulations @bkcunningham I’m so happy to have you in the mansion!
I love your perspective!
Thank you very much @wilma. You are so kind and fair. I appreciate you.
For some reason I was under the impression you’d made the mansion a long time ago. I see your well reasoned posts all over the place. 10k is a well deserved honor for you. Congrats.
Oh, okay @Aster. I forgive you. Thank you. It is never too late for compliments.
@SavoirFaire, thank you. And Bravo to you for your outstanding contributions to Fluther. Thank you everyone.
Oh @bkcunningham I’m so sorry I missed this party somehow. You are always so well-reasoned and cool-headed in the midst of heated debates. I truly admire you. Glad to be seeing you around the mansion!
@Blueroses, thank you so very much. Reading your responses is like listening to a dear friend. I know we can have a good discussion. Thank you.
Congratulations, and welcome to the mansion, I hope you find your room to your liking
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